
East Central Reporter

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

City of Effingham City Council met Nov. 5

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Mayor and City Council | City of Effingham Website

Mayor and City Council | City of Effingham Website

City of Effingham City Council met Nov. 5.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:


1.1 Mayor Schutzbach Called the Meeting to Order

Time: 5:00

1.2 Roll Call

Present: Mayor Schutzbach and Commissioners Micenheimer, Moeller, Gillenwater, and Stephens

1.3 Pledge of Allegiance


2.1 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes (10/15/2024) - City Clerk Nosbisch Resolution: Approve

2.2 Executive Session City Council Meeting Minutes (10/01/2024) - City Clerk Nosbisch Resolution: Approve

2.3 Annual Treasurer's Report FY2024 - City Treasurer Polk

2.4 Treasurer's Report (September 2024) - City Treasurer Polk

2.5 Ordinance No. 105-2024, An Ordinance Authorizing the Acquisition of a Temporary Use Permit and the Purchase of an Easement for Utility Purposes at 108 W. Jaycee Avenue - Jade A. Miller - City Engineer Thoele

Resolution: Pass

2.6 Resolution No. 120-2024, A Resolution Concerning Ordinance No. 52-2012 An Ordinance Authorizing The Issuance Of General Obligation Refunding Bonds (Alternate Revenue Source) Series 2012C, Of The City Of Effingham, Effingham County, Illinois, Directing The Application Of Funds To The Payment Of Debt And Directing The Abatement Of A Levy And Extension Of Taxes For The Year 2024 Previously Established To Pay Such Bonds (2012c Series) - City Administrator Miller

Resolution: Adopt

2.7 Resolution No. 121-2024, A Resolution Concerning Ordinance No. 104-2016, An Ordinance Authorizing the Issuance Of General Obligation Bonds (Alternate Revenue Source), Series 2017, Of The City Of Effingham, Effingham County, Illinois, Directing The Application Of Funds To The Payment Of Debt And Directing The Abatement Of A Levy And Extension Of Taxes For The Year 2024 Previously Established To Pay Such Bonds (Series 2017) - City Administrator Miller

Resolution: Adopt

2.8 Resolution No. 122-2024, A Resolution Concerning Ordinance No. 004-2021, An Ordinance Authorizing the Issuance of General Obligation Refunding Bonds (Alternate Revenue Source), Series 2021A, of the City of Effingham, Effingham County, Illinois, Providing the Details of Such Bonds and for an Alternate Revenue Source and Directing the Application of Funds to the Payment of Debt and Directing the Abatement of a Levy and Extension Of Taxes For The Year 2024 Previously Established To Pay Such Bonds (Series 2021A) - City Administrator Miller

Resolution: Adopt

2.9 Resolution No. 123-2024, A Resolution Concerning Ordinance No. 005-2021, An Ordinance Authorizing the Issuance of General Obligation Refunding Bonds (Alternate Revenue Source), Series 2021B, of the City of Effingham, Effingham County, Illinois, Providing the Details of Such Bonds and for an Alternate Revenue Source and Directing the Application of Funds to the Payment of Debt and Directing the Abatement of a Levy and Extension Of Taxes For The Year 2024 Previously Established To Pay Such Bonds (Series 2021B) - City Administrator Miller

Resolution: Adopt

2.10 Resolution No. 124-2024, A Resolution Accepting a Quote for Trec Trail Sign and Masonry Work - Public Works Director Heuerman

Resolution: Adopt

2.11 City of Effingham Fire Municipal Compliance Report - City Administrator Miller

Resolution: Approve

2.12 City of Effingham Police Municipal Compliance Report - City Administrator Miller

Resolution: Approve

2.13 2024 Resurfacing Project Phase 1 - Change Order 1 - City Engineer Thoele

Resolution: Approve

2.14 Certificate of Project completion and Release of Bonding - 2024 Sanitary Sewer CCTV Project - City Engineer Thoele

Resolution: Approve

2.15 Plan Commission Certificate of Approval - Old Dominion Freight Line Subdivision

2.16 Omnibus Vote Agenda Approval

Resolution: Approve

Motion to approve by Commissioner Moeller, second by Commissioner Micenheimer Final

Resolution: Motion Carried. 5-0

Yea: Mayor Schutzbach and Commissioners Moeller, Micenheimer, Gillenwater, and Stephens


3.1 The Police and Fire Municipal Compliance Reports (MCR) by Lauterbach & Amen, LLP - City Administrator Miller

Lauterbach & Amen presented to the Council via phone call.


4.1 Ordinance No. 101-2024, An Ordinance Annexing Territory to the City of Effingham, Illinois - Old Dominion Freight Line - Haarmann - City Planner Koester

City Planner Koester stated the Haarmann Family is petitioning to annex 19 acres +/- on the west side of south Raney Street for the new Old Dominion Freight Line facility. The property is in Shumway Fire Protection District, which has been notified of the annexation. The ordinance provides for the payment of real estate taxes to Shumway Fire Protection District per 70 ILCS 705/20(e).

