
East Central Reporter

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Charleston Community Unit School District No. 1 education board meets, hears presentations

Webp meeting 11

Members of the Charleston Community Unit School District No. 1 board of education met Wednesday, May 18.

Here are the meeting minutes as provided by the Charleston Community Unit School District No. 1 board of education:

Minutes of the Regular Meeting of May 18, 2016

The Board of Education of Community Unit School District No. 1, Coles and Cumberland Counties, Illinois met in regular session on Wednesday, May 18, 2016 at the Administration Office – 410 West Polk Avenue, Charleston, Illinois 61920

At 6:30pm, President Miller called the meeting to order. He appointed Kelly Miller to serve as Secretary Pro-Tem and asked for roll call.

The following members were present: Ron Miller, President Charles Jarrell, Vice President Kelly Miller, Treasurer Scott Clarke Kevin Oakley

The following members were absent:

Susan Daniels, Secretary Jason Coe

The following staff members were present:

Jim Littleford, Superintendent Todd Vilardo, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction Dean Keller, Financial Consultant

Visitors 68 and 1 Member of the Press

The Board of Education received an addendum to their board packets which included:

Revised Board Agenda Under New Business/Employments X. I – Extra-Curricular Assignments removed CMS

VII. Consent Employments/Resignations end 2015-16 school year: Resignation: Grace Kennedy – 2nd grade teacher Carl Sandburg Elementary School Resignation: Debra Taylor – 1:1 paraprofessional, Charleston High School (August 15)

New Business: X. C. Student Fee schedule: correction page 2 under High School: Admittance to activities –

Frosh/Soph Games Adult $3.00 $5.00 X. F Memo from Cathy Chaplin re: contract for part time assistance in completing preschool

evaluations during the 2016-17 school year. (inadvertently left out of board book) X. O. Correction to employment contract for Superintendent of Schools under II. 3

Provided is a copy of the press release.

Employment: Provided Recommendations for: X. P. Assignments: Media Specialists, beginning with the 2016-17 school year X. Q. Assignments: Music/Band Teachers, beginning with the 2016-17 school year X. R. Assignments: Licensed Teaching Staff, beginning with the 2016-17 school year

Under Focus on Students and Good News Reports, Charleston Rotary Club President Jeanne Hamilton, Dr. Doug Bock, Bill Lair, and Melanie Mills, (representing Rotary and the Excellence in Education Foundation), were in attendance to present a check in the amount of $10,450 to the District for the purchase of two SMART Tables for Charleston Kindergarten students at Ashmore and Mark Twain

Elementary Schools. This donation was a three year commitment by Rotary to help Charleston schools, “bridge the technology gap.” The donation marked the first year of a three-year effort and the club is open to other technology purchases each of the next two years. A Rotary committee will meet with school officials this fall to determine what technology project will be funded for the 2017-18 school year. Charleston Rotary partnered with the school district’s Excellence in Education Foundation to purchase the Smart Tables. Dr. Bock indicated the goal was to provide funds for technology projects the district cannot afford on its own. The Excellence in Education Foundation provided a $2,000 grant for the project and the area Rotary Club district contributed $4,000. Charleston residents Wendell and Carol Adams donated $1,000 and the rest of the funds were raised at the Charleston Rotary Pancake Day held at Charleston Middle School in April.

Mr. Littleford accepted the check and extended appreciation on behalf of the staff and students of Charleston CUSD #1.

Mr. Littleford presented Certificates of Recognition to the following individuals:

Young Authors is a statewide celebration of the written work of children from Kindergarten through eighth grade. Each year students are given an opportunity to create an original written piece. Submissions are evaluated on story elements, appearance, grammar and overall quality by a district panel of judges. A winner from grades 1-3, 4-6, and 7-8 is determined from those submissions. The Top three winning authors are invited to attend the Illinois Young Authors’ conference at Illinois State University in May where they get an opportunity to share and discuss their books with other young authors and attend sessions about writing presented by noted children’s authors.

