City of Casey City Hall | Wikipedia
City of Casey City Hall | Wikipedia
City of Casey City Council met February 3.
Here is the agenda provided by the council:
i. Call to Order - Mayor Nichols
ii. Pledge of Allegiance
iii. Roll Call
iv. Public Forum
1. Fifteen Minutes Allotted for Pre-registered by signup only.
v. Community Affairs
vi. Meeting Minutes
1. Council Action: Approval of the Minutes of the January 20th, 2025 City Council Meeting
vii. Officers Reports
1. Clerk Mumford
a. Council Action: Approval of January 2025 bills paid: $4,199,553.99
2. Treasurer Lorton
3. Attorney Willenborg
4. Superintendent Biggs
5. Chief Henderson
6. Economic Development Director Daughhetee
7. EMA Director Craig
viii. New Business
1. Report from Downtown Improvement and Economic Development Committee held on 1/27/2025
ix. Unfinished Business
x. Alderman Reports
1. Ward I Tanner Brown
2. Ward II Steve Jenkins
3. Ward III Lori Wilson
4. At Large Jeremiah Hanley
5. At Large Marcy Mumford
6. At Large Carlene Richardson
xi. Mayor Nichols Report
xii. Adjournment – Council Action