
East Central Reporter

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

City of Charleston City Council met April 16

Meeting 05

City of Charleston City Council met April 16.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:

Immediately prior to the regular session of City Council for the City of Charleston, a Public Hearing was conducted to consider the proposed Annual Budget for the City of Charleston, Coles County, Illinois, for the Fiscal Year beginning on May 1, 2019, and ending on April 30, 2020.

Mayor Combs called the Public Hearing to order at 6:20 p.m.

In attendance were: Mayor Combs, Councilman Hutti, Councilman Lahr, Councilman Lahr; Councilman Newell, Scott Smith, Rachael Cunningham, Deborah Muller, Curt Buescher, Steve Pamperin, Alex Winkler, Steve Bennett, Chad Reed, Heather Kuykendall, Brian Jones, and Todd Kibler.

The Mayor welcomed attendees and turned the meeting over to Comptroller Heather Kuykendall. Ms. Kuykendall welcomed attendees and reviewed the proposed City Budget.

Ms. Kuykendall reviewed highlights from the proposed City Budget for FY 2018-2019 as follows:

• $27,568,640 in total city-wide budgeted expenses.

• General Fund is balanced with $15,293,558 in revenues and expenses.

• Gen. Fund revenues are budgeted to increase by $1,385,991 from the 4/30/19 budget.

• Property tax revenues are expected t decrease $622,400. Income, sales, use and utility taxes are expected to increase by a total of $357,103 which helps counteract the decrease in property taxes.

• There is one new loan planned for the purchase of an ambulance ($220,000).

• We are on track to finish April 30, 2019 as budgeted (balanced).

• The Motor Fuel Tax Fund is going to be used for the local share of the Lincoln Avenue Project, ADA ramps and sidewalk on University Avenue and other smaller projects in accordance with public works’ long term plans.

• The TIF Fund contains grant money of $70,000 to TIF property owners which will be allocated based on project applications. Individual grants will be presented to the City Council for approval before being issued. There is also $163,000 allocated for public improvements to cover expenses for police department renovations.

• The Water and Sewer Fund is budgeted to have revenues exceeding expenses of $1,274,896 which will go toward retiring debt. The estimated debt payments for the year are $1,184,449. (a difference of $90,447)

• Capital spending budgeted is very lean this year and includes:

o Computer and server replacements

o Work order software

o Grant funded improvements at Lake Charleston

o Cell tower construction

o One (1) new vehicle for administration

o HVAC replacements at City Hall

o Two (2) new police squad cars

o 8 new Tasers for the police department

o Ambulance with Powerload system

o Interurban bike path improvements (ITEP grant)

o Fuel system software and hardware

o Timekeeping software upgrades

o Security cameras

o Utility improvements on Mitchell/McLeod and undetermined locations o Water treatment plant bleach tank replacement

o Rip Rap for Lake Charleston

o Other maintenance projects at the water plants

• Key financial indicators show we continue to be in good financial position as we prepare for another productive year.

• Should events occur after passing the budget, we will be quick to present changes and amend the budget accordingly.

Ms. Kuykendall said that in summary, key financial indicators showed that the City would continue to be in good financial position as it prepares for another productive year to keep employees busy and to advance the infrastructure. Should any unforeseen event occur that would affect the budget, the City would be quick to address those issues and come to Council with changes for the budget. At this point the City had a balanced budget and was ready for a new year.

Ms. Kuykendall opened the floor for questions; no questions were forthcoming.

Mayor Combs thanked Ms. Kuykendall and declared the Public Hearing closed at 6:28 p.m. He noted that the Regular Council Meeting would begin shortly at 6:30 p.m.

The Council of the City of Charleston, Coles County, Illinois, met for the scheduled regular session at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, April 16, 2019, at 520 Jackson Avenue, Charleston, Illinois, with Mayor Brandon Combs presiding. The meeting commenced at 6:34 p.m. The Mayor directed the City Clerk to call the roll and the following were physically present and answered affirmatively to the call of his or her name: Councilmen Matthew Hutti, Jeff Lahr, Tim Newell, and Mayor Brandon Combs. Councilman Dennis Malak was absent. Other City Officers present were: City Manager Scott Smith; City Attorney Rachael Cunningham; City Clerk Deborah Muller; Comptroller Heather Kuykendall; Police Chief Chad Reed; Fire Chief Steve Bennett; City Planner Steve Pamperin; Public Works Director Curt Buescher; Parks & Recreation Director Brian Jones; Network Administrator Todd Kibler; and Building Code Official Alex Winkler.

