City of Effingham Plan Commission met Oct. 5.
Here are the minutes provided by the commission:
Brian Hayes
Dave Storm
Mark Thies
Clint Spruell
Theresa Hillyer
Ken Wohltman
Cindy Vogel
Michael McHugh
Kevin Gouchenouer
Tracy Willenborg, City Attorney
Greg Koester, City Planner
Chris Roedl, Building Official
See attached list
1. Quorum: The Special October 5, 2023, City Plan Commission Meeting was called to order at 6:00 P.M. A quorum was present.
2. American Planning Association Illinois Chapter- Plan Commission Training:
Guest presenters, Stephanie Brown, AICP and Ben LeRoy, gave a presentation
on Citizen Planner Training for the City of Effingham Plan Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals, as well as attendees from the Village of Teutopolis, Village of Dieterich, and City of Altamont, Illinois.
3. On motion by Commissioner Storm, seconded by Chairman Hayes, the meeting was adjourned.$file/10-5-23%20Sp%20Mtg%20-%20Plan%20Commission%20Minutes.pdf