Robert Kosic State's Attorney | Douglas County
Robert Kosic State's Attorney | Douglas County
The Douglas County Board's recent meeting on November 20, 2024, has raised concerns regarding compliance with the Open Meetings Act (OMA). During the session, a participant was interrupted by the Chairman under the pretext that their allotted time had expired. This action occurred despite other speakers being allowed to speak for longer durations.
The discrepancy in speaking times led to allegations of an OMA violation. A Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request revealed shortcomings in the board's adherence to OMA requirements. The county provided six certificates for OMA training; however, only two members completed their training before the FOIA request. Notably, board member Wilson has yet to submit any certificate of completion.
The individual whose comments were curtailed is expected to seek a review from the Attorney General’s Public Access Counselor.
Additionally, documents show that the State’s Attorney serves as the Board’s parliamentarian according to the County Board's By-Laws. It suggests a need for improved understanding of OMA regulations within Douglas County to ensure public speaking rights are upheld and arbitrary rules are avoided.