Nancy Smitley, City Clerk - City of Marshall, IL | Linkedin
Nancy Smitley, City Clerk - City of Marshall, IL | Linkedin
City of Marshall City Council met January 13.
Here are the agenda provided by the council:
I. Roll Call (6:30 PM)
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Minutes of Previous Meeting and correction and/or approval of same
IV. Public Comments (Persons wishing to address the council will have a time limit of 3 minutes)
V. New Business
VI. Kelsey Swing – Presentation of the Audited Financial Statements for FYE 2024
VII. Consider and take action on payment to Gilbert, Metzger & Madigan, LLP for the audit in the amount of $30,200.00.
VIII. Consider and take action on a Professional Services Agreement with Farnsworth Group for DCEO Housing Grant Application.
IX. Consider and take action on payment to Midwest Meter, Inc. for meters in the amount of $19,487.00.
X. Committee Reports
XI. Pay Bills
XII. Adjourn