
East Central Reporter

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Village of Montgomery Board of Trustees met Sept. 23

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Village of Montgomery Board 2023-2025 | Village of Montgomery

Village of Montgomery Board 2023-2025 | Village of Montgomery

Village of Montgomery Board of Trustees met Sept. 23.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

I. President Matt Brolley called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

II. Roll Call

Trustee Matt Bauman Yea

Trustee Steve Jungermann Yea

Trustee Ben Brzoska Yea

Trustee Doug Marecek Yea

Trustee Dan Gier Yea

Trustee Theresa Sperling Yea

Village Clerk Debbie Buchanan Yea

Also present: Village Administrator Jeff Zoephel, Attorney Laura Julien, Engineer Peter Wallers, Engineer Chris Ott, Assistant Village Administrator Meghan Ostreko, Director of Community Development Sonya Abt, Director of Public Works Mark Wolf, Chief Phil Smith, Manager Kristina Nemetz, Manager Patrick Burke, members of the Press and guests.

III. Public Participation

A. Proclamation for Breast Cancer Awareness Month - October.

Trustee Sperling read the Proclamation, after which Trustee Sperling moved to approve the Proclamation, seconded by Trustee Bauman. Motion carried unanimously by voice vote.

B. Public Comment. -None.

IV. Consent Agenda

A. Minutes of the September 9th Village Board Meeting.

B. Executive Session Minutes of the September 9th Village Board Meeting.

C. Accounts Payable and Summary Report through September 23rd in the Amount of $2,508,228.75.

D. Amended Water Production Report for July 2024.

E. Water Production Report for August 2024.

F. Refuse Report for August 2024.

G. Ordinance 2092 Authorizing the Issuance of Not to Exceed $2,600,000 General Obligation Bonds (Alternate Revenue Source) Of the Village of Montgomery, Kendall and Kane Counties, Illinois, For the Purpose of Refunding Outstanding Obligations of the Village (Second Reading).

Trustee Jungermann moved to approve Items A-G of the Consent Agenda, seconded by Trustee Brzoska.

6 Yea. 0 No. Motion carried. Trustee Jungermann, Trustee Marecek, Trustee Brzoska, Trustee Gier, Trustee Sperling and Trustee Bauman voting yea.

V. Items for Separate Action

A. Resolution 2024-040 Authorizing an Amendment to the Second Escrow Intergovernmental Agreement.

Administrator Zoephel explained that IDOT is doing some work on Rt. 71 where some future IWC work will take place, so the Village is trying to coordinate the two. IDOT will make the changes now, which will save money later.

Trustee Marecek moved to approve Resolution 2024-040 Authorizing an Amendment to the Second Escrow Intergovernmental Agreement, seconded by Trustee Bauman.

6 Yea. 0 No. Motion carried. Trustee Marecek, Trustee Brzoska, Trustee Gier, Trustee Sperling, Trustee Bauman and Trustee Jungermann voting yea.

B. Resolution 2024-047 Approving a Settlement Agreement for the Early Termination of the Metronet Franchise Agreement.

This item is being suspended to a future meeting.

C. Ordinance 2093 Amending a Special Use, Planned Unit Development (Montgomery Business Center – Amendment to Ordinance 1918) (Second Reading).

Trustee Jungermann noted he is voting yes because he thinks it’s a decent project, but believes the Village should not use TIF funds to extend the road.

Trustee Sperling moved to approve Ordinance 2093 Amending a Special Use, Planned Unit Development (Montgomery Business Center – Amendment to Ordinance 1918) (Second Reading), seconded by Trustee Bauman.

6 Yea. 0 No. Motion carried. Trustee Sperling, Trustee Bauman, Trustee Jungermann, Trustee Marecek, Trustee Brzoska and Trustee Gier voting yea.

D. Resolution 2024-042 Accepting Public Improvements (Off-Site Sanitary Sewer System – Bill of Sale – Walmart).

Director Abt stated that the sanitary sewer that serves Walmart was part of a Master Development Agreement that extended the sanitary sewer through the Scheuring property, but it was never formally accepted and put into an easement. EEI prepared the easement based on final surveys done by Karis for the developer. This is a formal step to accept the public improvements from Walmart.

Trustee Jungermann moved to approve Resolution 2024-042 Accepting Public Improvements (Off Site Sanitary Sewer System – Bill of Sale – Walmart), seconded by Trustee Marecek.

