
East Central Reporter

Thursday, March 6, 2025

City of Gilman City Council met May 2

City of Gilman City Council met May 2.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

The City Council of the City of Mattoon held a Regular City Council meeting in the Council Chambers of City Hall on May 2, 2023. Mayor Hall presided and called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.

Mayor Hall led the Pledge of Allegiance.

The following members of the Council answered roll call physically present in person: YEA Commissioner Jim Closson, YEA Commissioner Dave Cox, YEA Commissioner Sandra Graven, YEA Commissioner Dave Phipps and YEA Mayor Rick Hall.

Also physically present were City personnel: City Administrator Kyle Gill, City Attorney Daniel C. Jones, Finance Director/Treasurer Beth Wright, Public Works Director Dean Barber, Community Development/Planning Manager Alex Benishek, Fire Chief Jeff Hilligoss, Police Chief Sam Gaines and City Clerk Susan O’Brien.


Mayor Hall seconded by Commissioner Closson moved to approve the consent agenda consisting of Regular Meeting minutes of April 18, 2023; bills and payroll for the last half of April 2023; Resolution No. 2023-3245; and approving the continuation of a Local State of Emergency due to the Coronavirus (COVID – 19).

Pursuant to the authority vested in the office of Mayor by the Illinois Municipal Code Section 5/11-1-6, the Illinois Emergency Management Agency Act Section 3305/11 and Ordinance No. 2020- 5430 of the City of Mattoon, I, Rick Hall, Mayor of the City of Mattoon do hereby declare that a Local State of Emergency exists as of this date, May 2, 2023, and shall continue until such time as provided in Ordinance No. 2020-5430.

WHEREAS, on January 30, 2020, the World Health Organization declared the outbreak of COVID-19 to be a public health emergency of international concern and on March 11, 2020 declared a worldwide pandemic; and

WHEREAS, on January 31, 2020, the U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary declared a public health emergency for the United States; and

WHEREAS, the Governor of the State of Illinois has issued a disaster proclamation on March 9, 2020 due to the impact of the COVID-19 virus and has activated the State Emergency Operations Center; and

WHEREAS, the State Emergency Management Agency has declared a public health emergency due to the impact of the COVID-19 virus; and

WHEREAS, the City Administration has coordinated its response with other Coles County governmental entities.

The nature of the emergency is related to the COVID-19 virus which is causing or anticipated to cause widespread impacts on the health of members of the community.

During the existence of the Local State of Emergency, the Mayor shall execute such authority as provided under the Illinois Municipal Code, the Illinois Emergency Management Agency Act and Ordinance No. 2020-5430.

This Declaration of Local State of Emergency shall be filed with the City Clerk as soon as practicable.

I, Rick Hall, whose name is signed to this instrument, being first duly sworn, signed and executed the instrument as the Declaration of Local State of Emergency, and that I signed willingly, and that I executed it as my free and voluntary act for the purposes therein expressed.

/s/Rick Hall____

Rick Hall, Mayor

City of Mattoon, Coles County, Illinois

Mayor Hall declared the motion carried by the following omnibus vote: YEA Commissioner Closson, YEA Commissioner Cox, YEA Commissioner Graven, YEA Commissioner Phipps, YEA Mayor Hall.


This portion of the City Council meeting is reserved for persons who desire to address the Council. The Illinois Open Meetings Act mandates that the City Council may NOT take action on comments received on matters that have not been identified on this agenda, but the Council may direct staff to address the topic or refer the matter for action on the agenda for another meeting. Persons addressing the Council are requested to limit their presentations to three minutes and to avoid repetitious comments. We would also ask you to state your name and address for the record as well as stand when speaking.

Mayor Hall opened the floor for Public comments from those in attendance and online with no response.

PUBLIC HEARING: IDNR Boat Access Area Development - ADA Accessible Kayak Launch

City of Mattoon Mayor Rick Hall opened the Public Hearing regarding support for an application for an Illinois Department of Natural Resource Boat Access Area Development Program for an ADA Accessible Kayak Launch at 6:32 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers located at 208 N. 19th Street, Mattoon, Illinois. Community Development Planner Director Alex Benishek explained the grant program, $80,000 funding toward a non-motorized boat dock, additional amenities at Lake Mattoon and resolution of support for grant to be considered by the Council. Mayor Hall opened the floor for questions from the audience. Mr. Roy Blackburn, 1000 Lafayette, inquired as to the 10% match with Administrator Gill stating $8,000 and Director Benishek adding taken from gaming funds. Mayor Hall further added the funding could be from another fund. Commissioner Cox inquired as to the location of the proposed launch. Lakes Maintenance Worker John Wurtsbaugh described the location next to the Marina as first-access-point service dock and explained the need for the launch for kayaks to be separate from standard boats. Director Benishek recognized a partnership with a Charleston kayak rental company and connect the bike trail to further develop the amenities and improve the quality of life around the Lake. With Mayor Hall’s inquiry, Director Benishek explained the AmeriCorps team’s involvement in developing the trail system. With no further questions or comments Mayor Hall closed the Public Hearing at 6:37 p.m.


