
East Central Reporter

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

City of Altamont City Council met May 13

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Dr. Charles M. Wright House, located on the northwestern corner of the junction of Jackson and Main Streets in Altamont, Illinois | Wikipedia

Dr. Charles M. Wright House, located on the northwestern corner of the junction of Jackson and Main Streets in Altamont, Illinois | Wikipedia

City of Altamont City Council met May 13.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

The Council of the City of Altamont met in regular session at 6:00 pm on May 13, 2024, in the Council Room of the Municipal Building. The following members were present: Mayor Dan Milleville; Commissioner Mike Walker; Commissioner Tayler Polk; Commissioner Terry White Also present – Mark Hoskins, Altamont News; Derek Warren, Cromwell Media; Alan Heiens, Altamont Police Chief; Gale Warner; Ryan Spade, Sewer Department Supr; Jonathon Kaye; Kurt Becker; Sharon Harper; April Luchtefeld; Patsy Mahaffey; Debbie Frailey; and Sarah Stephen, City Clerk. Commissioner Jason Rippetoe was absent

The Omnibus Vote Agenda comprised of prior meeting minutes and payment of bills, was approved on a motion by Commissioner Walker and seconded by Commissioner White. Members voted as follows: Commissioner Walker, yes; Commissioner White, yes Commissioner Polk, yes; Mayor Milleville, yes. (Attachment 1)

Chief, Alan Heiens presented the April 2024 Police Activity Report. He stated a new officer is in academy training until August until then staffing is minimal. Commissioner White requested patrol at Main & Division for motorists disobeying intersection stop signs. Gale Warner suggested monitoring of South Fourth Street be conducted from a less obvious location. Warner also suggested lowering the speed limit on downtown Main Street.

Gale Warner addressed the Council regarding the purchase option of approximately 24 acres. He asked how much was actually sellable property since there is a consider amount of ponds included in the acreage. Mayor Milleville explained land only is approximately 12 acres and the City currently only has an option to purchase.

Sharon Harper addressed the Council regarding plans for improving marking of the surface at Nori’s Yard to enhance the multi-use of pickle ball, tennis and basketball courts. She emphasized it is not their intention to take the basketball away from the youth. Johnathon Kaye, a grant writer and avid pickle ball player stated the court is in good condition and he would like to see the City and community working together for grants, private sponsorship and private donations to fund the remarking. Harper stated she would like permission from the City to start fundraising. Commissioner Walker stated he would like to complete some of the current projects. Therefore, would not expect a quick turnaround. Kaye stated he felt the fundraising and project could be completed in 90-120 days. Mayor Milleville stated he was in favor of getting a plan together for all parties to agree upon and work towards a larger future project for pickle ball courts in another park where restroom facilities are available. Kaye asked if the Council would be favorable to a business plan being presented at a later date. Council was in agreement.

Council Approved a Peoples Bank & Trust Banking Proposal June 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025. Commissioner Polk motioned for approval. Commissioner Walker seconded. Members voted as follows: Commissioner Walker, yes; Commissioner White, yes; Commissioner Polk, yes; Mayor Milleville, yes.

Council Approved Payment to Civic Systems in the Amount of $17,050 for Software Upgrade on a motion by Commissioner White and seconded by Commissioner Walker. Members voted as follows: Commissioner Walker, yes; Commissioner White, yes; Commissioner Polk, yes; Mayor Milleville, yes.

Ryan Spade, Sewer Department Supervisor, presented information concerning a video inspection camera. He stated there have been several instances when televising of an underground line has been outsourced, delaying repairs. He also presented information regarding a line locator which works with

the camera or independently. Devices can be utilized for sanitary, water and storm lines. Commissioner White motioned to purchase the Utility Line Inspection Camera in the Amount of $13,027.90 and Utility Locator in the Amount of $4,825.00 from Coe Equipment for the Sewer Department. Commissioner Walker seconded. Members voted as follows: Commissioner Walker, yes; Commissioner White, yes Commissioner Polk, yes; Mayor Milleville, yes.

Council approved Payment to Limnetic Corp for Destratifier in the Amount of $30,875.00. Commissioner White motioned for approval. Commissioner Walker seconded. Members voted as follows: Commissioner Walker, yes; Commissioner White, yes Commissioner Polk, yes; Mayor Milleville, yes.

Council Approved Ordinance 790-24; Repealing Ordinance 786-24 and Reinstating Fees for Organized Teams and Tournaments Utilizing Gilbert Park. Commissioner Walker motioned for approval. Commissioner White seconded. Members voted as follows: Commissioner Walker, yes; Commissioner White, no Commissioner Polk, yes; Mayor Milleville, yes. The action reinstates the fee to $200.00 per team and tournament.

Council approved a Special Liquor License SP-65; Wright House Wine Tasting Event; September 14, 2024, 9:00 am-11:00 pm. Commissioner Polk motioned for approval. Commissioner Walker seconded. Members voted as follows: Commissioner Walker, yes; Commissioner White, yes Commissioner Polk, yes; Mayor Milleville, yes.

Commissioner Walker reported Gilbert Park kickoff and playground dedication was held with a large presence from the Stice family. The Gilbert Park A diamond roofing has been completed. Pyramid Marble will be resetting stones in Union Cemetery in June.

Commissioner Polk reported a walk-thru of the Third Street sidewalk project was held. An employee has been hired in the Street Department to grind stumps. He is working on a water drainage solution near Grant & Sixth streets. He was impressed with the response from ADM to clean up West Division after emptying the corn pits.

Commissioner White reported a walk-thru was conducted at the Ninth Street sanitary project. A punch list of items to correct is being revised. Curry & Associates inspected the north wastewater treatment facility evaluating the general operations, pits, pumps and berms. IDOT rest area connection to the south wastewater treatment plant is awaiting paperwork. I70 underpass water line reinforcement is half way done. Two new employees have been hired in the water department. Discussion has been held with Lynn Kull, Tree City Chairman, pertaining to removal of trees for the water line project and replacement of trees the following year.

Mayor Milleville reported he was on sight during the recent outage and emergency sewer repair near North Tenth Street. He praised the employees for their proficiency. South Point Subdivision has been mowed, thanks to Vaughn Voelker.

The meeting was adjourned on a motion by Commissioner Polk and seconded by Commissioner White. Members voted as follows: Commissioner Walker, yes; Commissioner White, yes; Commissioner Polk, yes; Mayor Milleville, yes.
