House Speaker Mike Madigan (D-Chicago) continues to be dogged by growing allegations of bullying and sexual harassment involving senior staffers, the latest episode fingering long-time Chief of Staff Tim Mapes, who resigned when the claims came to light on Wednesday.
Spending per pupil at Martinsville Community Unit School District 3C is up 8 percent from five years ago, according to a East Central Reporter analysis of district finances.
The home at 10234 E. 700th Ave., Robinson was sold on June 6, 2018 by Wendell L. and Vivian K. Reinbold for $127,900. The buyers were Steven D Inboden and J Edgington Christa.
State Rep. Brad Halbrook and Sen. Kyle McCarter were among just 20 Illinois House and Senate members to oppose a “smoke and mirrors” budget plan that isn’t really balanced, according to the Illinois Policy Institute.
Spending per pupil at Marshall Community Unit School District 2C is up 2 percent from five years ago, according to a East Central Reporter analysis of district finances.
On June 5, 2018, Michelle J Willison purchased a two bedroom, one bathroom home at 2808 Prairie Ave., Mattoon from Charles T. and Sandra L. Graven for $50,250.