
East Central Reporter

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Village of Noble Village Board met May 13

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Ashley Pipher, Trustee | Village of Noble

Ashley Pipher, Trustee | Village of Noble

Village of Noble Village Board met May 13.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The Village Council met on the above date at 7:00 p.m. The meeting was called to order and present were Brad Kessler, Karen Totten, Tresa Hundley, Gary Ulm, Janet Pflaum, Carol O’Dell and Ashley Pipher. Absent were Carl Klingler and Paul Summers.

Opened with silent prayer and followed by reciting Pledge of Allegiance.

Motion made by Carol O’Dell to approve April 22, 2024, minutes. Seconded by Ashley Pipher. All voting Aye.

Treasurer and Cash in Bank reports as of the end of April were presented. Motion made by Ashley Pipher to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented. Seconded by Janet Pflaum. All voting Aye.

No guests.

The Trustees were asked to turn in new projects for the new fiscal budget to the Treasurer and/or Mayor. Noble wide garage sales will be held on May 18.

The MFT Bid opening is scheduled for Thursday, May 23 at 10AM at the Village Hall. The Village Hall will be closed on Monday, May 27 for Memorial Day.

There will be a Memorial Day Service held at the Noble Cemetery on May 27 at 10a.m. The next board meeting will be on Tuesday, May 28 due to Memorial Day.

The Village attorney, Bart Zuber sent emails giving updates for 3 nuisance properties: new tickets were issued for the property at 144 W. North Ave., with a court date of May 21, a letter was sent to the owner of 136 W. Locust St. (no date) and a Notice to Abate Nuisance was sent to the renter and owner of 145 W. Elm St. giving them until June 10, 2024 for nuisance to be abated. Trustee Pflaum asked about a property on W. North Ave. and was told the landowner is in contact with his attorney and action is being taken for him to get access.

Mayor Kessler wanted to schedule a Finance Committee meeting to go over budget items to prepare the budget for the new fiscal year. The meeting was not scheduled due to two Committee Members not being in attendance.

Mayor Kessler had mentioned in the previous meeting that the storage building in the park needed additional ventilation/cooling options. Since the meeting he was told the camera equipment was getting too hot and decided to replace the ventilation fan (recently purchased and returned) with an air conditioner at a cost of $160.00 vs ventilation fan of $147.00.

There is a Noble Chowder meeting scheduled for Thursday, May 16 at 7:00p.m. at the Noble Village Hall.

Don Carlyle stopped by the village hall and asked if the Board needed anything additional from him for the Noble Freedom Festival. Mayor Kessler thought the village had everything.

Trustee Ulm mentioned a property on N. Palmer and E. Poplar (Davis properties) that needs mowed. A letter will be sent.

The matter of the Noble Cemetery drainage will be placed on the next agenda.

Mayor Kessler mentioned abolishing the Noble Zoning Board due to not having enough members. Motion made by Ashley Pipher approves the Ordinance Abolishing the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Village of Noble, Richland County, Illinois as presented. Seconded by Janet Pflaum. Roll Call Vote Taken, All voting Aye. The process for zoning permits will be handled by the Building Official and any further action will be presented to the Village Board.

Two quotes were presented for removal/cutting down 5 trees, removing stumps and cleaning up of 3 Ash trees on Park St., 1 Maple tree on Park St. and 1 Ash tree on E. South Ave. 1) Wayne’s Tree Service total cost $5,000.00; 2) Miller Time Tree Service total cost of $4,375.00. Motion made by Gary Ulm to accept the quote from Miller Time Tree Service at a cost of $4,375.00 to cut down 5 trees, removing stumps and cleanup (3 Ash trees on Park St., 1 Maple tree on Park St. and 1 Ash tree on E. South Ave.). Seconded by Carol O’Dell. Roll Call Vote Taken, All voting Aye.

Motion made by Gary Ulm to retain Charleston Engineering, Attorney Bart Zuber and Kapper Company for the new fiscal year. Seconded by Ashley Pipher. All voting Aye.

Motion made by Ashley Pipher for the Committees to stay the same (from last fiscal year) for the new fiscal year. Seconded by Carol O’Dell. All voting Aye.

Motion made by Gary Ulm to approve the purchase of the Direct Debt module from Locis at a one-time cost of $1,000.00 and a yearly fee of $192.00. Seconded by Ashley Pipher. Roll Call Vote Taken, All voting Aye.

Motion made by Carol O’Dell to pay bills. Seconded by Ashley Pipher. All voting Aye.

Motion made by Carol O’Dell to adjourn the meeting at 7:43 p.m. Seconded by Ashley Pipher. All voting Aye.

The meeting adjourned until May 28, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. at the Noble Village Hall.




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