
East Central Reporter

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

City of Casey City Council met Dec. 16

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City of Casey City Hall | Wikipedia

City of Casey City Hall | Wikipedia

City of Casey City Council met Dec. 16.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

The Regular Meeting of the City Council was held Monday December 16th, 2024; beginning at 6:00 p.m. Mayor Mike Nichols was present and called the meeting to order. Lori Wilson led the pledge of allegiance.

Roll Call:

Present: Alderman Hanley

Alderman Jenkins

Alderman Mumford

Alderman Richardson

Alderman Wilson

A quorum was declared.

Public Forum:

Chris Jackson was present and asked for an update on the 2 properties next to her. Mayor Nichols reported that the paperwork has been filed for one of them, and we received notice that the owner of 2 NW 5th was going to tear the property down herself. George Drum was present at the meeting and said he had the property sold to him and he plans on selling it.

Community Affairs:

Mayor Nichols presented Tanner Brown, who he is going to appoint to the open Alderman position in Ward 1. This will finish the term ending 4/30/2027. Alderman Mumford motioned approval of the appointment of Tanner Brown as Alderman in Ward 1, seconded by Alderman Hanley. Upon roll call the vote was:

Ayes: 5 – Hanley, Jenkins, Mumford, Richardson, and Wilson

Nays: 0 – None

Motion declared carried

Clerk Mumford then swore in Tanner Brown as a Ward 1 Alderman to finish the term ending 4/30/2027

Meeting Minutes:

Mayor Nichols looked for approval of the minutes of the December 2nd, 2024 City Council Meeting.

Alderman Wilson motioned approval of the minutes of the December 2nd, 2024 City Council Meeting, seconded by Alderman Richardson. Upon roll call the vote was:

Ayes: 4 – Hanley, Mumford, Richardson, and Wilson

Nays: 0 – None

Abstain: 2 – Brown and Jenkins

Motion declared carried

Officers Reports:

Economic Development Director Daughhetee presented Resolution #121624A: A Resolution authorizing an agreement with City of Casey Utilities Department to utilize the City’s American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Funds for Fairview Park Improvements.

Alderman Jenkins motioned approval of Resolution #121624A, seconded by Alderman Hanley. Upon roll call the vote was:

Ayes: 5 – Brown, Hanley, Jenkins, Mumford, and Richardson

Nays: 1 - Wilson

Motion declared carried

Daughhetee then presented the following bills for approval to finish up the CDAP Housing Grant:

- Coles County Regional Planning: $22,000.00

- GEM Carpentry: $23,905.00

- GEM Carpentry: $9,348.00

- GEM Carpentry: $24,095.00

Alderman Hanley motioned approval of the above reference bills, seconded by Alderman Mumford. Upon roll call the vote was:

Ayes: 6 – Brown, Hanley, Jenkins, Mumford, Richardson, and Wilson

Nays: 0 – None

Motion declared carried

EMA Director Craig thanked all the utility workers for their hard work in getting this big water leak fixed.

New Business:


Unfinished Business:


Alderman Reports:

Alderman Jenkins thanked the utility guys for fixing the water leak, he wants them to know people appreciate their hard work.

Alderman Wilson thanked the utility guys for their hard work.

Alderman Mumford also thanked the utility guys for their hard work and also said the communication to the public was top notch. She also congratulated Tanner and said she looks forward to working with him.

Alderman Hanley also thanked the utility workers for their hard work.

Alderman Richardson also thanked all the utility workers. She thanked the Candy Canes on Main Committee for a well done event. And said the Christmas at Fairview Park committee has done a great job with the lights this year.

Alderman Brown said he was very honored to be appointed to this position. He looks forward to helping people who live in this community and will be looking for ways to retain people in this community.

Mayor Report:

Mayor Nichols also thanked the utility workers for their hard work on this water leak. He said we have a very good group of workers. He is also looking at redoing the committees since we now have a new member.

There was no further Business of the City Council for the December 16th, 2024 Council Meeting.


Alderman Hanley motioned to adjourn, seconded by Alderman Mumford. Upon roll call the vote was:

Ayes: 6 – Brown, Hanley, Jenkins, Mumford, Richardson, and Wilson Nays: 0 – None

Motion declared carried

Adjournment of the City Council was at 6:28 p.m.
