The Illinois Human Rights Commission met Sept. 28 to recognize Hispanic Heritage Month.
Here are the meeting's minutes, as provided by the commission:
Meeting of the Commission
September 28, 2016
10:30 a.m.
James R. Thompson Center
DHS - Murdock Room
Suite 5-300
100 West Randolph Street
Chicago, Illinois
Lincoln Land Training Center
130 W. Mason Street
Room 104
Springfield, Illinois
In Chicago Chair Rose Mary Bombela-Tobias (via telephone)
Duke Alden
Michael Bigger
Robert A. Cantone
Hamilton Chang (via telephone)
Terry Cosgrove
Nabi Fakroddin
Amy Kurson
Lauren Beth Gash
Hermene Hartman
Steve Kim
Diane M. Viverito
Patricia Bakalis Yadgir
In Springfield None
Absent None
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En Banc Minutes – September 28, 2016
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Staff Rhandi Anderson
LaNade Bridges
Michael Evans
Donyelle L. Gray
Bricia Herrera
Evelio Mora
Byron M. Wardlaw
Members of Public: None
Public and closed meetings of the Illinois Human Rights Commission are audio recorded.
I. Call to Order
On September 28, 2016 at 10:35 a.m., Vice Chair Nabi Fakroddin called to order a
meeting of the Illinois Human Rights Commission.
Pursuant to the Illinois Open Meetings Act, 5 ILCS 120/1 et seq., it was determined that:
1) A quorum of the public body was physically present at the meeting.
2) Chair Bombela-Tobias and Commissioner Chang gave notice to the General
Counsel and Secretary of the Public Body, Donyelle Gray that they would not
be able to be physically present for the September 28, 2016 meeting and
requested to participate via telephone. Motion to allow Chair Bombela-Tobias
and Commissioner Chang to participate via telephone made by Commissioner
Gash, seconded by Commissioner Cantone. Motion carried 11-0.
II. Consideration of Minutes
August 17, 2016
The Commission voted to approve the minutes of the August 17, 2016 as amended.
Delete the word “former” in the Chair’s report, paragraph one, line one. Motion to
approve the August 17, 2016 minutes as amended made by Commissioner Cantone
and seconded by Commissioner Alden. Motion carried 13-0.
III. Chair’s Report
Rose Mary Bombela-Tobias, Chair
Chair Bombela-Tobias gave a report on the Executive Order regarding the consolidation
of the administrative courts. The Chair reported that the Commission is still working with
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the Office of the Governor. Executive Director Chambers gave further detail during his
Chair Bombela-Tobias reported that in recognition of Hispanic heritage month, the
Commission will host a luncheon. All Commissioners are invited to attend. Former HRC
Chairman Manuel Barbosa will be the guest speaker at the luncheon.
IV. Staff Reports
A. N. Keith Chambers, Executive Director
Mr. Chambers reported that he and General Counsel Donyelle Gray are drafting
recommendations regarding how the Commission might benefit from the administrative
court consolidation.
Mr. Chambers reported that he met with Janice Glen, Executive Director of the Illinois
Human Rights Department on August 19, 2016. Mr. Chambers reported that the
meeting was very productive.
Mr. Chambers reported that gathering data for the Commission’s annual report has
Mr. Chambers reported that he and Dr. Ewa have begun the FY18 budget process.
B. Dr. Ewa I. Ewa, Chief Fiscal Officer
Dr. Ewa reported that the Commission is running out of money for FY16 and FY17.
Currently the Commission has $16,000.00. This amount must last until December 30,
Dr. Ewa reported several vendors have been paid. However, money is still owed to
Illinois Central Management Services.
Dr. Ewa reported that he is submitting a maintenance budget and a flat budget for 2.2
million dollars.
C. Michael J. Evans, Chief Administrative Law Judge
Chief Judge Evans gave his report for the month of August 2016 and reported no
significant changes from the prior month.
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D. Donyelle Gray, General Counsel
Ms. Gray announced that she will be attending National Bar Association Labor and
Employment Section Annual Conference as a panelist. Ms. Gray will be addressing the
topic: “Same-Sex Marriage, Religion and the Workplace: Accommodating
Constitutionally Protected (and Potentially Competing) Rights.”
Ms. Gray distributed an article of the Journal Star, provided by Commissioner Bigger.
The article concerns Disproportionate Minority Contact (DMC) of African Americans in
Peoria, Illinois with the criminal justice system.
Ms. Gray gave a report of the Office of the General Counsel (OGC) caseload for FY17.
Ms. Gray reported that request for review numbers remained high; that the OGC issued
out 2 remand orders; that she is implementing a process to issue out more Notices of
No Exception each month, and that anticipates at least 2 en banc matters being
scheduled by the end of 2016.
Finally Ms. Gray distributed recent labor law updates and OEIG newsletter for
V. New Business
Request for Review
The Office of the General Counsel’s staff provided an educational training and update
on the Request for Review process for the Commissioners.
VI. Old Business
Proclamation regarding former Illinois Human Rights Commission Chairman Abner
The Commission voted to approve the draft of the proclamation for former Chairman
Abner Mikva, who passed away July 4, 2016. Thanks was given to Commissioner
Gash for drafting the proclamation. Motion to approve the proclamation draft made by
Commissioner Hartman and seconded by Commissioner Yadgir. Motion carried 13-0.
VII. Public Comment
VIII. Executive Session
Executive Session
Pursuant to the Open Meetings Act 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(11), the Commissioners voted to
close a portion of the public meeting at 11:52 a.m. in order to discuss pending litigation
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affecting the body. Motion made by Vice Chair Nabi, seconded by Commissioner
Cosgrove. Voice vote was taken, with all in favor of the motion.
1. Chair Rose Mary Bombela-Tobias--Yes
2. Duke Alden--Yes
3. Michael Bigger--Yes
4. Robert A. Cantone--Yes
5. Hamilton Chang--Yes
6. Terry Cosgrove--Yes
7. Nabi Fakroddin--Yes
8. Amy Kurson--Yes
9. Lauren Beth Gash--Yes
10.Hermene Hartman--Yes
11.Steve Kim--Yes
12.Diane M. Viverito--Yes
13.Patricia Bakalis Yadgir--Yes
Motion carried 13-0.
Open Meeting Resumed
At 12:09 p.m., the open meeting resumed. Motion made by Commissioner Bigger, and
seconded by Commissioner Alden to return to open session.
IX. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 12:10 p.m. Motion made by Commissioner Gash,
seconded by Commissioner Yadgir. Motion carried 13-0.
Respectfully submitted,
Donyelle L. Gray
General Counsel