
East Central Reporter

Friday, January 24, 2025

City of Charleston Government Telecommunications Consortium met May 18

City of Charleston Government Telecommunications Consortium met May 18.

Here are the minutes provided by the consortium:

The Coles County Government Telecommunications Consortium (GovTC) met for the regular scheduled session, at the Conference Room at CECOM—911, 110500 State Hwy. #16, Mattoon, Illinois with Charleston City Planner Steve Pamperin presiding.

10:01 Call to Order 

Consortium Members Present: Kyle Gill, Brian Huston, and Steve Pamperin. Absent: Jeffrey Branson and Marisol Gamboa.

Others Present: Mark Harris, Service Provider; Alternate Steve Bennett; and Deborah Muller, City Clerk.

A Quorum was present.

Item #1: Approval of Minutes 

Kyle Gill moved and Brian Huston seconded the motion to approve the March 16, 2022 Minutes as presented.

Motion carried. 

Item #2: Approval of Bills 

Bills Payable – no action, no bills to approve.

Item #3: Approval of Monthly Financial Report 

Steve Pamperin distributed the monthly check register, noting that the current balance was $148,279.50.

Mark Harris noted that payments were still being covered by the state governmental agency that had paid for the ECITF Internet monthly bills. It appeared that they were covered for 2 more months.

Brian Huston moved and Kyle Gill seconded the motion to approve the monthly financial report. Motion carried.

Old Business 

Item #4 – Project Progression 

Steve Pamperin gave a timeline for the Archaeological Phase I Survey, noting that the process have begun in February. In mid-February, he had contacted Dr. Finney to explain the need for the completion of certain FAA Forms. Dr. Finney indicated that he had filled out hundreds of

such forms, and it would be no problem to fill those out upon completion of the report for an additional fee. Pamperin agreed to an additional fee. Dr. Fred Finney indicated by April 12, 2022, that the field work was finished. Dr. Finney also indicated that it looked good, and he would be in touch.

Pamperin expressed some concern that he had received no replies since that time. He noted that it would take two (2) months upon receipt of the report and completion of the FAA Forms to be ready to dig. If he were to receive the report tomorrow, it would be almost August before they could dig, and they had hoped to be digging as early as July.

Mark Harris said that once they had the report, they might be able to proceed without the forms initially.

Steve Pamperin said that the big thing was to get the report. As soon as he received the report, he would let Curt Buescher know that he could go forward with preparation of the bid specification documents.

Item #5 – Next Meeting—June 15, 2022 

Executive Session: None. 


As there were no public presentations, petitions or communications, Chairman Pamperin called for a motion to adjourn.

A motion was made by Kyle Gill and seconded by Brian Huston to adjourn. Motion carried.

Adjournment: 10:19 a.m. 