Motion to pass by Commissioner Stephens, second by Commissioner Gillenwater

Final Resolution: Motion Carried. 5-0

Yea: Mayor Schutzbach and Commissioners Moeller, Micenheimer, Gillenwater, and Stephens

4.2 Resolution No. 128-2024, A Resolution Authorizing Payment of an Invoice to the Illinois Municipal League - Risk Management Association for Insurance Coverages - Deputy City Administrator Presley

Deputy City Administrator Presley stated this resolution authorizes the annual payment to IMLRMA for insurance coverages.

Motion to adopt by Commissioner Gillenwater, second by Commissioner Moeller

Final Resolution: Motion Carried. 5-0

Yea: Mayor Schutzbach and Commissioners Moeller, Micenheimer, Gillenwater, and Stephens

4.3 Resolution No. 130-2024, A Resolution Approving Preliminary Plat No. 893P and Approving Final Plat No. 893F for Recording - Old Dominion Freight Line Subdivision - City Planner Koester

City Planner Koester stated Old Dominion Freight Line is proposing to acquire the property from the Haarmann Family. The Haarmann Family is platting the property and dedicating 6o feet of right of way along the north line. This property is also being annexed to the Corporate Limits. It has been rezoned from NU Nonurban to M-1 Light Industrial District.

Motion to adopt by Commissioner Moeller, second by Commissioner Micenheimer

Final Resolution: Motion Carried. 5-0

Yea: Mayor Schutzbach and Commissioners Moeller, Micenheimer, Gillenwater, and Stephens


5.1 Bills and Requisitions

A. Payroll Check Register dated 10/18/2024 $ 355,777.84 B. Payroll Check Register dated 11/01/2024 $ 349,363.20 C. Check Register dated 11/05/2024 $ 599,042.62

Motion to approve by Commissioner Micenheimer, second by Commissioner Gillenwater

Final Resolution: Motion Carried. 5-0

Yea: Mayor Schutzbach and Commissioners Moeller, Micenheimer, Gillenwater, and Stephens


6.1 Effingham Fire Actuarial Report - City Administrator Miller

City Administrator Miller stated the Effingham Fire Pension - Actuarial Report (as of May 1, 2024) recommends $898,320 for next year’s levy. This is an increase of $36,318 from the prior valuation from last year.

6.2 Effingham Police Actuarial Report - City Administrator Miller

City Administrator Miller stated the Effingham Police Pension - Actuarial Report (as of May 1, 2024) recommends $1,014,430 for next year’s levy. This is an increase of $62,937 from the prior valuation from last year.

6.3 Ordinance No. 108-2024, An Ordinance in Relation to Tax Levy for the City of Effingham, Illinois - City Administrator Miller

City Administrator Miller stated the estimated EAV for FY 26 increased by 8.18% from last year, and the proposed levy discussed tonight drops the rate from 1.341 in FY25 to 1.28 in FY 26. The proposed FY 26 Levy for the City is $4,385,888 or 4% over last year's levy. The draft FY 26 Library levy is $1,189,367 or 3.38% over last year's levy. Together the combined levy is $5,575,255 and a combined 3.86% over last year levy. The Fire and Police Pension line items have an additional 5% over the (draft) actuarial values recommended.

There were no objections to bring this item back to a future City Council Meeting.

6.4 Ordinance No. 104-2024, Ordinance Authorizing Release of Special Covenant (Effingham Hospitality Partners II, LLC, as assignee of McHugh Hospitality Group, Inc.) - Economic Development Director Hull

Economic Development Director Hull stated the developer, McHugh Hospitality Group, Inc., completed construction of a hotel Facility on or before April 1, 2025. This ordinance authorizes the release of the special covenant, as contained in the Special Warranty Deed transferring the subject property from the City to McHugh Hospitality Group, Inc.

There were no objections to bring this item back to a future City Council Meeting.

6.5 Ordinance No. 106-2024, An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 105-95, An Ordinance Providing for Tax of Certain Occupations or Privileges, As Amended by Ordinance No. 88- 98, and Further Providing for the Extension of a Tax on Certain Occupations or Privileges (Electric) - City Administrator Miller

City Administrator Miller stated this ordinance imposed a tax on all persons engaged in the business of distributing, supplying, furnishing or selling electricity within corporate limits of the City of Effingham, at the rate of 1.5% of the gross receipts.

There were no objections to bring this item back to a future City Council Meeting.

6.6 Ordinance No. 107-2024, An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 107-95, an Ordinance Providing for Tax of Certain Occupations or Privileges and Further Providing for the Extension of a Tax on Certain Occupations or Privileges (Gas) - City Administrator Miller

City Administrator Miller stated this ordinance imposes a tax on all persons engaged in the business of distributing, supplying, furnishing, or selling gas within the corporate limits of the City of Effingham, at the rate of 1.5% of the gross receipts.

There were no objections to bring this item back to a future City Council meeting.

