
East Central Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Mattoon City Council Met July 20

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City of Mattoon City Council Met July 20.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:

The City Council of the City of Mattoon held a Regular City Council meeting in the Council Chambers of City Hall. Mayor Hall presided and called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.

Mayor Hall led the Pledge of Allegiance.

The following members of the Council answered roll call physically present in person: YEA Commissioner Jim Closson, YEA Commissioner Dave Cox, YEA Commissioner Sandra Graven, YEA Commissioner David Phipps, and YEA Mayor Rick Hall.

Also physically present were City personnel: City Administrator Kyle Gill, Finance Director/Treasurer Beth Wright, Public Works Director Dean Barber, Arts & Tourism Director Angelia Burgett, Fire Chief Jeff Hilligoss, Police Chief Sam Gaines and City Clerk Susan O’Brien.


Mayor Hall seconded by Commissioner Cox moved to approve the consent agenda consisting of minutes of the Regular Meeting of July 6, 2021, IML Expenditures for Mayor Hall and Commissioner Phipps, bills and payrolls for the first half of July, 2021, and HOME Rehab Expenditure.

Bills & Payrolls last half of July, 2021

General Fund

Payroll $ 258,720.45

Bills $ 234,573.40

Total $ 493,293.85

Hotel Tax Administration

Payroll $ 4,714.60

Bills $ 3,299.47

Total $ 8,014.07

Festival Management Fund

Bills $ 96,210.83

Total $ 96,210.83

Capital Project Fund

Bills $ 2,217.06

Total $ 2,217.06

I-57 East TIF Dist

Bills $ 145,515.38

Total $ 145,515.38

Broadway East Bus Dist

Bills $ 3,224.78

Total $ 3,224.78

Water Fund

Payroll $ 44,099.87

Bills $ 30,904.35

Total $ 75,004.22

Sewer Fund

Payroll $ 40,787.79

Bills $ 38,660.61

Total $ 79,448.40

Health Insurance Fund

Bills $ 215,978.78

Total $ 215,978.78

Motor Fuel Tax Fund

Bills $ 4,461.65 

Total $ 4,461.65

Mayor Hall declared the motion to approve the consent agenda carried by the following vote: YEA Commissioner Closson, YEA Commissioner Cox, YEA Commissioner Graven, YEA Commissioner Phipps, YEA Mayor Hall.


Mr. Henry Unkraut, 3709 Marshall, addressed the Council with water issue on the southside of town and explained the Noyes Addition area and Coles County Public Housing area effected by flood waters. Mayor Hall and Commissioner Phipps appreciated Mr. Unkraut’s comments and explained the City’s plans to make improvements with Phase 1 in the works for next Spring. Mrs. Renee Fuller, 229 Circle Drive, expressed concerns over the flooding of her area with Mayor Hall reiterating the work moving forward dealing with the flooding. Mr. Don Upton, 3216 Richmond, explained concerns with alley traffic and nuisance property in the area. Administrator Gill noted patrols would look for nuisances. Mrs. Jean Rich, 223 Circle Drive, reiterated the water problem in her area. Mayor Hall thanked each for being there and providing input.


Mayor Hall seconded by Commissioner Graven moved adopt Special Ordinance No. 2021-1785, declaring personal property owned by the municipality surplus and authorizing the sale or disposal of the property.






Section 1. Supplies and equipment identified on Exhibit A to this ordinance are no longer necessary or useful to, or for the best interest of, the City of Mattoon, and are hereby declared surplus to the needs of the City of Mattoon.

Section 2. The City of Mattoon, Illinois does not express any warranty or imply any statement of condition of this surplus property. The Department Heads are hereby authorized to administratively sell by the most advantageous means and to negotiate the conditions for the sale, recycle, or other disposition of the property without further formal consideration or approval by the City Council. The City of Mattoon shall reserve the right to accept or reject any and/or all offers for this property.

Section 3. The Mayor and City Clerk are authorized and directed to execute any documents necessary to complete the sale or disposal of the property.

Section 4. This ordinance shall be deemed published as of the day of its adoption and approval by the City Council.

Section 5. This ordinance shall be effective upon its approval as provided by law.

Upon motion by Mayor Hall, seconded by Commissioner Graven, adopted this 20th day of July, 2021, by a roll call vote, as follows:

AYES (Names): Commissioner Closson, Commissioner Cox, Commissioner Graven, Commissioner Phipps, Mayor Hall

NAYS (Names): None

ABSENT (Names): None

Approved this 20th day of July, 2021.

/s/Rick Hall

Rick Hall, Mayor

City of Mattoon, Coles County, Illinois


/s/Susan J. O’Brien

Susan J. O’Brien, City Clerk

/s/Daniel C. Jones

Daniel C. Jones, City Attorney

Recorded in the Municipality’s Records on July 20, 2021.

Mayor Hall opened the floor for discussion. Administrator Gill noted the Police Department and computer items to be recycled or disposed. Commissioner Phipps inquired as to the authority and depreciation of items with Treasurer & Director Wright noting the schedule of assets, and Chief Gaines noting the items were old and obsolete.