Mayor Combs welcomed everyone and then led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Mayor Combs then introduced and thoroughly reviewed the CONSENT AGENDA, which consisted of the following items: 1) MINUTES—Regular and Executive Session City Council Meetings held on April 2, 2019; 2) PAYROLL—Regular Pay Period ending on March 30, 2019; 3) BILLS PAYABLE—April 19, 2019; 4) COMPTROLLER’S REPORT: March 2019; 5) PROCLAMATION: The Mayor’s Recognition of the Month of May as National Mental Health Month 2019; 6) PROCLAMATION: The Mayor’s Recognition of the Week of May 5 through May 11, 2019, as the 50th Anniversary of Municipal Clerks Week; and 7) PROCLAMATION: The Mayor’s Recognition of the Month of May as A.B.A.T.E. Motorcycle Awareness Month in 2019.

A written motion was made by Council Member Hutti and seconded by Council Member Newell that the Consent Agenda be approved as presented.

Mayor Combs directed the City Clerk to call the roll and the following voted Yea: Council Members Hutti, Lahr, Newell, and Mayor Combs. Mayor Combs declared the motion carried by a vote of 4 Yeas, Nays—0.

ITEM 8: A written motion was made by Council Member Newell and seconded by Council Member Hutti that the Resolution authorizing various street closures for the 3rd Annual Tour de Charleston Bicycle Race being held on June 1, 2019, be approved and the layover period waived.

Mayor Combs directed the City Clerk to call the roll and the following voted Yea: Council Members Hutti, Lahr, Newell, and Mayor Combs. Mayor Combs declared the motion carried by a vote of 4 Yeas, Nays—0.

ITEM 9: A written motion was made by Council Member Lahr and seconded by Council Member Newell that the Resolution authorizing various street closures for the CTF Illinois Art Festival—MuseFest on June 1, 2019, be approved and the layover period waived.

Mayor Combs directed the City Clerk to call the roll and the following voted Yea: Council Members Hutti, Lahr, Newell, and Mayor Combs. Mayor Combs declared the motion carried by a vote of 4 Yeas, Nays—0.

ITEM 10: A written motion was made by Council Member Hutti and seconded by Council Member Newell that the Resolution authorizing expenditure of Tourism Funds to the EIU College of Arts and Humanities in the amount of $1,500 to help cover expenses relating to Celebration: A Festival of the that took place on April 20-22, 2018 be approved and the layover period waived.

Mayor Combs directed the City Clerk to call the roll and the following voted Yea: Council Members Hutti, Lahr, Newell, and Mayor Combs. Mayor Combs declared the motion carried by a vote of 4 Yeas, Nays—0.

ITEM 11: A written motion was made by Council Member Hutti and seconded by Council Member Newell that the Resolution authorizing expenditure of Tourism Funds to Lincoln Log Cabin in the amount of $1,000 to help cover expenses relating to their 2018- 2019 advertising, be approved and the layover period waived.

Mayor Combs directed the City Clerk to call the roll and the following voted Yea: Council Members Hutti, Lahr, Newell, and Mayor Combs. Mayor Combs declared the motion carried by a vote of 4 Yeas, Nays—0.

ITEM 12: A written motion was made by Council Member Lahr and seconded by Council Member Newell that the Resolution authorizing expenditure of Tourism Funds to the EIU Department of Kinesiology and Sports Studies in the amount of $2,230 to help cover expenses relating to the IHSA Girls State Badminton Championships on May 11- 12, 2019, be approved and the layover period waived.

Mayor Combs directed the City Clerk to call the roll and the following voted Yea: Council Members Hutti, Lahr, Newell, and Mayor Combs. Mayor Combs declared the motion carried by a vote of 4 Yeas, Nays—0.

ITEM 13: A written motion was made by Council Member Hutti and seconded by Council Member Newell that the Resolution authorizing expenditure of Tourism Funds to the EIU Athletic Department in the amount of $4,000 to help cover expenses relating to the IHSA State Track Meets on May 16-18 and May 23-25, 2019, be approved and the layover period waived.

