City of Casey City Hall | Wikipedia
City of Casey City Hall | Wikipedia
City of Casey City Council met Nov. 18.
Here is the agenda provided by the council:
The Regular Meeting of the City Council was held Monday November 18th, 2024; beginning at 6:00 p.m. Mayor Mike Nichols was absent, Clerk Jeremy Mumford called the meeting to order and led the pledge of allegiance.
Roll Call:
Present: Alderman Jenkins
Alderman Mumford
Alderman Richardson
Alderman Wilson
Alderman Williams
Absent: Alderman Hanley
A quorum was declared.
Alderman Jenkins motioned approval to appoint Jerome Williams as the Mayor Pro Tem for tonight’s meeting, seconded by Alderman Mumford. Upon roll call the vote was:
Ayes: 5 – Jenkins, Mumford, Richardson, Wilson and Williams
Nays: 0 – None
Absent: 1 – Hanley
Motion declared carried
Public Forum:
Shawn Davidson was present and talked about a cat problem in his neighborhood. He asked if there was something that can be done about this and mentioned that a neighboring town has a mobile spay and neuter program. Mayor Pro Tem Williams recommended the Public Safety Committee take a look at this issue
Community Affairs:
Meeting Minutes:
Mayor Pro Tem Williams looked for approval of the minutes of the November 4th, 2024 City Council Meeting.
Alderman Richardson motioned approval of the minutes of the November 4th, 2024 City Council Meeting, seconded by Alderman Jenkins. Upon roll call the vote was:
Ayes: 5 – Jenkins, Mumford, Richardson, Wilson and Williams
Nays: 0 – None
Absent: 1 – Hanley
Motion declared carried
Officers Reports:
Clerk Mumford presented the November 18th, 2024 bills payable in the amount of $589,399.44 for approval.
Alderman Wilson motioned approval of November 18th, 2024 bills payable, seconded by Alderman Jenkins. Upon roll call the vote was:
Ayes: 5 – Jenkins, Mumford, Richardson, Wilson and Williams
Nays: 0 – None
Absent: 1 – Hanley
Motion declared carried
Superintendent Biggs reported that leaf collection is still ongoing. The first round of tree cutting is almost complete, and Tanner Glidewell has done a good job with the stump grinding project. The Park roads are now closed for the Christmas in the Park decorations. The annual gas safety meeting is also on Tuesday night at Richards Farm.
Economic Development Director Daughhetee presented 2 invoices from GEM Construction for the CDAP Grant for approval. Alderman Jenkins asked about more details on the invoices. The Council will table the approval of these for now.
EMA Director Craig reported that he is having some trouble with the wiring on the North Siren.
New Business:
Clerk Mumford presented Resolution #111824A: A Resolution establishing a schedule of meetings for the City of Casey, City Council.
Alderman Mumford motioned approval of Resolution #111824A, seconded by Alderman Wilson. Upon roll call the vote was:
Ayes: 5 – Jenkins, Mumford, Richardson, Wilson and Williams
Nays: 0 – None
Absent: 1 – Hanley
Motion declared carried
Unfinished Business:
Clerk Mumford presented Ordinance #575: Amends Appointment Ordinance. Alderman Wilson motioned approval of Ordinance #575, seconded by Alderman Jenkins. Upon roll call the vote was:
Ayes: 5 – Jenkins, Mumford, Richardson, Wilson and Williams
Nays: 0 – None
Absent: 1 – Hanley
Motion declared carried
Meetings Minutes
November 18th, 2024
Alderman Reports:
Alderman Williams reported that he has been talking to the banks and one is wanting to lower our interest rate on our checking accounts. He is going to talk to the other banks to see if we can get a better rate.
Alderman Wison asked about a new light on East Delaware, Shelby will look into this. Alderman Williams reported that tonight will be his last meeting. He is going to Officially resign. They have sold their house and they plan on moving to be closer to family. He said it was a pleasure to serve this community and work with all the Council and employees.
Mayor Report:
There was no further Business of the City Council for the November 18th, 2024 Council Meeting.
Alderman Mumford motioned to adjourn, seconded by Alderman Richardson. Upon roll call the vote was:
Ayes: 5 – Jenkins, Mumford, Richardson, Wilson and Williams
Nays: 0 – None
Absent: 1 – Hanley
Motion declared carried
Adjournment of the City Council was at 6:19 p.m.