Allen Barker, City Manager for the City of Olney | City of Olney
Allen Barker, City Manager for the City of Olney | City of Olney
City of Olney Board of Fire & Police Commissioners met Dec. 19.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
AGENDA #1 “CALL TO ORDER” The special meeting of the Board of Fire & Police Commissioners was called to order at 3:30 p.m. by Julie Hearring in the Council Chambers at the Olney City Hall.
AGENDA #2 “ROLL CALL” The following members were present: Carol Potter, Larry Knowlton, and Julie Hearring. Also present was Secretary Kelsie Sterchi.
AGENDA #3 “APPROVE MINUTES FROM JUNE 20, 2024” Mr. Knowlton moved to approve minutes from June 20, 2024, seconded by Mrs. Potter. A unanimous voice vote was received. The motion carried.
AGENDA #4 “CLOSED SESSION: APPOINTMENT OR EMPLOYMENT OF SPECIFIC EMPLOYEES” Mr. Knowlton moved to enter into closed session to discuss the appointment or employment of specific employees, seconded by Mrs. Potter. A unanimous voice vote was received. The motion carried and all in attendance entered into closed session at 3:31 p.m.
AGENDA #5 “APPROVE MINUTES OF CLOSED SESSION ON JUNE 20, 2024” Mrs. Potter moved to enter back into open session, seconded by Mr. Knowlton. A unanimous voice vote was received. The motion carried. Open session resumed at 3:32 p.m.
Mr. Knowlton moved to approve the closed session minutes from June 20, 2024, seconded by Mrs. Potter. A unanimous voice vote was received. The motion carried.
AGENDA #6 “DISCUSSION/POSSIBLE ACTION: CREATION OF ELIGIBILITY LIST FOR ENTRY-LEVEL POLICE & REGISTER FOR LATERAL TRANSFERS” Mrs. Sterchi stated that there may be vacancies ahead in the Police Department. The entry-level eligibility list and lateral transfer register were both exhausted. Because of this, testing was necessary to add more names to the eligibility list and register. Testing would be held on February 15, 2025.
AGENDA #7 “RESOLUTION: AUTHORIZE THE DESTRUCTION OF CLOSED SESSION AUDIO” The Board members were presented with a resolution that would authorize the destruction of audio recordings of closed session meetings. The Board wished to take action on this item and Agenda #8 at the same time.
Mr. Knowlton moved to approve BFPC-2024-R-04 and BFPC-2024-R-05, seconded by Mrs. Potter. A unanimous voice vote was received. The motion carried.
AGENDA #8 “RESOLUTION: DO NOT AUTHORIZE RELEASE OF CLOSED SESSION MINUTES” The Board members were presented with a resolution to not release closed session minutes as confidentiality still exists to protect public interest and/or the privacy of an individual. Action on this item was taken under Agenda #7.
AGENDA #9 “PUBLIC COMMENTS & PRESENTATIONS” No one from the public was present.
The Board then briefly discussed requirements for entry-level and lateral transfer applicants for the Police Department.
AGENDA #11 “ADJOURN” Mr. Knowlton moved to adjourn, seconded by Mrs. Potter. A unanimous voice vote was received. The meeting adjourned at 3:35 p.m.,%202024.pdf