The winning submissions with their story titles are as follows: Carl Sandburg Elementary School Stevi Nichols Grade 1 ‘Silly Sandra’ Ella Steele Grade 2 ‘Fred: The New Book’ Jeanna Mertz Grade 3 ‘Magic’ Alexis Miller Grade 3 ‘A Panda in Paris’ William Reynolds Overall Carl Sandburg Winner Grade 3 ‘The Little Red Wagon’

Jefferson Elementary School Kira Crouse Grade 4 ‘G. G. Brave’ Lily Porter Grade 5 and Overall Jefferson Winner ‘The Key’ Caroline Keefe Grade 6 ‘Born to Perform’

Charleston Middle School Maia Voegel ‘Elements’

Students who have earned more than 1,000 points in the Reading Counts Program Reading Counts is a computer based program where students take quizzes based on their books read and receive points for successful completion of the assessment.

Jefferson Elementary School EJ Bickford – 6th grade (1,267 points 66 books, 5,361,165 words) Alex Dow – 5th grade (1,318 points, 68 books, 5,591,709 words) Austin Fehrenbacher – 4th grade (1,350 points, 68 books, 5,841,688 words) Lilly Long – 6th grade (1,259 points, 76 books, 5,209,896 words) Makenzie Pamperin – 5th grade (1,330 points, 109 books, 5,219,727 words)

2015-16 CHS Speech Team and Coaches for earning the IHSA Team Academic Achievement Award. The team earned a 3.4 on a 4.0 scale and will be listed in next year’s IHSA program. Kendra Aungst Emma Banyai June Baumann Norah Blache Michael Grovier Makena Hanner Lucas Hawk Sharifa Hurtault Nissa Larson Katie Mueller Brianna Nichols Eric Poe Roy Reyes Natalie Tribble Emma Walker Elizabeth Walters

Head Coach: Tina Winings Asst. Coach: Marques Brown

Under Public, Staff Comments or Questions, Written Communications, President Miller asked if there were any requests or written communications to the Board of Education. There were two requests to address the Board of Education received.

Michelle McDaniel, Media Specialist for Carl Sandburg Elementary School outlined concerns regarding the transfers and assignments of the Media Specialist positions for the 2016-17 school year, (letter located in official board book). She stated that with the proposed recommendation for the Board of Education to eliminate one full time library media specialist position, the responsibilities of that position will be distributed between two already full time media specialists. Mrs. McDaniel outlined the responsibilities that are required of the media specialist and concerns for the students not getting the opportunities. She did agree that the fiscal forecast was bleak, but asked that the Board of Education do ‘the very best’ we can for our students with the resources we have left.

President Miller thanked Mrs. McDaniel for her comments.

Second, Michelle Lassak, addressed the Board of Education. Mrs. Lassak is a parent of a 4th grade student and a high school student. She is also an officer of the Joint PTA. Mrs. Lassak stated that the Joint PTA formed a committee called, ‘Fund Illinois.’ This committee will be finding ways to keep the community aware of what is happening in the State and how it affects the school district as well as the Charleston community as a whole. Prior to sending information, Mrs. Lassak indicated that they would meet with Superintendent Littleford to ensure information is appropriate.

Also, Mrs. Lassak announced that the Joint PTA has an agreement with the Scholastic Book Company and through them, have purchased books for the students to take home, at Carl Sandburg, Mark Twain and Jefferson Elementary Schools. She was happy to announce that this year, the Joint PTA was able to provide approximately 1,300 – 1,400 books to the students at no expense for the district.

President Miller thanked Mrs. Lassak and members of the Joint PTA for their contributions.

Mr. Littleford reported that the district received a Freedom of Information Act request from Nathan Mihelich of the Illinois Retired Teachers Association. He reported that this request was a revision to the first request that was denied by the district. The revised request asked for the names/titles and district e-mail addresses of the teachers/administrators retiring at the end of the 2015-16 school year. The district honored the request.

President Miller asked the Board of Education if there were any requests to remove consent agenda items or addendum items for discussion. There were no requests from the Board of Education.

Mr. Littleford reviewed the items under Consent Agenda.

Consent Agenda: Standard Items

• Approve the minutes of the following meeting: Regular Meeting of April 20, 2016.

• Approve the bills and payrolls for the month of April 30, 2016.

• Approve the activity fund accounts for the period ending April 2016 for CUSD #1 attendance centers.

