Kim Uphoff President and CEO | Sarah Bush Lincoln
Kim Uphoff President and CEO | Sarah Bush Lincoln
In less than a year, SBL Home Health has played a crucial role in transforming the life of 84-year-old Donald Kelsheimer, who went from being bedridden to riding his lawnmower across his yard. Following cancer surgeries in the fall of 2023, Kelsheimer, a resident of Casey, experienced significant loss of strength and muscle mass despite receiving physical therapy at a nursing home.
“For three months, I just lay in bed all day. The most I could do was sit up a little bit to eat, but I didn’t hardly move at all,” he explained. “I couldn’t do anything. Life was not great during that time.”
“My legs were tiny and had almost no muscle at all,” he said. “I was just skin and brittle bones when I came home.” Recognizing the need for advanced help, Kelsheimer and his wife Judith reached out to SBL Home Health on the advice of their friend Tiffany Davidson, RN.
In January 2023, shortly after leaving the nursing home, SBL Home Health began working with Kelsheimer to regain his mobility. Initially bedridden for several weeks due to weakness, he gradually progressed under their care. “It was probably three or four weeks before I could fully get off the bed, but I did it eventually,” he said. “I was finally able to stand off the edge of the bed and use a walker for support. It was a tremendous feeling.”
The staff at SBL Home Health guided him through taking small steps with breaks in between to build strength gradually. He engaged in leg exercises two or three times daily with noticeable improvement over time. “When the staff first started, I couldn’t lift my legs off the bed,” he said. “I got to the point that I could lift my leg a foot-and-a-half in the air with their help.”
Despite other health challenges delaying his recovery, within nine months Kelsheimer was back on his feet and active with walker support thanks to SBL Home Health's assistance. “I’m grateful for the staff’s help, but I am equally grateful for the prayers from family, friends and the SBL staff,” Donald said.
“It’s been great to be able to get up and go on my own,” he stated. “For so long, I couldn’t hardly move, but now I can get around and do what I need to.” Today, Kelsheimer is able to mow his lawn using a riding mower and climb into his tractor for property tours.
He expresses gratitude towards SBL Home Health staff who not only provided necessary exercises but also encouraged him throughout his journey back to mobility. “There are some people who help you because they care about you," he noted about their dedication.