6 Yea. 0 No. Motion carried. Trustee Jungermann, Trustee Marecek, Trustee Brzoska, Trustee Gier, Trustee Sperling and Trustee Bauman voting yea.

E. Resolution 2024-043 Accepting a Village Utility Easement (KCS Montgomery, LLC – Karis Center for Commerce).

Director Abt noted this is the easement that the sanitary sewer runs in through the former Scheuring property and owned by Karis. Once recorded it will be under the Village’s control.

Trustee Jungermann moved to approve Resolution 2024-043 Accepting a Village Utility Easement (KCS Montgomery, LLC – Karis Center for Commerce), seconded by Trustee Marecek.

6 Yea. 0 No. Motion carried. Trustee Jungermann, Trustee Marecek, Trustee Brzoska, Trustee Gier, Trustee Sperling and Trustee Bauman voting yea.

F. Resolution 2024-044 Accepting a Village Utility Easement and Approving an Easement Agreement (Christ Tabernacle Apostolic Church Property – Parcel 15-31- 401-005).

Director Abt reviewed that this is the last easement required for the Montgomery Overflow project that was approved in April. This resolution contains updated language regarding restoration in the easement and replaces Resolution 2024-012.

Trustee Brzoska moved to approve Resolution 2024-044 Accepting a Village Utility Easement and Approving an Easement Agreement (Christ Tabernacle Apostolic Church Property – Parcel 15-31- 401-005), seconded by Trustee Bauman

6 Yea. 0 No. Motion carried. Trustee Brzoska, Trustee Gier, Trustee Sperling, Trustee Bauman, Trustee Jungermann and Trustee Marecek voting yea.

G. Ordinance 2094 Approving a Final Plat of Subdivision – Montgomery Business Center Unit 3 (Waiver of First and Passage on Second Reading).

Director Abt said this creates the last two buildable lots in the Montgomery Business Center, Lots 3 and 5, and provides for Knell Road to be extended. The engineering plans still need to be reviewed, and then the Final Plat will be recorded.

Trustee Marecek moved to approve Ordinance 2094 Approving a Final Plat of Subdivision – Montgomery Business Center Unit 3 (Waiver of First and Passage on Second Reading), seconded by Trustee Bauman.

6 Yea. 0 No. Motion carried. Trustee Marecek, Trustee Brzoska, Trustee Gier, Trustee Sperling, Trustee Bauman and Trustee Jungermann voting yea.

H. Resolution 2024-045 to Induce the Redevelopment of Certain Property within the Proposed Redevelopment Project Area (JB Commodities, LLC).

Director Abt reviewed that this pertains to the future development of Lots 3 and 5, and starts the clock for improvements that are eligible for reimbursement through the TIF. In answer to Trustee Gier, she said there will be a separate Redevelopment Agreement once the final cost estimates are completed.

Trustee Marecek moved to approve Resolution 2024-045 to Induce the Redevelopment of Certain Property within the Proposed Redevelopment Project Area (JB Commodities, LLC), seconded by Trustee Bauman.

5 Yea. 1 No. Motion carried. Trustee Marecek, Trustee Brzoska, Trustee Gier, Trustee Sperling and Trustee Bauman voting yea. Trustee Jungermann voting no.

I. Resolution 2024-046 Approving the Reduction of Performance Security (Starbucks – Ogden Hill).

Director Abt relayed that the work on Starbucks in Ogden Hill is all done so they are requesting to reduce the security bonds. The remaining bonds will cover 110% of landscaping which will be retained for two years.

Trustee Marecek moved to approve Resolution 2024-046 Approving the Reduction of Performance Security (Starbucks – Ogden Hill), seconded by Trustee Brzoska.

6 Yea. 0 No. Motion carried. Trustee Marecek, Trustee Brzoska, Trustee Gier, Trustee Sperling, Trustee Bauman and Trustee Jungermann voting yea.

J. Approval for Award of Contract to Swallow Construction Corporation in the amount of $545,010.00 for the Montgomery Overflow North Storm Sewer Project.

Engineer Ott explained that there were five bidders for this project and Swallow Construction was the low bidder. Construction would probably start within 3-4 weeks and could be completed by the end of the year, but might take longer. There has been no precon meeting yet, so there is no schedule set yet.

Trustee Marecek moved to approve Award of Contract to Swallow Construction Corporation in the amount of $545,010.00 for the Montgomery Overflow North Storm Sewer Project, seconded by Trustee Jungermann.