• Approve the summary of revenues and expenditures year to date as presented by Financial Consultant Dean Keller.

Consent Agenda: New Business

• Adopt the School Behavior Pamphlet and elementary, middle and high school handbooks, for the 2016-17 school year as presented.

• Approve the Workload Plan for Special Educators with no revisions for the 2016-17 school year.

• Authorize testing to complete evaluations of preschool age students during the summer of 2016. Enter into a contract with School Psychologist Cheryl Armstrong, Social Worker Kristin McDevitt, and Speech/Language Pathologist Jana Sweeney to complete the evaluations.

• Assign Jacob Roskovensky as the Library Services Director Designee for the 2016-17 school year.

• Grant 197 (one hundred ninety-seven) gifted sick leave days to Mary Ann Pattenaude, District Educational Technology Director.

Consent Agenda: Employment

• Accept a letter of retirement from Lana Esker, LBS1 teacher at Carl Sandburg Elementary School, effective at the end of the 2015-16 school year.

• Accept a letter of retirement from Sherry Toothman, Title 1 Paraprofessional at Carl Sandburg Elementary School, effective at the end of the 2015-16 school year.

• Accept a letter of retirement from Elsie Neal, Central Office custodian, effective August 12, 2016.

• Accept a letter of retirement from Mary Ann Pattenaude, District Educational Technology Director, effective at the end of the 2019-2020 school year.

• Accept a letter of resignation from Emily Perry from her position as Agricultural Teacher at Charleston High School, effective at the end of the 2015-16 school year.

• Accept a letter of resignation from Lisa Bonny from her position as a 2nd grade teacher at Carl Sandburg Elementary School, effective at the end of the 2015-16 school year.

• Accept a letter of resignation from Marques Brown as an Assistant Speech Coach at Charleston High School, effective at the end of the 2015-16 school year.

• Contingent upon finding a suitable replacement, accept a letter of resignation from Chelsie Doughty as the 8th grade Boys’ Track Coach at Charleston Middle School, effective at the end of the 2015-16 school year.

• Contingent upon finding a suitable replacement, accept a letter of resignation from Randy Harpster as the 8th grade Boys’ Basketball Coach at Charleston Middle School, effective at the end of the 2015-16 school year.

• Contingent upon finding a suitable replacement, accept a letter of resignation from Blain Mayhall as the 8th grade Girls’ Basketball Coach at Charleston Middle School, effective at the end of the 2015-16 school year.

• Accept a letter of resignation from Angie Geisler as a Dance Coach at Charleston Middle School, effective at the end of the 2015-16 school year.

• Grant a Maternity Leave of Absence to Erin Van Deursen, Kindergarten teacher March Twain Elementary School.

• Approve the employment of the following individuals for the 2016 Summer School program:

Barbara Heitka Drivers’ Education (split assignment) Justin Tomaska Drivers’ Education (split assignment) Holly Pantle APEX Teacher Loretta Phillips APEX Paraprofessional Michelle Neal APEX Paraprofessional

• Approve the employment of Amy Wood, LBS1 teacher at Carl Sandburg Elementary School to provide extended school year services for student #26011 as documented on the student’s IEP for twice weekly sessions during the summer break for a duration of 8 weeks. Addendum:

• Accept a letter of resignation from Grace Kennedy from her position as a 2nd grade teacher at Carl Sandburg Elementary School, effective at the end of the 2015-16 school year.

• Accept a letter of resignation from Debra Taylor from her position as a 1:1 paraprofessional for student #03159 at Charleston High School, effective at the end of the 2015-16 school year.

President Miller recommended that the Board of Education approve items under III through VII inclusive and addendum items on the Consent Agenda. Dr. Clarke moved and Mr. Jarrell seconded the motion.

On roll call vote:

AYE: Clarke, Jarrell, Oakley, K. Miller, R. Miller NAY: none Abstain: none Motion carried

Under the Superintendent’s Report: CUSD #1 On-Line Registration (Skyward) Update Mr. Littleford reported that Eastern Illinois Area of Special Education (EIASE) held a series of pre-school screenings and Kindergarten Roundup in Charleston at the Wesley Methodist Church, Immanuel Lutheran Pre-School, Charleston Community Daycare, Stepping Stones, and Cornerstone. A total of 114 preschool age children and 4 younger than preschool age were screened and 59 upcoming Kindergarten students. EIASE also conducted a screening at the Ashmore Community Center. A total of 14 preschool age children and 4 younger than preschool age were screened and 5 upcoming Kindergarten students.

