
East Central Reporter

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

City of Villa Grove City Council Met March 8

Meeting 07

City of Villa Grove City Council Met March 8.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:


The City Council of the City of Villa Grove met in regular session in Council Chambers. Mayor Eversole-Gunter called the meeting to order at 6:04 p.m. Roll call found the following members present: Alderman Johnson, Hooker, Pangburn, Garrett, Junior Alderman A. and L. Howard, and the Mayor were present. Alderman Blaney and Griffith were absent. City Administrator Athey, Clerk Osborne, Public Works Supervisor Lake, Summer Rec Director Wilson were also present. Council followed all COVID 19 protocols for social distancing.

PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - The Mayor stood and led all attendees in The Pledge of Allegiance.

CONSENT AGENDA - Alderman Hooker motioned to approve the following Consent Agenda and a second was given by Alderman Johnson. Roll Call: Johnson, yea, Hooker, yea, Garrett, yea, Pangburn, yea, A. Howard, yea, L. Howard, yea. Motion passed.





PUBLIC COMMENTS - Jackie Wells was on hand to discuss the installation of the Story Book Walk at Richman Park. The FFA has constructed the boxes for each stand and the posts. They would like to get this done in April. Randy Lake will work with Jackie to coordinate the installation of the displays. There are 10 boxes that will be about 175 feet apart. Ms. Wells also asked for approval for the Summer Reading program to use the stage at Main Street Plaza on Tuesdays. She was asked to contact the office to schedule the dates for the plaza.

Mike Cline submitted an article about cyber security of water and sewer plants he saw very recently. He suggested that a section be included in the RFP about having a cyber security expert.

OTHER REPORTS - Randy Lake received quotes for the lift stations late in the afternoon and he presented that to the council. A quote was submitted for the Adams Street pump station; the quote for the lift station pump repair was $6568 and consensus was given for the repair. He noted repairs need to be made at Coddington Park, and the fence at Henson Park needs repaired. He also reported the Camargo Township will post No Truck signs on Henson Road to help alleviate damage to the road. Chief Bob Rea reported on the positive news story for Officer Rasmussen’s football day with the kids in the park. The council also commented it was nice to see him interacting with the kids and the public. Chief Rea also reminded Randy Lake about the drainage issues at the Emergency services building and asked him to put that on his list as soon as possible before heavy rains begin.

CITY ADMINISTRATOR REPORT - Jacki reported we are waiting on confirmation for the clean-up days from Advanced Disposal. McCoy Project is ready to go upon the EPA approval. The informational pamphlet about the utility RFP is ready to be printed and mailed and Jacki will get some quotes. March 29 is the only night that Keith Moran can be here to discuss the TIF district plans, so we will have an additional meeting that night at 6 pm.

MAYORAL REPORT - The Mayor reported that she was asked to consider having another meeting with the landlords again. The target date is the April COTW meeting.


1. Discussion of Progressive Chemical Quote for Purchase of Bulk Weed Killer-Alderman Hooker motioned to approve the purchase of bulk weedkiller at $40.88/gal for a 110 gal. barrel. Alderman Johnson seconded the motion. Roll Call: Johnson, yea, Hooker, yea, Garrett, yea, Pangburn, yea, A. Howard, yea, L. Howard, yea. Motion passed.

2. Discussion of Potential changes to the HVAC and Storm Shelter of the Community Center-The architect and engineer were on hand to discuss some issues that need to be addressed now. The first was the choice of HVAC systems-they presented the data on the traditional system, split system, and geothermal system. Next, was discussion about moving the storm shelter from the basement to the locker room area for the referees, on the back of the building due to the ceiling heights being too low in the basement area. Plus, there will be better accessibility there and costs were a little less than putting them in the main restroom areas. Alderman Hooker motioned to approve using the Electrical cooling/natural gas top of the line system, and approving the location of the storm shelter. Alderman Garrett seconded the motion. Roll Call: Johnson, yea, Hooker, yea, Garrett, yea, Pangburn, yea, A. Howard, yea, L. Howard, yea. Motion passed.

3. Hiring of Part-time Senior Activity Coordinator-Alderman Hooker moved to approve the hiring of a new part-time senior activity coordinator, Melanie Trinkle Brooks. Alderman Garrett seconded. Roll Call: Johnson, yea, Hooker, yea, Garrett, yea, Pangburn, yea, A. Howard, yea, L. Howard, yea. Motion passed.

CLOSED SESSION - Alderman Pangburn motioned to go into Closed Session at 7:39 pm according to the Open Meetings act Section2(c)(1) of 5 ILCS/120/2 Exceptions to the Open Meetings Act for the discussion of appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees. No further action will be taken after returning to Open session. Alderman Johnson seconded the motion. Roll Call: Johnson, yea, Hooker, yea, Garrett, yea, Pangburn, yea. Motion passed. Return from Closed session to open session was at 7:57 pm.

ADJOURNMENT - With no further business, Alderman Hooker motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:58 p.m. Alderman Pangburn seconded the motion. Roll Call: Johnson, yea, Hooker, yea, Garrett, yea, Pangburn, yea.