Mayor Combs directed the City Clerk to call the roll and the following voted Yea: Council Members Hutti, Lahr, Newell, and Mayor Combs. Mayor Combs declared the motion carried by a vote of 4 Yeas, Nays—0.

ITEM 14: A written motion was made by Council Member Newell and seconded by Council Member Hutti that the Resolution authorizing expenditure of Tourism Funds to the Charleston Area Chamber of Commerce in the amount of $3,000 to help cover expenses relating to the Tour de Charleston bicycle race being held in Charleston on June 1, 2019, be approved and the layover period waived.

Mayor Combs directed the City Clerk to call the roll and the following voted Yea: Council Members Hutti, Lahr, Malak, Newell, and Mayor Combs. Mayor Combs declared the motion carried by a vote of 5 Yeas, Nays—0.

ITEM 15: A written motion was made by Council Member Lahr and seconded by Council Member Newell that the Resolution authorizing expenditure of Tourism Funds to CTF Illinois in the amount of $1,250 to help cover expenses relating to MuseFest in Charleston on June 1, 2019, be approved and the layover period waived.

Mayor Combs directed the City Clerk to call the roll and the following voted Yea: Council Members Hutti, Lahr, Newell, and Mayor Combs. Mayor Combs declared the motion carried by a vote of 4 Yeas, Nays—0.

ITEM 16: A written motion was made by Council Member Hutti and seconded by Council Member Newell that the Resolution authorizing the expenditure of Tourism Funds in the amount of $2,000 to the Charleston Baseball Association to help cover expenses relating to the American Legion Great Lakes Regional Tournament taking place in Charleston on August 6-11, 2019, be approved and the layover period waived.

Mayor Combs directed the City Clerk to call the roll and the following voted Yea: Council Members Hutti, Lahr, Newell, and Mayor Combs. Mayor Combs declared the motion carried by a vote of 4 Yeas, Nays—0.

ITEM 17: A written motion was made by Council Member Newell and seconded by Council Member Hutti that the Resolution approving Ameren Electric Solar Energy Interconnect Agreements for the Wastewater Treatment Plan and the Water Treatment Plant, be approved and the layover period waived.

Mayor Combs directed the City Clerk to call the roll and the following voted Yea: Council Members Hutti, Lahr, Newell, and Mayor Combs. Mayor Combs declared the motion carried by a vote of 4 Yeas, Nays—0.

ITEM 18: A written motion was made by Council Member Lahr and seconded by Council Member Newell that the Ordinance authorizing the acquisition of real estate, more specifically property located north of Lake Charleston, be approved and the layover period waived.

Mayor Combs directed the City Clerk to call the roll and the following voted Yea: Council Members Hutti, Lahr, Newell, and Mayor Combs. Mayor Combs declared the motion carried by a vote of 4 Yeas, Nays—0.

ITEM 19: A written motion was made by Council Member Hutti and seconded by Council Member Newell that the Ordinance approving the Major Subdivision Final Plat for a Subdivision titled “Sister City Phase II” of Charleston, be approved and the layover period waived.

Mayor Combs directed the City Clerk to call the roll and the following voted Yea: Council Members Hutti, Lahr, Newell, and Mayor Combs. Mayor Combs declared the motion carried by a vote of 4 Yeas, Nays—0.

ITEM 20: A written motion was made by Council Member Newell and seconded by Council Member Hutti that the Ordinance authorizing the acquisition of a Drainage Easement in the James Subdivision, be approved and the layover period waived.

Mayor Combs directed the City Clerk to call the roll and the following voted Yea: Council Members Hutti, Lahr, Newell, and Mayor Combs. Mayor Combs declared the motion carried by a vote of 4 Yeas, Nays—0.

ITEM 21: A written motion was made by Council Member Lahr and seconded by Council Member Newell that the Resolution amending the City Budget for the Fiscal Year 2018/2019, be approved and the layover period waived.

Mayor Combs directed the City Clerk to call the roll and the following voted Yea: Council Members Hutti, Lahr, Newell, and Mayor Combs. Mayor Combs declared the motion carried by a vote of 4 Yeas, Nays—0.