Mark Twain Elementary School held a “1st Step” registration and Kindergarten orientation on April 28 and 29th for all incoming Kindergarten students. A total of 142 children were registered. There were inquiries from parents to transfer 4 children to attend Kindergarten at Ashmore Elementary School and for 1 child to transfer from Ashmore School to Mark Twain School.

Annual Review/CMS Golf Program/Cross Country Program/Speech Program Chad Burgett and Brad Oakley provided an annual review of the CMS Golf Program, Cross Country Program and Speech program now offered at Charleston Middle School. These programs are provided for the students at no cost to the District. Mr. Littleford stated that the District was very fortunate to have volunteer coaches dedicated to these programs. For this school year, 7 students participated in Golf, 38 students in Cross Country, and 18 students in Speech. Mr. Burgett and Mr. Oakley recommended that three programs continue at Charleston Middle School for the 2016-17 school year.

CUSD #1 On-Line Registration Update Mr. Littleford reported that the District utilized an online school registration system for the first time last summer. Upon reviewing results of a post-registration survey and receiving feedback from our staff and parents, the new system was a success. Assistant Superintendent Todd Vilardo outlined a calendar of important dates for the 2016-17 school year registration process. On-line registration will open on July 18. On July 28, an online registration assistance session will be held at the CHS Media Center from 1:00 – 7:00pm. The first day of student attendance is scheduled for August 17.

PERA Joint Committee/Revised Teacher Performance Evaluation Plans As a result of the Illinois’ Performance Evaluation Reform Act (PERA), particular components are now required to be included in public school district teacher evaluation plans. A committee of teachers and

administrators have worked to revise the districts teacher evaluation plan to comply with State law during the past three years. Assistant Superintendent Todd Vilardo reported that the PERA Joint Committee agreed to two revised Performance Evaluation Plans: one that includes data and indicators on student growth as a significant factor in judging performance and one that does not include student growth as a factor.

Mr. Jarrell moved and Dr. Clarke seconded a motion that the Superintendent’s Report was received by the Board of Education.

On roll call vote:

AYE: Jarrell, Clarke, Oakley, K. Miller, R. Miller NAY: none Abstain: none Motion carried

Action New Business: Adoption Curriculum - Grades K-12 It was the recommendation of the superintendent that the Board of Education adopt the curriculum maps presented for grades K-12 in the areas of Fine Arts, Foreign Language, Physical Development, Science, Social Emotional Learning and Technology. Dr. Clarke moved and Mr. Jarrell seconded the motion.

On roll call vote:

AYE: Clarke, Jarrell, Oakley, K. Miller, R. Miller NAY: none Abstain: none Motion carried

Revised Job Description – Crossing Guard (first reading) It was the recommendation of the superintendent that the Board of Education adopt, in tentative form, the Job Description, Duties, and Responsibilities for the position of Crossing Guard as presented. The tentative job description will be placed on review until final adoption at the June 15, 2016 board meeting. Dr. Clarke moved and Mr. Jarrell seconded the motion.

On roll call vote:

AYE: Clarke, Jarrell, Oakley, K. Miller, R. Miller NAY: none Abstain: none Motion carried

Student Fees/Charges for 2016 – 2017 School Year The superintendent recommended that the Board of Education establish the 2016-2017 Student Fees/Charges Schedule and Activity Participation Fee Schedule as presented. Dr. Clarke moved and Mr. Jarrell seconded the motion.

On roll call vote:

AYE: Clarke, Jarrell, Oakley, K. Miller, R. Miller NAY: none Abstain: none Motion carried

Board Policy & AP – 7:305 Student Athlete Concussions and Head Injuries (first reading) It was the recommendation of the superintendent that the Board of Education adopt, in tentative form Board Policy 7:305, Student Athlete Concussions and Head Injuries; and Administrative Procedure 7:305-AP, Program for Managing Student Athlete Concussions and Head Injuries, on first reading. The tentative policies will be placed for public review until final adoption at the June 15, 2016 board meeting.