Mayor Hall declared the motion carried by the following vote: YEA Commissioner Closson, YEA Commissioner Cox, YEA Commissioner Graven, YEA Commissioner Phipps, YEA Mayor Hall.

Mayor Hall seconded by Commissioner Closson moved to approve Council Decision Request 2021-2164, authorizing the employment of Andrew J. Smith as a probationary patrol officer for the Mattoon Police Department effective August 07, 2021, contingent upon successful completion of background, physical and psychological exams.

Mayor Hall opened the floor for discussion. Chief Gaines noted the lateral transfer of Mr. Smith from Sullivan, explained accolades from peers and States Attorney. Commissioner Phipps noted the replacement for two officers who will retire in the near future. Mr. Dave Fuller, 229 Circle Drive, inquired as to the physicals by other public safety staff. Chief Gaines and Chief Hilligoss explained the fitness of their staff respectively. Mayor Hall acknowledged the fitness of public safety staff.

Mayor Hall declared the motion carried by the following vote: YEA Commissioner Closson, YEA Commissioner Cox, YEA Commissioner Graven, YEA Commissioner Phipps, YEA Mayor Hall.

Mayor Hall seconded by Commissioner Phipps moved to approve Council Decision Request 2021-2165, authorizing the employment of Logan Glidewell as a probationary patrol officer for the Mattoon Police Department effective August 10, 2021, contingent upon successful completion of background, physical and psychological exams.

Mayor Hall opened the floor for discussion. Chief Gaines provided a background of Mr. Glidewell including a graduate with a criminal justice degree.

Mayor Hall declared the motion carried by the following vote: YEA Commissioner Closson, YEA Commissioner Cox, YEA Commissioner Graven, YEA Commissioner Phipps, YEA Mayor Hall.

Commissioner Closson seconded by Commissioner Cox moved to adopt Special Ordinance No. 2021-1786, approving an underground electrical right-of-way easement on City property located on the property west of Justrite Drive and south of County Highway 18 (1000 N) to Ameren Illinois Company; and authorizing the mayor and city clerk to sign the easement.




WHEREAS, the City of Mattoon owns 2.03 Acres of land West of Justrite Drive and South of County Hwy 18 (1000 N) with the following legal description: The Northerly 30 feet of the following described property, (hereinafter "Easement Area"):A part of the North Half of Section 6, Township 12 North, Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian, Coles County, Illinois, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest Corner of said Section 6, being a brass disk; thence, South 89° 08’ 19” East, record bearing, along the North line of said Section 6, a distance of 2206.88 feet, to a point; thence, South 00° 30’ 00” West, to the South right-of-way line of F.A.S. Route 642, a distance of 66.41 feet, to the Point of Beginning, being an iron pin; thence, North 88° 57’ 00” East, along the South right-of-way line of F.A.S. Route 642, a distance of 140.24 feet, to an iron pin; thence, South 00° 29’ 43” West, a distance of 633.85 feet, to an iron pin; thence, North 89° 30’ 00” West, a distance of 140.24 feet, to an iron pin; thence, North 00° 30’ 00” East, e Point of Beginning and containing 2.03 acres more or less. Being part of PIN: 06-0-00160-000 ; and

WHEREAS, Ameren Illinois desires to upgrade the power supply to a business along Justrite Drive; and WHEREAS, a portion of the work would be located on property owned by City of Mattoon; and

WHEREAS, a Right-of-Way Easement is required to established long-term access rights for maintenance, repair, and/or future replacement of said power supply.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MATTOON, COLES COUNTY, ILLINOIS, that the attached Right-of-Way Easement to Ameren Illinois Company d/b/a Ameren Illinois be approved.

Upon motion by Commissioner Closson, seconded by Commissioner Cox, adopted this 20th day of July, 2021, by a roll call vote, as follows:

AYES (Names): Commissioner Closson, Commissioner Cox, Commissioner Graven, Commissioner Phipps, Mayor Hall

NAYS (Names): None

ABSENT (Names): None

Approved this 20th day of July, 2021.

/s/Rick Hall

Rick Hall, Mayor

City of Mattoon, Coles County, Illinois


/s/Susan J. O’Brien /s/Daniel C. Jones

Susan J. O’Brien, City Clerk Daniel C. Jones, City Attorney

Recorded in the Municipality’s Records on July 20, 2021.

Mayor Hall opened the floor for discussion. Administrator Gill explained the location of the easement and need to upgrade electrical services to Justrite.

Mayor Hall declared the motion carried by the following vote: YEA Commissioner Closson, YEA Commissioner Cox, YEA Commissioner Graven, YEA Commissioner Phipps, YEA Mayor Hall.

Mayor Hall seconded by Commissioner Cox moved to adopt Resolution No. 2021-3150, approving the continuance of a Local State of Emergency due to the Coronavirus (COVID – 19).



RESOLUTION NO. 2021-3150


Pursuant to the authority vested in the office of Mayor by the Illinois Municipal Code Section 5/11-1-6, the Illinois Emergency Management Agency Act Section 3305/11 and Ordinance No. 2020- 5430 of the City of Mattoon, I, Rick Hall, Mayor of the City of Mattoon do hereby declare that a Local State of Emergency exists as of this date, July 20, 2021, and shall continue until such time as provided in Ordinance No. 2020-5430.

