Mayor and City Council | City of Effingham Website
Mayor and City Council | City of Effingham Website
City of Effingham City Council met Jan. 21.
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
1.1 Mayor Schutzbach Called the Meeting to Order
Time: 5:00
1.2 Roll Call
Present: Mayor Schutzbach and Commissioners Micenheimer and Moeller Absent: Commissioners Stephens and Gillenwater
1.3 Pledge of Allegiance
2.1 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes (01/07/2025) - City Clerk Nosbisch Resolution: Approve
2.2 Executive Session City Council Meeting Minutes (12/03/2024) - City Clerk Nosbisch Resolution: Approve
2.3 Treasurer's Report (December 2024) - City Treasurer Polk
2.4 Ordinance No. 006-2025, An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 13-2012, An Ordinance Amending Chapter 4 of the Municipal Code of the City of Effingham, Illinois (Liquor Control) Country Rhodes Catering - Mayor Schutzbach
Resolution: Pass
2.5 Resolution No. 001-2025, A Resolution Supporting the FY 2025 Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) Grant Program - City Engineer Thoele
Resolution: Adopt
2.6 Resolution No. 003-2025, A Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of Liquor License to Country Rhodes LLC d/b/a Country Rhodes Catering - Mayor Schutzbach
Resolution: Adopt
2.7 Resolution No. 004-2025, A Resolution Authorizing Execution of Local Public Agency Engineering Services Agreement for Motor Fuel Tax Funds - City Engineer Thoele
Resolution: Adopt
2.8 Final Change Order - 2024 Sidewalk Replacement Project - City Engineer Thoele
Resolution: Approve
2.9 Certificate of Project Completion and Release of Bonding - 2024 Street Maintenance Aggregate Stockpiling - City Engineer Thoele
Resolution: Approve
2.10 Jaycee Avenue Storm Improvements Project Bid Tab - City Engineer Thoele
2.11 Plan Commission Letter of Recommendation - Rezone - Brad W. and Sandra J. Kabbes - B-5 Highway Commercial District to NU Nonurban District - Outer Belt West – 1/4 Mile West of Keller Drive - City Planner Koester
2.12 Plan Commission Letter of Recommendation - Rezone - Farm Credit Illinois - NU Nonurban District to B-2 General Commercial District - 1600th Avenue (Althoff Avenue) – 1/8th mile West of 1600th Street - City Planner Koester
2.13 Certificate of Approval - Country Financial Subdivision - City Planner Koester
2.14 Certificate of Approval - Donald Thoele Subdivision No. 2 - City Planner Koester
2.15 Omnibus Vote Agenda Approval
Resolution: Approve
Motion to approve by Commissioner Moeller, second by Commissioner Micenheimer Final Resolution: Motion Carried. 3-0
Yea: Mayor Schutzbach and Commissioners Moeller and Micenheimer
3.1 Chief Jason McFarland 25 Years
Police Chief Jason McFarland was recognized for 25 years of service to the City of Effingham.
4.1 Resolution No. 139-2024, A Resolution Authorization Acceptance of Quotation from APC International for the Decorative Street Sign Project - Public Works Director Heuerman
Public Works Director Heuerman stated this resolution accepts a quote from APC International in the total amount of $67,902.96 for the Decorative Street Sign Project. Payment for this project will be made from the Central TIF Fund.
Motion to adopt by Commissioner Micenheimer, second by Commissioner Moeller Final Resolution: Motion Carried. 3-0
Yea: Mayor Schutzbach and Commissioners Moeller and Micenheimer
4.2 Ordinance No. 012-2025, An Ordinance Amending the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Effingham - Brad W. and Sandra J. Kabbes - B-5 Highway Commercial District to NU Nonurban District - Outer Belt West – 1/4 Mile West of Keller Drive - City Planner Koester
City Planner Koester stated the subject property is the wooded ravine on the north side of Outer Belt West - west of Keller Drive. The Plan Commission considered testimony to the subject property would be difficult to develop due to the ravine and water way; however, there is a small portion of "flatter land" at the north edge suitable for uses allowed in the NU District. In addition, retaining the wooded ravine could buffer future residential development to the north and west from the roadway and future commercial development. The members present unanimously voted to recommend the rezoning.