Dr. Clarke moved and Mr. Miller seconded the motion.

On roll call vote:

AYE: Clarke, R. Miller, Jarrell, Oakley, K. Miller NAY: none Abstain: none Motion carried

Amendment to CUSD #1 2015-16 Budget/Establish Date & Time for Budget Hearing When a school district has a total disbursement in a fund that is greater than the amount budgeted for any year, the district is required to make an amendment to the budget. After review of current expenditures for the district, adjustments are being recommended for the 2015-2016 budget. Financial Consultant, Dean Keller outlined the recommended adjustments to the budget that will need to be made at the June 15, 2016 board meeting. The amended budget will be on file and available for public inspection for the required 30 days at the Office of the Superintendent of Schools. A public hearing on the amended budget will be held at 6:15pm on June 15, 2016 with final adoption following the hearing.

The superintendent recommended that the Board of Education establish Wednesday, June 15, 2016 at 6:15pm to hold a public hearing on the 2015-16 amended budget. Dr. Clarke moved and Mr. Jarrell seconded the motion.

On roll call vote:

AYE: Clarke, Jarrell, Oakley, K. Miller, R. Miller NAY: none Abstain: none Motion carried

Employments – 2016-17 School year: Contractual Agreement/Early Childhood Speech/Language Evaluations The superintendent recommended that the Board of Education approve a contractual agreement with Jana Sweeney to provide part-time assistance in completing preschool evaluations during the 2016-17 school year. Mr. Jarrell moved and Dr. Clarke seconded the motion.

On roll call vote:

AYE: Jarrell, Clarke, Oakley, K. Miller, R. Miller NAY: none Abstain: none Motion carried

Contract Agreements for Psychologist Services (PT) It was the recommendation of the superintendent that the Board of Education approve contractual agreements with Rita McCollum and Cheryl Armstrong to serve as School Psychologists during the 2016-17 school year, not to exceed 100 days each. Dr. Clarke moved and Mr. Jarrell seconded the motion.

On roll call vote:

AYE: Clarke, Jarrell, Oakley, K. Miller, R. Miller NAY: none Abstain: none Motion carried

Social Studies Teacher/Charleston High School It was the recommendation of the superintendent that the Board of Education approve the employment of Jeff Marlo as a full time Social Studies teacher at Charleston High School, beginning with the 2016-17 school year. This employment was contingent upon the receipt of all information required for employment. Mr. Miller moved and Dr. Clarke seconded the motion.

On roll call vote:

AYE: R. Miller, Clarke, Jarrell, Oakley, K. Miller NAY: none Abstain: none Motion carried

Extra-Curricular Assignments: CHS, Jefferson Elementary School The superintendent recommended that the Board of Education approve the employment of Blain Mayhall in the extra-curricular assignment as the Head Boys’ Basketball Coach at Charleston High School beginning with the 2016-17 school year. Dr. Clarke moved and Mrs. Miller seconded the motion.

On roll call vote:

AYE: Clarke, K. Miller, Jarrell, Oakley, R. Miller NAY: none Abstain: none Motion carried

The superintendent recommended that the Board of Education approve the employment of Randy Harpster in the extra-curricular assignment as the Assistant Boys’ Basketball Coach at Charleston High School beginning with the 2016-17 school year. Mr. Jarrell moved and Dr. Clarke seconded the motion.

On roll call vote:

AYE: Jarrell, Clarke, Oakley, K. Miller, R. Miller NAY: none Abstain: none Motion carried

The superintendent recommended that the Board of Education approve the employment of Allison Endsley in the extra-curricular assignment as the Assistant Volleyball Coach at Charleston High School beginning with the 2016-17 school year. Mrs. Miller moved and Dr. Clarke seconded the motion.

On roll call vote:

AYE: K. Miller, Clarke, Jarrell, Oakley, R. Miller NAY: none Abstain: none Motion carried

The superintendent recommended that the Board of Education approve the following individuals to serve as volunteer coaches at Jefferson Elementary School for the 2016-17 school year:

Gina Meister 5th/6th Grade Girls’ Basketball Coach Matt Anderson 5th/6th Grade Boys’ Basketball Coach

Mr. Jarrell moved and Dr. Clarke seconded the motion.

