
East Central Reporter

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Marshall Community Unit School District C-2 Board of Education met Nov. 14

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Marshall High School School | Marshall Community Unit School District C-2

Marshall High School School | Marshall Community Unit School District C-2

Marshall Community Unit School District C-2 Board of Education met Nov. 14.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The Board of Education met in regular session on THURSDAY, November 14, 2024, with the following members present: Mr. Crews, Mrs. Hendrix, Mr. Lycan, Mr. Macke, Mrs. Rayhel and Mr. Maurer were present. Superintendent Ross and Administrators Ritchey, Keown, Lake, Sisson, and Bridgewater were also present. Mr. Macke called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mr. Maurer.

During the public comment, no comments were offered.

Mrs. Hendrix offered a motion, seconded by Mr. Crews, to approve the minutes, treasurer’s report, and bills from the month of October. On roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Crews, aye; Mrs. Rayhel, aye; Mr. Lycan, aye; Mr. Maurer, aye; Mrs. Hendrix, aye; and Mr. Macke, aye.

Mr. Gard arrived at 6:03 p.m.

Administrators shared their board reports. Mrs. Sisson thanked the MHS Art Students for their interactive artwork painted on the South Elementary playground black top. Mr. Keown highlighted All State Honors for Molly Farrell and Madeline Fox at the State Cross Country Meet. Mr. Ross shared that the MJHS Staff had decorated and provided treats for each administrator and board member. He commented on the upcoming IASB Conference in Chicago. He noted that he had attended an ISBE sponsored Teacher Vacancy Grant Summit recently and had the opportunity to learn what other districts were doing with their TVG dollars. He shared that our funds had been spent primarily on helping Para pros and teachers teaching outside of their certification to get the classes needed to become certified teachers. Dollars used last year towards health insurance relief will go to teachers for additional supplies and classroom needs. Lastly, Mr. Ross read a letter from the Regional Superintendent highlighting School Board Member Day on Friday, November 15.

Mr. Ross discussed the 2024 Tax Levy. He reminded the board that the estimate had been made in October at 15%. The Truth in Taxation Hearing notice was posted online thirty days in advance of the upcoming hearing at the December Board meeting. Newspaper notice will be done no more that 14 days and no less than 7 days before the hearing. Mr. Lycan asked if it would be possible to provide the newspaper with information explaining that the 15% estimate is purposefully high in order to capture the maximum local revenue, which should be considerably lower than 15%. The Board continued a discussion of Board Policy 7:30 regarding the participation of non-public school students in district extracurricular activities and sports. Mr. Ross shared information from the IHSA and from select schools that all students that attend half-time to participate in extracurricular sports and activities. Mrs Hendrix offered a motion, seconded by Mrs. Rayhel, to develop a policy that would allow participation in athletics for half-time students. On a voice vote, the motion was defeated 5-2, thus keeping the current policy.

Mr. Ross presented information regarding ISBE Summative Designations for each of the four Marshall Schools with MHS, MJHS, and North Elementary, receiving a Commendable Rating, and South Elementary receiving a Targeted rating. Mr. Ross explained that the data leading to rating for South School was specifically due to growth in Math for Low Income Students. There will be some money provided through the ISBE to be used towards interventions to support improvement in this area. A Math Interventionist similar to what a Title I Reading Teacher would do for ELA is a part of a solution.

Mr. Ross recommended approval of a School Maintenance Grant worth $50,000 to go towards the renovation of the Bush Field Grandstand Bleachers. The project in total will cost approximately $300,000. $250,000 would come from the Health Life Safety fund, which is allowable due to an amendment specifically for the bleachers. This project can be done without bid through the TIPS government purchasing program and would be completed following the 2025 Football Season. Mr. Maurer offered a motion, seconded by Mrs. Gard to approve. On a voice vote, the motion was approved 7-0.

Mr. Ross presented the following Field Trip requests: FBLA to State Competition.s Mrs. Rayhel offered a motion, seconded by Mrs. Hendrix to approve. On a voice vote, the motion was approved 7-0.

Mrs. Hendrix offered a motion, seconded by Mr. Gard, to go into closed session for Personnel 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1) The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee to determine its validity) and Students 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(10) The placement of individual students in special education programs and other matters relating to individual students; On roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Crews, aye; Mrs. Rayhel, aye; Mr. Lycan, aye; Mr. Maurer, aye; Mr. Gard, aye; Mrs. Hendrix, aye; and Mr. Macke, aye.

The Board entered closed session at 7:00 p.m.

Mrs. Rayhel offered a motion, seconded by Mr. Maurer to return to open session. All present voted aye. The Board returned to open session at 7:10 p.m. Mr. Macke offered a motion, seconded by Mr. Gard, to approve Dustin Morrey as 5th & 6th Grade Boys Basketball Coach. On roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Crews, aye; Mrs. Rayhel, aye; Mr. Lycan, aye; Mr. Maurer, aye; Mr. Gard, aye; Mrs. Hendrix, aye; and Mr. Macke, aye.

Mr. Gard offered a motion, seconded by Mr. Macke, to approve Joey Orourke, Tyler Claypool, and Alex Bullock as 5th & 6th Grade Boys Volunteer Basketball Coaches. On roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Crews, aye; Mrs. Rayhel, aye; Mr. Lycan, aye; Mr. Maurer, aye; Mr. Gard, aye; Mrs. Hendrix, aye; and Mr. Macke, aye.

Mr. Lycan offered a motion, seconded by Mrs. Rayhel, to approve Kai Engledow, and Maya Osborne as Volunteer Girls Basketball Coaches. On roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Crews, aye; Mrs. Rayhel, aye; Mr. Lycan, aye; Mr. Maurer, aye; Mr. Gard, aye; Mrs. Hendrix, aye; and Mr. Macke, aye.

Mr. Gard offered a motion, seconded by Mr. Maurer, to approve KJ Rogers as Volunteer Baseball Coach. On roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Crews, aye; Mrs. Rayhel, aye; Mr. Lycan, aye; Mr. Maurer, aye; Mr. Gard, aye; Mrs. Hendrix, aye; and Mr. Macke, aye.

Mr. Macke offered a motion, seconded by Mrs. Hendrix, to approve a raise in substitute teacher pay from $105 per day to $130 per day. On a roll call , the vote was as follows: Mr. Crews, aye; Mrs. Rayhel, aye; Mr. Maurer, aye; Mr. Lycan, aye; Mr. Gard, aye; Mrs. Hendrix, aye; and Mr. Macke, aye.

Mr. Macke offered a motion, seconded by Mrs. Hendrix to adjourn. All present voted aye. The Board adjourned at 7:10 p.m.
