City of Olney City Council met July 24.
Here is the agenda provided by the council:
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag - Prayer
3. Roll Call
4. Public Comments/Presentations
5. Presentation of Consent Agenda
5-A Approve Minutes of the Council Meeting on July 10, 2023
5-B Approve and Authorize Payment of Accounts Payable July 25, 2023
5-C Request: Closure of Main Street, from Fair to Walnut, on October 7, 2023, from 8:00 a.m. Until 12:00 a.m. for the American Legion Post #30’s 2nd Annual Car Show
5-D Raffle License: Olney Memorial VFW Post #4226
5-E Raffle License: American Legion Post #30
5-F Resolution: Waive Formal Bidding Procedures for the Purchase of a 2017 Dump Truck
6. Removal of Items from Consent Agenda
7. Consideration of Consent Agenda
8. Consideration of Items Removed From Consent Agenda
9. Presentation of Ordinances, Resolutions, Etc.
9-A Request: Change Date of Previously Approved Tournaments for the RCHS Bass Team (Mayor Lambird)
9-B Ordinance: Amend Section 5.12.070 (Restriction on Number of Licenses Authorized) of the City of Olney Municipal Code (Mayor Lambird & City Clerk Sterchi)
9-C Resolution: Accept the Qualifications Statement for Engineering Services for the Main Street & Whittle Avenue Streetscape Project (City Manager Barker)
9-D Discussion/Possible Action: Permanent Increase in Fireworks Contribution (Mayor Lambird)
9-E Resolution: Accept Quote for a Hydrovac Trailer, Waive Formal Bidding Procedures, & Amend the 2023-2024 Budget (City Manager Barker)
9-F Discussion/Possible Action: Authorize Solicitation of Bids for the Re-Lining of Culverts at the Intersection of Monroe & Whittle and the City Park (City Engineer Bridges)
10. Reports from Elected and Appointed Officials
10-A Status Report-City Manager
10-B RCDC Report
10-C Chamber of Commerce Report
10-D Parks & Recreation Board Report
10-E Tourism Board Report
11. Closed Session: Sale or Lease Price of Real Property; Acquisition of Real Property; Appointment, Employment, Compensation, and Performance of Specific Employees; and Collective Negotiating Matters
12. Reconvene Open Session
12-A Discussion/Possible Action: Temporary Hiring Incentives (City Manager Barker)
13. Adjourn