6.7 Ordinance No. 111-2024, An Ordinance Authorizing Acceptance of Dedication of Right of Way and Easement for Public Street and Utility Purposes - Effingham Park District - City Engineer Thoele

City Engineer Thoele stated this ordinance accepts right-of-way and easement from Effingham Park District. This will be used for the construction of Santa Maria Avenue from Maple Street to Fourth Street.

There were no objections to bring this item back to a future City Council meeting.

6.8 Resolution No. 111-2024, A Resolution Accepting Proposal for Engineering Services with Civil Design, Inc for the First Street Reconstruction - Temple Avenue to Roadway Avenue - City Engineer Thoele

City Engineer Thoele stated this resolution accepts a proposal from Civil Design, Inc. in the total amount of $56,630 for the Professional Engineering Services for the First Street Reconstruction - Temple Avenue to Roadway Avenue Project. Payment for this project will be made from the General Fund.

There were no objections to bring this item back to a future City Council Meeting.

6.9 Resolution No. 129-2024, Resolution Authorizing the Purchase of Axon Tasers for the Effingham Police Department - Police Chief McFarland

Police Chief McFarland stated Axon Enterprise Inc. will provide Effingham Police Department with Taser 10 Bundles that includes all necessary equipment, supplies, training, and warranty for five (5) years. The total cost will be divided into annual payments. Grant money will be reimbursed from the Less Lethal Alternatives for Law Enforcement Grant for a portion of the fiscal year 2025 payment.

There were no objections to bring this item back to a future City Council Meeting.

6.10 Resolution No. 131-2024, Resolution Authorizing Execution of Memorandum of Understanding with National Trail Amateur Radio Club - City Administrator Miller

City Administrator Miller stated this resolution would allow the City of Effingham to enter a Memorandum of Understanding with the National Trail Amateur Radio Club to provide emergency communication support.

There were no objections to bring this item back to a future City Council Meeting. Revisions will be made to provide for compensation.

6.11 Resolution No. 132-2024, A Resolution of Support and Commitment of Local Funds for a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) - City Engineer Thoele

City Engineer Thoele stated this resolution supports the City of Effingham with applying to the State of Illinois for a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) for an extension to McGrath Avenue in the amount of $895,000.

There were no objections to bring this item back to a future City Council Meeting. 6.12 Floodplain Ordinance - City Planner Koester

City Planner Koester stated the new floodplain maps will be effective in January and the City is required to update the Floodplain Ordinance to continue participation in the National Flood Insurance Program. For clarification, the City's participation in the NFIP does not require residents to buy flood insurance, the City's participation in the NFIP makes them eligible to buy flood insurance through the NFIP.

There were no objections to bring this item back to a future City Council Meeting.

6.13 Termination of Outer Belt West Tax Increment Finance District - Economic Development Todd Hull

Economic Development Director Hull stated the Outer Belt West Tax Increment Finance Area is set to expire at the end of 2024.

6.14 Construction of a Pond and Vacation of Right-of-Way to the Effingham Park District - City Engineer Thoele

City Engineer Thoele stated City staff has coordinated with Effingham Park District on a concept that would construct a pond north of Maple Street within current City right-of-way. Work would be paid with TIF Main Funds as a part of the Santa Maria extension project. The City right-of-way would be dedicated to the Park District as well as the pond for them to own and maintain after constructed.

There were no objections to bring this item back to a future City Council Meeting.



8.1 Reports from Commissioners

8.2 Reports from Staff - City Administrator Miller; Deputy City Administrator Presley; Public Works Director Heuerman; Economic Development Director Hull; Fire Chief Yochum; Police Chief McFarland; City Engineer Thoele; Tourism Director Thoele; City Treasurer Polk; City Clerk Nosbisch

8.3 Public Participation


9.1 Recess into Executive Session For the purpose of consideration of the following subjects, pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2 (c); Personnel- Section 2 (c) (1); Collective Bargaining- Section 2 (c) (2); Purchase or Lease of Real Estate - Section 2 (c) (5); Sale or Lease of Property - Section 2 (c) (6); Litigation - Section 2 (c) (11); and Review of Executive Session Minutes - Section 2 (c) (21). (If the Council desires to recess into executive session, the Council shall specifically indicate the desired topic of discussion for public record.)

Motion to recess into executive session by Commissioner Moeller, second by Commissioner Micenheimer

Time: 6:04 PM

Purpose: Litigation - Section 2 (c) (11); Sale or Lease of Property - Section 2 (c) (6) Final Resolution: Motion Carried. 5-0

Yea: Mayor Schutzbach and Commissioners Moeller, Stephens, Gillenwater, and Micenheimer

9.2 Roll Call

Present: Mayor Schutzbach and Commissioners Micenheimer, Stephens, Gillenwater, and Moeller


10.1 Adjournment

Time: 6:46 PM

Motion to adjourn by Commissioner Micenheimer, second by Commissioner Stephens

Final Resolution: Motion Carried. 5-0

Yea: Mayor Schutzbach and Commissioners Moeller, Stephens, Gillenwater, and Micenheimer




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