Tuscola High School
Recent News About Tuscola High School
85.2 percent of Tuscola teachers stay put; average earns $46,544.66 per year
More than 85.2 percent of teachers stay at Tuscola High School year to year, according to the 2018 three-year average in the latest Illinois schools report card.
Tuscola High School reports 1% truancy rate
The truancy rate at Tuscola High School rose to 1 percent during the 2017-18 school year, according to a East Central Reporter analysis of the latest Illinois schools report card.
Report: 57 percent of 2016 Tuscola High School graduates in Illinois community colleges had to take remedial classes
In a year when 99 percent of Tuscola High School seniors graduated on time, 57 percent of those who attended Illinois community colleges had to enroll in remedial courses.
Tuscola High School reports 0.0% truancy rate
The truancy rate at Tuscola High School stayed flat at 0.0 percent during the 2016-17 school year, according to a East Central Reporter analysis of the latest Illinois schools report card.
85 percent of Tuscola teachers stay put; average earns $47,697 per year
More than 85 percent of teachers stay at Tuscola High School year to year, according to the 2017 three-year average in the latest Illinois schools report card.
Report: 71 percent of 2015 Tuscola High School graduates in Illinois community colleges had to take remedial classes
In a year when 90 percent of Tuscola High School seniors graduated on time, 71 percent of those who attended Illinois community colleges had to enroll in remedial courses.
At Tuscola, 90 percent of students graduate high school; 73 percent go to college
About 89 percent of ninth graders in 2017 were on track to graduate at a school where the four-year graduation rate was 90 percent that year, according to the latest Illinois schools report card by the Illinois State Board of Education.
Analysis: Arcola HS tops rankings with highest rate of students who fail annual tests, still graduate
Despite dismal student performance on annual exams covering math and reading, high school graduation rates remain high across the region, according to an East Central Reporter analysis of 2016 data from the Illinois State Board of Education.
Tuscola CUSD 301 board meeting focuses on finances
The Tuscola CUSD 301 School Board met at 6 p.m. Monday, June 27.
Tuscola High School board of education discusses approval of April 2016 policy updates
The Tuscola High School board of education met at 7 p.m. Monday, May 23.
Tuscola BOE to consider wifi enhancements March 21
Potential technology upgrades may surface when Tom Blumenshine, representing Bloomington-based Entre Solutions II, makes a presentation before the Tuscola Board of Education at its 7 p.m. meeting Monday, March 21, at East Prairie Middle School.