Mayor and City Council | City of Effingham Website
Mayor and City Council | City of Effingham Website
City of Effingham City Council met Feb. 4.
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
1.1 Mayor Schutzbach Called the Meeting to Order
Time: 5:00
1.2 Roll Call
Present: Mayor Schutzbach and Commissioners Micenheimer, Moeller, Stephens, and Gillenwater
1.3 Pledge of Allegiance
2.1 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes (01/21/2025) - City Clerk Nosbisch
Resolution: Approve
2.2 Ordinance No. 008-2025, An Ordinance Authorizing Purchase of Real Property for Utility Purposes at 209 Austin Avenue - RACK Properties, LLC - City Engineer Thoele
Resolution: Pass
2.3 Ordinance No. 010-2025, An Ordinance Authorizing Purchase of Real Property for Public Right-of-Way along East Jaycee Avenue - Mark H. Bussman - City Engineer Thoele
Resolution: Pass
2.4 Ordinance No. 011-2025, An Ordinance Authorizing Purchase of Real Property for Public Right-of-Way along East Jaycee Avenue from Tony & Tara Bussman - City Engineer Thoele
Resolution: Pass
2.5 Certificate of Project Completion and Release of Bonding - 2024 Resurfacing Project Phase 1 - City Engineer Thoele
Resolution: Approve
2.6 Omnibus Vote Agenda Approval
Resolution: Approve
Motion to approve by Commissioner Moeller, second by Commissioner Micenheimer
Final Resolution: Motion Carried. 5-0
Yea: Mayor Schutzbach and Commissioners Moeller, Micenheimer, Stephens, and Gillenwater
3.1 Square Southtown
Scott Kabbes, Karen Etter, and Michael Brummer presented to the Council regarding Square Southtown.
4.1 Resolution No. 014-2025, Resolution Authorizing Release of Special Covenant (Fritz Krampe Enterprises LLC Lisa Development) - Economic Development Director Hull
Economic Development Director Hull stated this resolution authorizes the release of the special covenant.
Motion to adopt by Commissioner Stephens, second by Commissioner Gillenwater
Final Resolution: Motion Carried. 5-0
Yea: Mayor Schutzbach and Commissioners Moeller, Micenheimer, Stephens, and Gillenwater
4.2 Resolution No. 015-2025, A Resolution Authorizing the Execution of an Agreement for Provision of Electricity for City-Owned Buildings and Other Facilities to Lowest Responsible Bidder - City Administrator Miller
City Administrator Miller stated the City of Effingham has utilized a bidding process coordinated through Affordable Gas + Electric, LLC to seek competitive pricing for the provision for electrical energy in the operation, maintenance, and functional uses of City owned buildings, facilities, and equipment. Since electricity is a commodity for which supply bids typically are made each morning and expire the same day at the close of business, the City must act promptly to accept any such desired bid in order to contractually guarantee a per kilowatt hour electric rate. This resolution gives the City Administrator the ability to enter a contract with the lowest quote.
Motion to adopt by Commissioner Micenheimer, second by Commissioner Moeller
Final Resolution: Motion Carried. 5-0
Yea: Mayor Schutzbach and Commissioners Moeller, Micenheimer, Stephens, and Gillenwater
5.1 Bills and Requisitions
A. Payroll Check Register dated 01/24/2025 $ 702,972.60
B. Check Register dated 02/04/2025 $ 270,950.27
Motion to approve by Commissioner Gillenwater, second by Commissioner Micenheimer
Final Resolution: Motion Carried. 5-0
Yea: Mayor Schutzbach and Commissioners Moeller, Micenheimer, Stephens, and Gillenwater
6.1 Ordinance No. 009-2025, An Ordinance Authorizing the Purchase of an Easement for Utility Purposes at 1401 N. Keller Drive - BHKT LLC - City Engineer Thoele
City Engineer Thoele stated this ordinance authorizes the purchase of an easement for utility purposes from BHKT LLC at 1401 N. Keller Drive in the total amount of $4,000.
There were no objections to bringing this item back to a future City Council Meeting.
6.2 Ordinance No. 015-2025, An Ordinance Amending Division 10, Section 2-369 (Personnel Policies and Procedures) of the Municipal Code of the City of Effingham, Illinois – Information Technology Policy - Deputy City Administrator Presley
Deputy City Administrator Presley stated this ordinance amends and revises the Information Technology Policy of the Personnel Policies and Procedures Section of the City's Municipal Code.
There were no objections to bringing this item back to a future City Council Meeting.
6.3 Ordinance No. 016-2025, An Ordinance Authorizing an Intergovernmental Agreement for Participation in the Illinois Public Works Mutual Aid Network (IPWMAN) - Public Works Director Heuerman
Public Works Director Heuerman stated this ordinance authorizes an intergovernmental agreement for the City of Effingham to participate in the Illinois Public Works Mutual Aid Network (IPWMAN).
There were no objections to bringing this back to a future City Council Meeting.