On roll call vote:

AYE: Jarrell, Clarke, Oakley, K. Miller, R. Miller NAY: none Abstain: none Motion carried

Transfers/Assignments - 2016-2017 School Year: District School Health Care Professionals/Appointment of Head School Health Care Professional It was the recommendation of the superintendent that the Board of Education approve the assignments of District School Health Care Professionals for the 2016-2017 school year. Further, that the Board of Education appoint Eva Higgins to serve as the Head School Health Care Professional for the 2016-2017 school year to be compensated at $1,000.

Rhonda Pedigo Ashmore/Carl Sandburg Elementary Schools Bretta Reed Charleston High School Halona Michels Jefferson/Mark Twain Elementary Schools Eva Higgins Charleston Middle School

Mr. Miller moved and Dr. Clarke seconded the motion.

On roll call vote:

AYE: R. Miller, Clarke, Jarrell, Oakley, K. Miller NAY: none Abstain: none Motion carried

Assignments for District Speech/Language Pathologists It was the recommendation of the superintendent that the Board of Education approve the assignments of District Speech & Language Pathologists for the 2016-2017 school year.

Jana Sweeney (2/5 time) Ashmore Elementary School Cindy Hager Carl Sandburg Elementary School Sarah Pfleging Vester Carl Sandburg Elementary School Stephanie Habing Jefferson Elementary School/Charleston High School Sarah Nolan Jefferson Elementary School/Charleston Middle School Mandie Hilderbrand Mark Twain Elementary School Scarlet Conley Mark Twain Elementary School /Jefferson Project Help

Dr. Clarke moved and Mr. Jarrell seconded the motion.

On roll call vote:

AYE: Clarke, Jarrell, Oakley, K. Miller, R. Miller NAY: none Abstain: none Motion carried

Assignments for District School Psychologists It was the recommendation of the superintendent that the Board of Education approve the assignments of School Psychologists for the 2016-2017 school year.

David Rickman Ashmore/Carl Sandburg Elementary Schools Rita McCollum (not to exceed 100 days) Charleston High School Rachel Schaub Jefferson Elementary School Cheryl Armstrong (not to exceed 100 days) Mark Twain Elementary School Rachel Schaub Charleston Middle School (Grade 7) David Rickman Charleston Middle School (Grade 8)

Dr. Clarke moved and Mr. Jarrell seconded the motion.

On roll call vote:

AYE: Clarke, Jarrell, Oakley, K. Miller, R. Miller NAY: none Abstain: none Motion carried

Assignments for District Social Workers & School Guidance Counselors It was the recommendation of the superintendent that the Board of Education approve the assignments of District Social Workers and School Guidance Counselors for the 2016-2017 school year.

District Social Workers

Deena Ballard Carl Sandburg Elementary School Mandy Clarkson Jefferson/Ashmore Elementary Schools School Guidance Counselors

Roxanne Cornebise Mark Twain Elementary School/Charleston Middle School Barb Haddock Carl Sandburg Elementary School Tracy Valinevicius Jefferson Elementary School

Dr. Clarke moved and Mr. Jarrell seconded the motion.

On roll call vote:

AYE: Clarke, Jarrell, Oakley, K. Miller, R. Miller NAY: none Abstain: none Motion carried

Assignments for School Secretarial Positions It was the recommendation of the superintendent that the Board of Education approve the assignments/transfers of the district secretaries as noted for the 2016-2017 school year.

Kay Heath 10-Month Secretarial Position at Charleston Middle School

Also provide support to Jefferson Elementary School

Carol Doty 10-Month Secretarial Position

50% time at Jefferson Elementary School 50% time at Carl Sandburg Elementary School

Andrea Doty 12-Month Secretarial Position

Jefferson Elementary School

Mr. Jarrell moved and Dr. Clarke seconded the motion.