6 Yea. 0 No. Motion carried. Trustee Marecek, Trustee Brzoska, Trustee Gier, Trustee Sperling, Trustee Bauman and Trustee Jungermann voting yea.

K. Professional Services Agreement with Engineering Enterprises, Inc. in the Amount of $69,399.00 for the Construction Engineering of the Montgomery Overflow North Storm Sewer.

Director Wolf stated this is for construction engineering services for the previously awarded project.

Trustee Jungermann moved to approve Professional Services Agreement with Engineering Enterprises, Inc. in the Amount of $69,399.00 for the Construction Engineering of the Montgomery Overflow North Storm Sewer, seconded by Trustee Brzoska.

6 Yea. 0 No. Motion carried. Trustee Jungermann, Trustee Marecek, Trustee Brzoska, Trustee Gier, Trustee Sperling and Trustee Bauman voting yea.

L. Professional Services Agreement with Engineering Enterprises, Inc. in the Amount of $90,064.00 for the Design and Construction Engineering of the Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation.

Director Wolf stated that during preventative maintenance, this storage tank next to the PW facility was identified as needing full blasting and repainting. Engineer Ott said construction and construction engineering is budgeted in next year. Trustee Gier questioned if costs can be reduced by using employees to monitor the work. Director Wolf explained that the degree of technical knowledge needed and the time commitment don’t make that feasible. Engineer Wallers pointed out that the inspection work is hourly so they won’t be there if it’s not needed; they will be conscious of the costs.

Trustee Gier moved to approve Professional Services Agreement with Engineering Enterprises, Inc. in the Amount of $90,064.00 for the Design and Construction Engineering of the Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation, seconded by Trustee Marecek.

6 Yea. 0 No. Motion carried. Trustee Gier, Trustee Sperling, Trustee Bauman, Trustee Jungermann, Trustee Marecek and Trustee Brzoska voting yea.

M. Professional Services Agreement with Engineering Enterprises, Inc. in the Amont of $44,839.00 for the Design and Construction Engineering for Well #8 Rehabilitation.

Director Wolf noted this was in the budget for 2024 but was moved back to 2025 due to declining production of Well #3. The well is now back in service and staff wants to move forward with the rehab of Well #8. It was last rehabbed in 2018. EEI will manage the project and observe.

Trustee Bauman moved to approve Professional Services Agreement with Engineering Enterprises, Inc. in the Amont of $44,839.00 for the Design and Construction Engineering for Well #8 Rehabilitation, seconded by Trustee Brzoska.

6 Yea. 0 No. Motion carried. Trustee Bauman, Trustee Jungermann, Trustee Marecek, Trustee Brzoska, Trustee Gier and Trustee Sperling voting yea.

VI. Items for Discussion

VII. New or Unfinished Business

Trustee Jungermann asked for an update on the park at Venetian and Dickson. He’d like to know what is left to do and when will it open. He would also like an update on Dickson Road. Director Wolf will provide this. Trustee Marecek said on Oct. 4th there is a Stop the Violence event.

Trustee Gier asked about the traffic study for stop signs and crosswalks on Concord. Engineer Ott said they will finalize the numbers and then will forward information to the Board.

VIII. Future Meeting Schedule

A. Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting – Thursday, October 3rd, 2024 at 7:00P.

B. Police Pension Board Meeting – Wednesday, October 9th, 2024 at 11:00A.

C. Beautification Committee Meeting – Wednesday, October 9th, 2024 at 6:00P.

D. Board of Fire and Police Commission Meeting – Thursday, October 10th, 2024 at 9:00A.

E. Village Board Meeting - Monday, October 14th, 2024 at 7:00P.

F. Committee of the Whole Meeting – Tuesday, October 15th, 2024 at 7:00P – “to be cancelled”.

G. Historic Preservation Committee Meeting – Monday, October 21st, 2024 at 6:30P.

H. Intergovernmental Committee Meeting – Monday, October 28th, 2024 at 6:00P.

I. Village Board Meeting – Monday, October 28th, 2024 at 7:00P.

IX. Executive Session

X. Adjournment: 7:28 p.m.

Trustee Jungermann moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Trustee Bauman.

6 Yea. 0 No. Motion carried. Trustee Jungermann, Trustee Marecek, Trustee Brzoska, Trustee Gier, Trustee Sperling and Trustee Bauman voting yea.




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