The Tuscola City Council met April 11 to approve the contract with Jamaica Pyrotechnics Inc. in the amount of $25,000 for the annual fireworks display on July 9.
The Arcola City Council learned during a recent meeting that the falling price of oil will benefit the community with summer road work looming and no state funding available until the Illinois legislature passes a budget.
In the county of Crawford, 22.1% of Lincoln Elementary School students met or exceeded standards on state level standardized tests in the fiscal year 2015.
In the county of Clark, 15.0% of Casey-Westfield High School students met or exceeded standards on state level standardized tests in the fiscal year 2015.
In the county of Coles, 22.1% of Jefferson Elementary School students met or exceeded standards on state level standardized tests in the fiscal year 2015.
In the county of Lawrence, 12.4% of Lawrenceville High School students met or exceeded standards on state level standardized tests in the fiscal year 2015.
In the county of Coles, 38.6% of Charleston Middle School students met or exceeded standards on state level standardized tests in the fiscal year 2015.