
East Central Reporter

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

City of Olney City Council met Aug. 14

City of Olney City Council met Aug. 14.

Here is the agenda provided by the council:

1. Call to Order

2. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag - Prayer

3. Roll Call

4. Public Comments/Presentations

5. Presentation of Consent Agenda

5-A Approve Minutes of the Council Meeting on July 24, 2023

5-B Approve and Authorize Payment of Accounts Payable August 15, 2023

5-C Ordinance: Amend Section 2.24.010 (Department Established) of the City of Olney Municipal Code

5-D Resolution: Amend the 2023-2024 Budget for Police Lateral Transfer Sign On Bonus

5-E Raffle License: Richland Co. HEA

5-F Raffle License: Olney Junior Football League

5-G Payment Request: Glenwood & Franklin Waterline Replacement

5-H Payment Request: Soil-Cement Project

5-I Ordinance: Authorize the Sale of Items of Personal Property Owned by the City of Olney - Miscellaneous Scrap Metal from Water Distribution

6. Removal of Items from Consent Agenda

7. Consideration of Consent Agenda

8. Consideration of Items Removed From Consent Agenda

9. Presentation of Ordinances, Resolutions, Etc.

9-A Request: Sponsorship of Rotary Oktoberfest on October 7, 2023 (Olney & Richland County Rotary Clubs)

9-B Resolution: Accept Quote for a Hydrovac Trailer, Waive Formal Bidding Procedures, & Amend the 2023-2024 Budget (City Manager Barker)

9-C Resolution: Support & Commitment of Local Funds for a CDBG Grant (City Treasurer Guinn/ City Engineer Bridges)

9-D Resolution: Commitment of Local Funds for a Rebuild Illinois Public Infrastructure Application (City Treasurer Guinn/City Engineer Bridges)

9-E Resolution: Amend the City of Olney Annual Budget for Fiscal Year 2023-2024 for E-Billing Capability (City Treasurer Guinn)

9-F Discussion/Possible Action: Refund of Johnsie Fiok Fildes Foundation Grant Funds for a K-9 Officer (Mayor Lambird)

9-G Resolution: Adopt the Richland County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan of August 2023 (City Manager Barker)

9-H Resolution: Accept Quote for Replacement of the Sewer Plant Main Breaker, Waive Formal Bidding Procedures, & Amend the 2023-2024 Budget (City Manager Barker)

9-I Resolution: Accept Quote for the Purchase and Installation of a Variable Speed Drive at the Sewer Plant & Waive Formal Bidding Procedures (City Manager Barker)

9-J Discussion/Possible Action: Authorize Solicitation of Bids for the Sale of Real Property Located at 509 W. Butler Street, 602 E. Lafayette Street, 926 W. Elm Street, and 410 E. Main Street (City Manager Barker)

10. Reports from Elected and Appointed Officials

10-A Status Report-City Manager

10-B RCDC Report

10-C Chamber of Commerce Report

10-D Parks & Recreation Board Report

10-E Tourism Board Report

11. Closed Session: Sale or Lease Price of Real Property; Acquisition of Real Property; Appointment, Employment, Compensation, and Performance of Specific Employees; and Collective Negotiating Matters

12. Reconvene Open Session

13. Adjourn