Commissioner Gillenwater joined the meeting at 5:08 PM
Motion to pass by Commissioner Moeller, second by Commissioner Micenheimer Final Resolution: Motion Carried. 4-0
Yea: Mayor Schutzbach and Commissioners Moeller, Micenheimer, and Gillenwater
4.3 Ordinance No. 013-2025, An Ordinance Amending the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Effingham - Farm Credit Illinois - NU Nonurban District to B-2 General Commercial District - 1600th Avenue (Althoff Avenue) – 1/8th mile West of 1600th Street - City Planner Koester
City Planner Koester stated Farm Credit Illinois has outgrown its current facility on Fayette Avenue and is proposing a new, larger facility on the subject property. The proposed use is consistent with Comprehensive Plan Goals and the Future Land Use Map. The members present unanimously voted to recommend the rezoning.
Motion to pass by Commissioner Micenheimer, second by Commissioner Moeller Final Resolution: Motion Carried. 4-0
Yea: Mayor Schutzbach and Commissioners Moeller, Micenheimer, and Gillenwater
4.4 Resolution No. 005-2025, A Resolution Authorizing Acceptance of Proposal for Jaycee Avenue Storm Improvements Project - City Engineer Thoele
City Engineer Thoele stated this resolution accepts the lowest, responsive proposal from Effingham Asphalt in the total amount of $465,162 for the Jaycee Avenue Storm Improvements Project. Payment for this project will be made from the General Fund.
Motion to adopt by Commissioner Gillenwater, second by Commissioner Moeller Final Resolution: Motion Carried. 4-0
Yea: Mayor Schutzbach and Commissioners Moeller, Micenheimer, and Gillenwater
4.5 Resolution No. 006-2025, A Resolution Reducing and Extending Bond for the Completion of Improvements - Hidden Hills Subdivision, Plat No. 880 - F - City Planner Koester
City Planner Koester stated the developers of Hidden Hills Subdivision have completed a portion of the required improvements but will need additional time to complete the remainder of the improvements. This resolution would reduce the bond to the amount needed for the completion of improvements and extend the bonding for 1 year.
Motion to adopt by Commissioner Micenheimer, second by Commissioner Gillenwater Final Resolution: Motion Carried. 4-0
Yea: Mayor Schutzbach and Commissioners Moeller, Micenheimer, and Gillenwater
4.6 Resolution No. 007-2025, A Resolution Approving Final Plat No. 897F for Recording - Country Financial Subdivision - City Planner Koester
City Planner Koester stated Country Financial Subdivision is a replat of multiple lots into one lot for the new Country Financial office building. The replat is in conformance with the Subdivision and Zoning Ordinances and is recommended for approval.
Motion to adopt by Commissioner Micenheimer, second by Commissioner Moeller Final Resolution: Motion Carried. 4-0
Yea: Mayor Schutzbach and Commissioners Moeller, Micenheimer, and Gillenwater
4.7 Resolution No. 008-2025, A Resolution Approving Final Plat No. 896F for Recording - Donald Thoele Subdivision No. 2 - City Planner Koester
City Planner Koester stated Donald Thoele Subdivision No. 2 is a replat of multiple lots by multiple owners of the original lots due to exchange or acquisition of adjacent tracts or parts of adjacent lots. The replat is in conformance with the Subdivision and Zoning Ordinances and is recommended for approval.