WHEREAS, on January 30, 2020, the World Health Organization declared the outbreak of COVID-19 to be a public health emergency of international concern and on March 11, 2020 declared a worldwide pandemic; and

WHEREAS, on January 31, 2020, the U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary declared a public health emergency for the United States; and

WHEREAS, the Governor of the State of Illinois has issued a disaster proclamation on March 9, 2020 due to the impact of the COVID-19 virus and has activated the State Emergency Operations Center; and

WHEREAS, the State Emergency Management Agency has declared a public health emergency due to the impact of the COVID-19 virus; and

WHEREAS, the City Administration has coordinated its response with other

Coles County governmental entities.

The nature of the emergency is related to the COVID-19 virus which is causing or anticipated to cause widespread impacts on the health of members of the community.

During the existence of the Local State of Emergency, the Mayor shall execute such authority as provided under the Illinois Municipal Code, the Illinois Emergency Management Agency Act and Ordinance No. 2020-5430.

This Declaration of Local State of Emergency shall be filed with the City Clerk as soon as practicable.

I, Rick Hall, whose name is signed to this instrument, being first duly sworn, signed and executed the instrument as the Declaration of Local State of Emergency, and that I signed willingly, and that I executed it as my free and voluntary act for the purposes therein expressed.

/s/Rick Hall

Rick Hall, Mayor

City of Mattoon, Coles County, Illinois

Mayor Hall opened the floor for discussion. Mayor Hall noted the routine motion until Governor provides executive order to discontinue. Administrator Gill further noted the resolution to allow funding as funding is available.

Mayor Hall declared the motion carried by the following vote: YEA Commissioner Closson, YEA Commissioner Cox, YEA Commissioner Graven, YEA Commissioner Phipps, YEA Mayor Hall.


CITY ADMINISTRATOR/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT noted mediating with Police union, exploring developers’ incentives, and responding to drainage complaints.

CITY CLERK noted business as usual with expectation of auditors’ return next week.

FINANCE distributed and reviewed the June Financial Report including revenues, comparatives, expenditures, cash position, unrestricted cash, and revenue tracking; and anticipation of auditors’ field work next week. Mayor Hall opened the floor for questions with no response.

PUBLIC WORKS updated the Council on patching of DeWitt Avenue and 6th Street, Mattoon High School water main project, Broadway Streetscaping electrical work and sidewalks on southside of Marshall between 21st-25th Street. Mayor Hall opened the floor for questions. Commissioner Closson inquired about the striping contract with Director Barber affirming this week.

FIRE reported on calls for service, inspections and follow-ups, monthly training, O’Hare live burn training and staff at Bagelfest. Mayor Hall opened the floor for questions with no response.

POLICE reported on calls for service, 44 arrests, I/O Solution’s New Hire testing, and researching licensing and registering motorized bikes. Mayor Hall noted the expectation of an ordinance for control in the near future. Mayor Hall opened the floor for questions with on response.

ARTS AND TOURISM informed Council on the mural dedication with a plaque to install and a Lumpkin Family Foundation report, a successful Bagelfest recount, and acknowledgement of Kim Janssen and Mindy Cook who were important parts of the team. Mayor Hall added acknowledgement of work for the Bagelfest performed by Director Barber and staff and Parks Department staff, and the huge turnout for the Bagelfest parade. Mayor Hall opened the floor for additional comments with no response.


The Council welcomed the new police officers. Commissioner Closson announced the 11 year olds and up Cal Ripken tournament this week and reminder to have signs off of the right-of-ways. Commissioner Cox appreciated the efforts of the Tourism Office and staff. Commissioner Graven reminded citizens to remove grass clippings and sticks from gutters. Commissioner Phipps added his excitement about moving the drainage project forward and appreciated Public comments. Mayor Hall thanked the Public’s attendance, working to make the community better, and welcomed the Public to meet with the Mayor.

Mayor Hall seconded by Commissioner Cox moved to recess to closed session at 7:20 p.m. pursuant to the Illinois Open Meetings Act for the purpose of the discussion of the appointment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the City or legal counsel for the City. (5ILCS 120 (2)(C)(1)); collective negotiating matters between the City of Mattoon and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees (5ILCS 120 (2)(C)(2)); and also litigation which is affecting the City and an action is probable or imminent (5ILCS 120 (2)(C)(11)) with no action after executive session.

Mayor Hall declared the motion carried by the following vote: YEA Commissioner Closson, YEA Commissioner Cox, YEA Commissioner Graven, YEA Commissioner Phipps, YEA Mayor Hall.

Council reconvened at 8:11 p.m.

Commissioner Phipps seconded by Commissioner Cox moved to adjourn at 8:12 p.m.

Mayor Hall declared the motion carried by the following vote: YEA Commissioner Closson, YEA Commissioner Cox, YEA Commissioner Graven, YEA Commissioner Phipps, YEA Mayor Hall.




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