
East Central Reporter

Friday, September 20, 2024

IRS data reveals young wealthy workers leaving Illinois

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State Representative Chris Miller (il) | Representative Chris Miller (R) 101st District

State Representative Chris Miller (il) | Representative Chris Miller (R) 101st District

Pritzker’s policies continue to contribute to the out-migration trend, resulting in significant financial loss for Illinois. According to IRS migration data from 2022, Illinois ranked second nationally in losing households aged 26 to 35 with incomes exceeding $200,000. Despite Governor Pritzker's statements, concerns about population decline are increasing.

High taxes are cited as the primary reason for residents leaving Illinois. Critics argue that policymakers have enacted poor policies and raised taxes to cover financial deficits. As a result, many taxpayers are relocating to states with better opportunities, lower taxes, and less government intervention. Governor Pritzker maintains that Illinois is setting an example for other states.

Illinois has the potential to reduce taxes, create job opportunities, and scale back government involvement; however, critics claim that Democratic lawmakers refuse to pass beneficial legislation. They argue that progressive policies negatively impact the state and predict continued efforts by Democrats to advance their agendas while neglecting the needs of Illinois citizens.

Recent IRS data underscores this issue by detailing how many taxpayers are filing returns and their respective incomes by state.