ITEM 22: A written motion was made by Council Member Hutti and seconded by Council Member Newell that the City Budget for the Fiscal Year beginning May 1, 2019, and ending April 30, 2020, be approved.

Mayor Combs directed the City Clerk to call the roll and the following voted Yea: Council Members Hutti, Lahr, Newell, and Mayor Combs. Mayor Combs declared the motion carried by a vote of 4 Yeas, Nays—0.

ITEM 23: A written motion was made by Council Member Newell and seconded by Council Member Hutti that the Ordinance amending Title 4-1-2: Ambulance Rates, be approved.

Mayor Combs directed the City Clerk to call the roll and the following voted Yea: Council Members Hutti, Lahr, Newell, and Mayor Combs. Mayor Combs declared the motion carried by a vote of 4 Yeas, Nays—0.

ITEM 24: A written motion was made by Council Member Lahr and seconded by Council Member Newell that the Ordinance amending Title 8-3-2: Sewer and Water Rates, be approved.

Mayor Combs directed the City Clerk to call the roll and the following voted Yea: Council Members Hutti, Lahr, Newell, and Mayor Combs. Mayor Combs declared the motion carried by a vote of 4 Yeas, Nays—0.

ITEM 25: A written motion was made by Council Member Hutti and seconded by Council Member Newell that the Mayor’s reappointment of Lori Banks, Craig Cunningham, and Bob Wiseman to 3-Year terms on the Charleston Carnegie Public Library board of trustees, be approved.

Mayor Combs directed the City Clerk to call the roll and the following voted Yea: Council Members Hutti, Lahr, Newell, and Mayor Combs. Mayor Combs declared the motion carried by a vote of 4 Yeas, Nays—0.

The Mayor said that this concluded the Agenda items.

The Mayor then opened the floor to any public comments, communications, petitions, and presentations. He asked that those doing so come up to the podium and give the Clerk their name and address for the record. He noted that this was solely for the benefit of the Clerk, and was not required. He asked that they limit their comments to 3 minutes and avoid repetition.

Brendan Lynch, 912 Oakcrest, Apt. C, thanked the Council for approving the purchase of the property north of Lake Charleston. He noted that clearly it was a strategic purpose and a mechanism propelling Charleston as a leader in downstate Illinois. He also very much looked forward to the use of the land for additional trails to connect to the existing trail system.

The Mayor asked City Manager Smith and City Attorney Cunningham if they had any comments. They did not.

The Mayor asked Council if they had any comments. They did not.

Mayor Combs noted that Finals Week was just a week away at E.I.U. This meant that graduation and a mass exodus from the campus would be taking place. He wished the prospective graduates good luck, and added that the students always brought a lot of liveliness to the City, which would be missed over the summer and enjoyed again in the fall with their anticipated return.

The Mayor noted that there was an Executive Session scheduled that evening. The Council would be returning to Council Chambers after the Executive Session to adjourn the meeting, but there would be no more business conducted that evening. However, anyone wishing to wait for the conclusion of the meeting was welcome to do so.

The Mayor then said that he would entertain a motion to recess to go into Executive Session.

A written motion was made by Council Member Newell and seconded by Council Member Hutti to go into Executive Session to discuss the purchase or lease of real property pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2 (c)(5) and to discuss personnel matters pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2 (c)(1).

Mayor Combs directed the City Clerk to call the roll and the following voted Yea: Council Members Hutti, Lahr, Newell, and Mayor Combs. Mayor Combs declared the motion carried by a vote of 4 Yeas, Nays—0.

Recess: 6:59 p.m.

Mayor Combs reconvened the regular session of City Council at 8:22 p.m.

Present were Council Members Lahr, Newell, and Mayor Combs. Also present were City Attorney Cunningham, and City Clerk Muller. Also present were EIU’s Daily Eastern News student camera crew and student reporters.

The Mayor acknowledged EIU’s dedicated journalistic assemblage, and then said that he would entertain a motion to adjourn.

A written motion was made by Council Member Newell and seconded by Council Member Lahr to adjourn.

Mayor Combs directed the City Clerk to call the roll and the following voted Yea: Council Members Lahr, Newell, and Mayor Combs. Mayor Combs declared the motion carried by a vote of 3 Yeas, Nays—0.

Adjournment: 8:23 p.m.




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