
East Central Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Arthur Board of Trustees met May 15

Village of Arthur Board of Trustees met May 15.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Arthur, Illinois, was held on Monday, May 15, 2023, in the Village Board Room. Village President Rod Randall called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. Roll call was answered by Trustees Matt Bernius, Mike Hilgenberg, Isai Gutierrez, Jim Fleming, Dave Tiffan, and Christy Miller.

Pledge of Allegiance

• President Randall asked J. Fleming to lead the Pledge of Allegiance.

Public Comment

• Visitors present were Dave Allen, Michael Bradley, Jennifer Perrine, and Stephanie Wierman. Jennifer Perrine spoke to the Board regarding the Lion's Club tractor pull on August 11, 2023. The Lion's Club requested the use of the grass area at the Village lagoon site. This will be an Agenda item at the next Board meeting.

Public Hearing on Exchange of Real Estate with Clarence Borntreger

• M. Bernius made a motion to open the Public Hearing. D. Tiffan seconded. All Trustees voted YEA. Kenny Crossman provided the history and details regarding this real estate exchange. There was no public comment. M. Bernius made a motion to close the Public Hearing. D. Tiffan seconded. All Trustees voted YEA.

Consent Agenda

• C. Miller made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda including the May 1, 2023 Board of Trustees Regular Meeting Minutes; the May 1, 2023 Executive Session #1 Minutes; the May 1, 2023 Executive Session #2 Minutes; and the May 11, 2023 Zoning Board Meeting Report. J. Fleming seconded. All Trustees voted YEA.

Approval of Expenditures

• M. Hilgenberg made a motion to approve expenditures in the amount of $94,833.45. M. Bernius seconded. All Trustees voted YEA.

Village President Comments and Announcements

• President Randall asked Stephanie Wierman to speak about the mural project planned at 119 South Vine Street. Stephanie reported that Walldogs will hopefully begin painting the first week of June. A Rural Patriot project is being planned.

Trustees' Reports

• J. Fleming noted the nice road improvement on CR 100 East where it meets Highway 133.

Chief of Police Report

• Police Chief Goodman provided monthly reports from the Police Department. Officer Mullins has been at the Police Academy for three weeks and has also moved to Arthur.

• There was minor damage done to a squad car when it hit another vehicle while backing up. Paperwork has been completed on the incident.

• Chief Goodman has been contacting ILEAS and the County Sherriff offices for help with the Freedom Festival.

Public Works Supervisor's Report

• Grant Corum provided reports from the Public Works Department. Training is taking place for the new GIS equipment and water mapping project. Derek Rhodes and Trevor Watkins and working on their licenses for spraying. Farnsworth is reviewing bids for the clarifier rehab and tank removal project.

• Erica Carter was absent but provided the Treasurer's Report.

Village Attorney Report

• Kenny Crossman had no report.

Unfinished Business

• none

New Business

1. C. Miller made a motion to approve Ordinance 05-15A-2023: An ordinance authorizing the Exchange of Real Estate and the Execution of an Agreement with Clarence Borntreger. J. Fleming seconded. All Trustees voted YEA.

2. Kenny Crossman reported that the Zoning Board met to discuss a variance request at 305 South Oak Street. All landowners adjacent to the property gave their approval. M. Hilgenberg made a motion to approve Ordinance 05-15B-2023: An ordinance Authorizing Variance at 305 South Oak Street, Arthur, Moultrie County, Illinois (allowing placement of a porch within the area between the lot line and front yard building setback line.) D. Tiffan seconded. All Trustees voted YEA.

3. Kenny Crossman reported that the Zoning Board met to discuss the re-zoning of North Beech Street and 2nd Street from R-1 to R-3. He noted that the property across the street is also R-3. Approval was received from adjacent landowners. The Zoning Board also recommended that fees for building permits be waived. Dave Allen presented floor plans for Board members to review. M. Bernius made a motion to approve Ordinance 05-15C-2023: An ordinance Authorizing Re-Zoning of the bare lot on the corner of North Beech Street and 2nd Street, Arthur, Moultrie County, Illinois from R-1 single-family residential to R-3 multi- family residential, with fees being waived for building permits. J. Fleming seconded. All Trustees voted YEA.

4. Stephanie Wierman requested street closings for the Strawberry Jam Festival on June 2-3. Street closings include Vine Street from Progress Street the entrance of IGA and the first block of West Illinois Street. J. Fleming made a motion to approve street closings for Arthur's Strawberry Jam Festival and Social to be held on Friday and Saturday, June 2-3, 2023. C. Miller seconded. All Trustees voted YEA.

5. President Randall provided a TIF request from VIP Rentals/Serenity Salt Therapy and led a review of TIF criteria. C. Miller made a motion to approve a TIF Construction Grant request by VIP Rentals/Serenity Salt Therapy for 122 South Vine Street, Arthur, Illinois in the amount of $1,985.25 (40% of the total $4,963.13 project). M. Hilgenberg seconded. All Trustees voted YEA.

6. Chief Goodman introduced Michael Bradley who has previously worked for the Arthur Police Department. M. Bernius made a motion to approve the hiring of Michael Bradley as a part-time officer of the Village of Arthur Police Department. D. Tiffan seconded. All Trustees voted YEA.

7. M. Bernius made a motion to approve a request to close the alley between North Beech Street and North Walnut Street from West 2nd Street to West 3rd Street. M. Hilgenberg seconded. All Trustees voted YEA.

8. Grant Corum reported on the many ways a Utility Task Vehicle would be used in his department. The UTV is a budgeted item and would be used for GIS mapping, spraying, daily maintenance at the WWTP, and much more. Chief Goodman noted that the Police Department would also use the UTV during festivals and for putting up and taking down cones and signs. J. Fleming made a motion to approve a joint purchase of the Public Works and Police Departments for a 2023 Polaris UTV from World of Power Sports in Decatur, IL in the amount of $19,923.82. C. Miller seconded. All Trustees voted YEA.

9. C. Miller reported on the May 15, 2023 Economic Development and Tourism Committee Meeting. Discussion took place on Sesquicentennial events. C. Miller reported on flyers, mailing expense, Founder's Day dinner, birthday cake, and other expenses totaling $11,495.20. Ticket sales are estimated to reimburse $6,500.00 of the expense. C. Miller made a motion to approve miscellaneous Sesquicentennial Celebration expenditures. M. Hilgenberg seconded. All Trustees voted YEA.

General Discussion

• None


• M. Bernius made a motion to adjourn. I. Gutierrez seconded. All Trustees voted YEA. President Randall adjourned the meeting at 7:47pm.