6.4 Ordinance No. 017-2025, An Ordinance Amending Chapter 2 of the Municipal Code of the City of Effingham (Rules and Regulations) - City Administrator Miller
City Administrator Miller stated this ordinance authorizes the Mayor and Commissioners to place items on the agenda for City Council Meetings.
There were no objections to bring this item back to a future City Council Meeting.
6.5 Resolution No. 010-2025, A Resolution Authorizing Acceptance of Quotes from Schulte Supply, Inc. & Core & Main for Water Main Replacement Project - Banker Street and Southernaire Avenue - Public Works Director Heuerman
Public Works Director Heuerman stated this resolution accepts the lowest, responsive quotes from Schulte in the total amount of $47,929.02 for Banker Street and Southernaire Water Main Replacement Project materials and Core & Main in the total amount of $11,550 for the Banker Street and Southernaire Water Main Replacement Project hydrants. Payment for this project will be made from the Banker Street Business District Fund and the Water Fund.
There were no objections to bringing this item back to a future City Council Meeting.
6.6 Resolution No. 011-2025, A Resolution Authorizing Acceptance of Quotes from Schulte Supply, Inc. & Core & Main for Water Main Replacement Project - Henrietta Street - Public Works Director Heuerman
Public Works Director Heuerman stated this resolution accepts the lowest, responsive quotes from Schulte in the total amount of $64,220.29 for Henrietta Water Main Replacement Project materials, and Core & Main in the total amount of $11,700 for the Henrietta Water Main Replacement Project hydrants. Payment for this project will be made from the Water Fund.
There were no objections to bringing this item back to a future City Council Meeting.
6.7 Resolution No. 012-2025, A Resolution Authorizing Acceptance of a Quote for First Street and Roadway Avenue Water Main Replacement Project - Public Works Director Heuerman
Public Works Director Heuerman stated this resolution accepts the lowest responsive quote from Core & Main in the total amount of $28,395 for the Water Main Replacement Project at First Street and Roadway Avenue. Payment for this project will be made from the Water Fund.
There were no objections to bringing this item back to a future City Council Meeting.
6.8 Resolution No. 013-2025, A Resolution Authorizing the Acceptance of Quote for the Purchase of an Outdoor Storm Warning Siren - Fire Chief Yochum
Fire Chief Yochum stated this resolution accepts a quote for an outdoor storm warning siren from Global Technical Systems, Inc in the total amount of $38,995.00. Payment for this purchase will be made from the Emergency Management Agency Capitol Equipment Fund.
There were no objections to bringing this item back to a future City Council Meeting. 6.9 Harvest Renewables Project - Economic Development Director Hull
Economic Development Director Hull introduced a representative of Harvest Renewables to propose the purchase of 30 acres from the City.
There were no objections to bringing this item back to a future City council Meeting.
6.10 Amendment to the Golf Cart Crossing Ordinance No. 057-2022 - Public Works Director Heuerman
Public Works Director Heuerman spoke regarding amending Ordinance No. 057-2022 to allow an additional permitted golf cart crossing at the intersection of Willow Street and Grove Avenue.
This item will be brought back for discussion and approval.
8.1 Reports from Commissioners
8.2 Reports from Staff - City Administrator Miller; Deputy City Administrator Presley; Public Works Director Heuerman; Economic Development Director Hull; Fire Chief Yochum; Police Chief McFarland; City Engineer Thoele; Tourism Director Thoele; City Treasurer Polk; City Clerk Nosbisch
Public Works Director Heuerman announced the City was awarded a $3,000,000 Regional Site Readiness Grant through DCEO.
8.3 Public Participation
9.1 Recess into Executive Session For the purpose of consideration of the following subjects, pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2 (c); Personnel- Section 2 (c) (1); Collective Bargaining- Section 2 (c) (2); Purchase or Lease of Real Estate - Section 2 (c) (5); Sale or Lease of Property - Section 2 (c) (6); Litigation - Section 2 (c) (11); and Review of Executive Session Minutes - Section 2 (c) (21). (If the Council desires to recess into executive session, the Council shall specifically indicate the desired topic of discussion for public record.)
Time: 6:00 PM
Purpose: Purchase or Lease of Real Estate - Section 2 (c) (5); Sale or Lease of Property - Section 2 (c) (6); Litigation - Section 2 (c) (11); and Review of Executive Session Minutes - Section 2 (c) (21)
Final Resolution: Motion Carried. 5-0
Yea: Mayor Schutzbach and Commissioners Moeller, Gillenwater, Stephens, and Micenheimer
9.2 Roll Call
Present: Mayor Schutzbach and Commissioners Micenheimer, Gillenwater, Stephens, and Moeller
10.1 Adjournment
Time: 7:08 PM
Motion to adjourn by Commissioner Moeller, second by Commissioner Micenheimer Final Resolution: Motion Carried. 5-0
Yea: Mayor Schutzbach and Commissioners Moeller, Micenheimer, Stephens. and Gillenwater$file/February%204%2C%202025.pdf