Mayor and City Council | City of Effingham Website
Mayor and City Council | City of Effingham Website
City of Effingham City Council met Mar. 4.
Here is the agenda provided by the council:
1. Opening
1.1 Mayor Calls Meeting to Order
1.2 Roll Call
1.3 Pledge of Allegiance
2. Omnibus Vote Agenda
2.1 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes (02/18/2025) - City Clerk NosbischThis Agenda Item Contains an Attachment.
2.2 Executive Session City Council Meeting Minutes (02/04/2025) - City Clerk Nosbisch
2.3 Ordinance No. 021-2025, An Ordinance Amending the Interior Boundaries of the City of Effingham Central Redevelopment Tax Increment Area - Economic Development Director HullThis Agenda Item Contains an Attachment.
2.4 Ordinance No. 022-2025, An Ordinance Amending Section 16-66, Chapter XVI of the Municipal Code of the City of Effingham (Stop Sign - East Market Avenue at North Second Street) - City Engineer ThoeleThis Agenda Item Contains an Attachment.
2.5 Resolution No. 016-2025, A Resolution Authorizing Execution of a Service Agreement to the Lowest Responsible Bidder for the Supply of Electricity for Residential and Small Commercial Retail Customers Who Do Not Opt Out of Such a Program (Municipal Electric Aggregation) - City Administrator MillerThis Agenda Item Contains an Attachment.
2.6 Resolution No. 017-2025, Resolution Authorizing Execution of a Facility Use Agreement for the use of the St. Anthony Facilities - EMA Coordinator ThiesThis Agenda Item Contains an Attachment.
2.7 Bid Tabulation - Austin Avenue & Park Street Storm and Sanitary Sewer Improvements - City Engineer ThoeleThis Agenda Item Contains an Attachment.
2.8 City Planner Certificate of Approval - Prairie Ace Estates Subdivision 7th AdditionThis Agenda Item Contains an Attachment.
2.9 City Planner Certificate of Approval - GKTW SubdivisionThis Agenda Item Contains an Attachment.
2.10 City Planner Certificate of Approval - Crawford Street SubdivisionThis Agenda Item Contains an Attachment.
2.11 Plan Commission Certificate of Approval - American Way Industrial Park 7th AdditionThis Agenda Item Contains an Attachment.
2.12 Omnibus Vote Agenda Approval
3. Presentations
4. Ordinances/Resolutions - Action Items
4.1 Resolution No. 020-2025, A Resolution Approving Preliminary Plat No. 25-003P and Approving Final Plat No. 25-003F for Recording - American Way Industrial Park, Seventh Addition - City Planner KoesterThis Agenda Item Contains an Attachment.
4.2 Resolution No. 021-2025, A Resolution Approving Final Plat No. 899F for Recording - Crawford Street Subdivision - City Planner KoesterThis Agenda Item Contains an Attachment.
4.3 Resolution No. 022-2025, A Resolution Approving Final Plat No. 25-006F for Recording - GKTW Subdivision - City Planner KoesterThis Agenda Item Contains an Attachment.
4.4 Resolution No. 023-2025, A Resolution Accepting Bid and Awarding Contract for the Austin Avenue & Park Street Storm and Sanitary Sewer Improvements - City Engineer ThoeleThis Agenda Item Contains an Attachment.
4.5 Resolution No. 024-2025, A Resolution Approving Final Plat No. 25-005F for Recording - Prairie Ace Estates Subdivision, 7th Addition - City Planner KoesterThis Agenda Item Contains an Attachment.
5. Other Action Items
5.1 Bills and Requisitions
6. Discussion
6.1 Ordinance No. 025-2025, An Ordinance Authorizing a Tree Preservation Policy within the City of Effingham - Public Works Director HeuermanThis Agenda Item Contains an Attachment.
6.2 Resolution No. 019-2025, A Resolution Authorizing Certificate of Authority by Vote - Public Works Director HeuermanThis Agenda Item Contains an Attachment.
6.3 Purchase of Christmas Light Displays from Holiday Outdoor Decor - Tourism Director Thoele
6.4 Effingham 2050 Comprehensive Plan - City Planner Koester
6.5 Ford Avenue Extension Phase 1B - Change Order - City Engineer Thoele
7. Departmental Reports
8. Announcements/Commissioner Comments
8.1 Reports from Commissioners
8.2 Reports from Staff - City Administrator Miller; Deputy City Administrator Presley; Public Works Director Heuerman; Economic Development Director Hull; Fire Chief Yochum; Police Chief McFarland; City Engineer Thoele; Tourism Director Thoele; City Treasurer Polk; City Clerk Nosbisch
8.3 Public Participation
9. Recess in Executive Session
9.1 Recess into Executive Session For the purpose of consideration of the following subjects, pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2 (c); Personnel- Section 2 (c) (1); Collective Bargaining- Section 2 (c) (2); Purchase or Lease of Real Estate - Section 2 (c) (5); Sale or Lease of Property - Section 2 (c) (6); Litigation - Section 2 (c) (11); and Review of Executive Session Minutes - Section 2 (c) (21). (If the Council desires to recess into executive session, the Council shall specifically indicate the desired topic of discussion for public record.)
9.2 Roll Call
10. Adjournment
10.1 Adjournment