On roll call vote:

AYE: Jarrell, Clarke, Oakley, K. Miller, R. Miller NAY: none Abstain: none Motion carried

Employment: CUSD #1 Superintendent of Schools, effective July 1, 2017 Superintendent Jim Littleford will be retiring June 30, 2017. For the past year, the Board of Education has discussed desired qualifications in employing a new superintendent. President Miller moved to employ Todd Vilardo as Superintendent of Schools for Charleston CUSD #1, effective July 1, 2017. Mrs. Miller seconded the motion.

On roll call vote:

AYE: R. Miller, K. Miller, Clarke, Jarrell, Oakley NAY: none Abstain: none Motion carried

Addendum: Assignments for District Media Specialists’ 2016-17 It was the recommendation of the superintendent that the Board of Education approve the assignments of District Media Specialists’ as listed for the 2016-2017 school year.

Amy Nice Physical Education/Health Teacher at Charleston Middle School

Cathy Senior Jefferson School (4 days per week), Mark Twain School (1/2 day

per week), Ashmore School (1/2 day per week)

Michele McDaniel Carl Sandburg School (4 days per week), Mark Twain School

(1/2 day per week), Ashmore School (1/2 day per week)

Mr. Jarrell moved and Mr. Oakley seconded the motion.

On roll call vote:

AYE: Jarrell, Oakley, Clarke, K. Miller, R. Miller NAY: none Abstain: none Motion carried

Assignments for Music/Band Teachers 2016-17 It was the recommendation of the superintendent that the Board of Education approve the assignments of the District Music/Band Teachers as listed for the 2016-2017 school year.

Jessica Mahannah Music/Carl Sandburg School (full time)

Frances Poris Music/Jefferson School (4 days per week), Ashmore School

(1 day per week)

Laney Cruit Band/Charleston High School (1/3 time), Band/Charleston

Middle School (1/3 time), Music/Mark Twain School (1/3 time)

Dr. Clarke moved and Mr. Jarrell seconded the motion.

On roll call vote:

AYE: Clarke, Jarrell, Oakley, K. Miller, R. Miller NAY: none Abstain: none Motion carried

Assignments for Licensed Staff 2016-17 It was the recommendation of the superintendent that the Board of Education approve the assignments of the licensed staff members as listed for the 2016-2017 school year.

Chris Bily 6th Grade Teacher at Jefferson Elementary School Yvonne Larson 1st Grade Teacher at Carl Sandburg Elementary School Nicole Swinford 2nd Grade Teacher at Carl Sandburg Elementary School Meg Ambrose Kindergarten Teacher at Ashmore Elementary School Matt Anderson 4th Grade Teacher at Jefferson Elementary School

Mr. Jarrell moved and Mrs. Miller seconded the motion.

On roll call vote:

AYE: Jarrell, K. Miller, Clarke, Oakley, R. Miller NAY: none Abstain: none Motion carried At 8:20pm, President Miller recommended that the Board of Education adjourn into closed session to consider information regarding appointment, employment, compensation, and discipline of specific employees of the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee to determine its validity. 5 ILCS 120/2/(c)(1)

Collective negotiating matters between the District and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees. 5 ILCS 120/2/(c)(2)

Dr. Clarke moved and Mr. Jarrell seconded the motion.

Mr. Littleford indicated that action would follow closed session.

On roll call vote:

AYE: Clarke, Jarrell, Oakley, K. Miller, R. Miller NAY: none Abstain: none Motion carried

At 8:55pm, Dr. Clarke made a motion to reconvene from closed session. Mr. Oakley seconded the motion.

On roll call vote:

AYE Clarke, Oakley, Jarrell, K. Miller, R. Miller NAY: none Abstain: none Motion carried

It was the recommendation of superintendent that the Board of Education ratify the Professional Negotiations Agreement 2016-2019 between the Charleston Education Association, IEA/NEA and the Board of Education. Dr. Clarke moved and Mr. Oakley seconded the motion.

On roll call vote:

AYE: Clarke, Oakley, Jarrell, K. Miller, R. Miller NAY: none Abstain: none Motion carried

At 8:58pm, Mr. Jarrell moved to adjourn from the board meeting. Dr. Clarke seconded the motion.

On roll call:

AYE: Jarrell, Clarke, Oakley, K. Miller, R. Miller NAY: none Motion carried

Ronald L. Miller President, Board of Education Susan Daniels Secretary, Board of Education



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