Motion to adopt by Commissioner Micenheimer, second by Commissioner Moeller Final Resolution: Motion Carried. 4-0
Yea: Mayor Schutzbach and Commissioners Moeller, Micenheimer, and Gillenwater
5.1 Bills and Requisitions
A. Payroll Check Register dated 01/10/2025 $ 367,923.22 B. Check Register dated 01/21/2025 $ 954,390.74
Motion to approve by Commissioner Micenheimer, second by Commissioner Gillenwater Final Resolution: Motion Carried. 4-0
Yea: Mayor Schutzbach and Commissioners Moeller, Micenheimer, and Gillenwater
6.1 Ordinance No. 010-2025, An Ordinance Authorizing Purchase of Real Property for Public Right-of-Way along East Jaycee Avenue - Mark H. Bussman - City Engineer Thoele
City Engineer Thoele stated this ordinance authorizes the purchase of real property for public right-of-way from Mark H. Bussman along East Jaycee Avenue for $900.
There were no objections to bring this item back to a future City Council Meeting.
6.2 Ordinance No. 011-2025, An Ordinance Authorizing Purchase of Real Property for Public Right-of-Way along East Jaycee Avenue from Tony & Tara Bussman - City Engineer Thoele
City Engineer Thoele stated this ordinance authorizes the purchase of real property for public right-of-way along East Jaycee Avenue from Tony & Tara Bussman for $16,800.
There were no objections to bring this item back to a future City Council Meeting. 6.3 Electrical Energy Rates for Municipal Facilities - City Administrator Miller
City Administrator Miller stated Electric rates for the City facilities (buildings) expires March 2025. The City's consultant AGE received bids and recommends a 24-month contract with Constellation at a rate of $ 0.0775 per kwh. The Ameren price to compare currently is $ 0.09074 per kwh. The City's previous contract rate was $ 0.0661 per kwh.
There were no objections to bring this item back to a future City Council Meeting.
6.4 Effingham 2050 Comprehensive Plan Update and Draft Survey Information - City Planner Koester
City Planner Koester provided an update on the Focus Group Meetings and provided a brief presentation of draft information from the Community Survey.
8.1 Reports from Commissioners
Commissioner Moeller spoke on regarding City Council Meeting agenda development and the Commissioner role.
Commissioner Micenheimer and Mayor Schutzbach spoke on the same topic.
8.2 Reports from Staff - City Administrator Miller; Deputy City Administrator Presley; Public Works Director Heuerman; Economic Development Director Hull; Fire Chief Yochum; Police Chief McFarland; City Engineer Thoele; Tourism Director Thoele; City Treasurer Polk; City Clerk Nosbisch
8.3 Public Participation
Kelly Roepke submitted a speaker’s card and spoke regarding operations of the City Council Meeting agenda and Commission form of government.
Greg Fearday submitted a speaker’s card and spoke regarding operations of the City Council Meeting agenda and Commission form of government.
Andrew Johnson submitted a speaker’s card and spoke regarding operations of the City Council Meeting agenda and Commission form of government.
Jean Anne Highland submitted a speaker’s card and spoke regarding operations of the City Council Meeting agenda and Commission form of government.
Scott Kabbes submitted a speaker’s card and spoke regarding operations of the City Council Meeting agenda and Commission form of government.
A discussion was held regarding the topic of the City Council Meeting agenda development process, commission form of government, and a specific project in the Village Square Mall.
9.1 Recess into Executive Session For the purpose of consideration of the following subjects, pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2 (c); Personnel- Section 2 (c) (1); Collective Bargaining- Section 2 (c) (2); Purchase or Lease of Real Estate - Section 2 (c) (5); Sale or Lease of Property - Section 2 (c) (6); Litigation - Section 2 (c) (11); and Review of Executive Session Minutes - Section 2 (c) (21). (If the Council desires to recess into executive session, the Council shall specifically indicate the desired topic of discussion for public record.)
9.2 Roll Call
10.1 Adjournment
Time: 6:22 PM
Motion to adjourn by Commissioner Moeller, second by Commissioner Micenheimer Final Resolution: Motion Carried. 4-0
Yea: Mayor Schutzbach and Commissioners Moeller, Micenheimer, and Gillenwater$file/January%2021%2C%202025.pdf