The Eastern Illinois University Board of Trustees met June 25 to evaluate the athletic program.
Here is the meeting's agenda, as provided by the board:
"Eastern Illinois University is independently governed by its own Board of Trustees, which oversees all aspects of the institution. Seven of the board's eight members are appointed by the governor to six-year terms. One student representative is elected annually by the student body."
Mattoon Country Club Mattoon, Illinois
Saturday, June 25, 2016
A retreat of the Board of Trustees was convened on June 25, 2016, at 8:00 a.m. at the Mattoon Country Club, Mattoon, Illinois. Mr. Joe Dively, Chair, presided.
Roll Call
Mr. Burke Present Mr. Caulkins Present via telephone Dr. Gilchrist Absent Mr. Goetz Present Mr. Hutchinson Present Mr. Mito Absent Mr. Dively Present Ms. Witt Present
Also present Dr. David Glassman, President Dr. Blair Lord, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Mr. Paul McCann, Interim Vice President for Business Affairs Ms. Lynette Drake, Interim Associate Vice President for Student Affairs Mr. Rob Miller, General Counsel Mr. Brad Ingram, Board Attorney Ms. Judy Gorrell, Executive Secretary to the President and Assistant Secretary, Board of Trustees
Guests Mr. Tom Michael, Athletic Director (via telephone from 8:15 – 9:15)
Intercollegiate Athletics Mr. Michael reported to the Board that a consultant was brought in to evaluate the athletic program. Currently EIU has 21 sports, and the minimum needed for NCAA Division I is 14. The Intercollegiate Athletic budget is $13M, of which $1.3M is appropriated dollars. Discussion followed on several items: paying players, the overtime policy beginning January 1, 2017, benefits of Division I as opposed to a lower division, lack of revenue for staffing and other benefits, etc.
Enrollment Outlook In FY 16 EIU had slightly over 8500 with all students. In FY 17 the number of freshmen and transfer students will be down because of the budget impasse in Springfield. Graduate enrollment will be up and the number off international students will be up. Plans for moving forward: do program review, get back to 9,000 or 10,000 students, stop adverse perception, fund recruitment next year, and hire an Associate VP for Enrollment Management. FY 16 was a devastating year for higher education in Illinois,
Academic Program Development Program review will have four components – quality, centrality to mission of the university, marketability of program, and P & L (profit and loss). In conclusion, program will be deemed to fall into one of the following categories – program is viable, program is under-resourced, right size and doing well, or not sustainable. The review will provide opportunities for niches and new programs. The Board is charging the President to conduct the program review, and Chair Dively and President Glassman will work together on the specifics of the process.
Budget Issues and Contingency Planning The Board discussed the budget quite extensively on Friday at the Finance/Audit Committee meeting, and they were asked if they had additional questions.
Authorization to use Auxiliary Facilities System Surplus Revenue The Board discussed the Authorization to use Auxiliary Facilities System Surplus Revenue at the Board meeting, and they were asked if they had additional questions.
President’s Council Performance and Replacement Strategy EIU personnel left the meeting prior to discussion of this item.
President’s Performance Review The Board conducted President Glassman’s performance review.
Adjournment The meeting was adjourned.