Commissioner Cox seconded by Commissioner Phipps moved to adopt Special Ordinance No. 2023-1858, approving a four-year contract renewal of the collective bargaining agreement with the Mattoon Firefighters Association, Local 691, IAFF, AFL-CIO. [2022-2026]





Section 1. The City Council hereby approves a four-year contract renewal to the “Collective Bargaining Agreement” dated May 1, 2022 with the Mattoon Firefighters Association, Local 691, IAFF, AFL-CIO, a copy of which is attached and incorporated by reference.

Section 2. This ordinance shall be deemed published as of the day of its adoption and approval by the City Council.

Section 3. This ordinance shall be effective upon its approval as provided by law.

Upon motion by Commissioner Cox_____________, seconded by Commissioner Phipps , adopted this 2nd day of May , 2023, by a roll call vote, as follows:

AYES (Names): Commissioner Closson, Commissioner Cox, Commissioner Graven, Commissioner Phipps, Mayor Hall

NAYS (Names): None______________________________________

ABSENT (Names): None______________________________________

Approved this 2nd day of May , 2023.

/s/Rick Hall______________________

Rick Hall, Mayor

City of Mattoon, Coles County, Illinois


/s/Susan J. O'Brien_______ /s/Dan C. Jones__________

Susan J. O’Brien, City Clerk Dan C. Jones, City Attorney

Recorded in the Municipality’s Records on 05-02, 2023.

Mayor Hall opened the floor for questions/comments. Commissioner Cox noted the long task with thanks to Administrator Gill and Chief Hilligoss for their input and work on the negotiations and the

MFD bargaining unit; and appreciated everyone’s efforts to have good dialog and listening. Commissioner Closson noted the contract was through 2026.

Mayor Hall declared the motion carried by the following vote: YEA Commissioner Closson, YEA Commissioner Cox, YEA Commissioner Graven, YEA Commissioner Phipps, YEA Mayor Hall.

Commissioner Cox seconded by Commissioner Graven moved to adopt Ordinance No. 2023- 5467, amending Section 34.043(C)(1) of Chapter 34 in the municipal Code of Ordinances to reduce the number of Engineers in the Mattoon Fire Department to nine Engineers.


ORDINANCE NO. 2023-5467


WHEREAS, the City of Mattoon currently has ordinances that establish and regulate the Mattoon Fire Department; and

WHEREAS, Section 34.043 OTHER FIRE OFFICIALS (C) Engineers, (1), created 12 positions with the rank of Engineer in the Fire Department; and

WHEREAS, the City of Mattoon desires to reduce the number of Engineers to nine (9); and

WHEREAS, through arbitration the City was awarded the reduction, subject to grandfathering an existing employee.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Mattoon as follows:

Section 1. Recitals. The facts and statements contained in the preamble to this Ordinance are found to be true and correct and are hereby adopted as part of this Ordinance.

Section 2. Amendments. Section 34.043(C)(1) of Chapter 34 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Mattoon is hereby amended as follows:

(C) Engineers.

(1) There is hereby created nine positions within the rank of Engineer in the Fire Department of said city, who shall hold office until replaced and their successor or successors appointed and qualified. The rank of Engineer in the Fire Department shall be appointed by the rules and regulations governing the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners of said city.

Section 3. Publication. The City Clerk is hereby directed to cause this ordinance to be published in pamphlet form.

Section 4. Effective Date. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect immediately upon its passage, approval and publication as provided by law.

Upon motion by Commissioner Cox , seconded by Commissioner Graven, adopted this 2nd day of May, 2023, by a roll call vote, as follows:

AYES (Names): Commissioner Closson, Commissioner Cox, Commissioner Graven, Commissioner Phipps, Mayor Hall

NAYS (Names): None

ABSENT (Names): None

Approved this 2nd day of May , 2023.

/s/Rick Hall______________________

Rick Hall, Mayor

City of Mattoon, Coles County, Illinois


/s/Susan J. O'Brien_______ /s/Dan C. Jones__________

Susan J. O’Brien, City Clerk Dan C. Jones, City Attorney

Recorded in the Municipality’s Records on 05-02, 2023.

Mayor Hall opened the floor for comments. Commissioner Cox noted only one item out of arbitration.

Mayor Hall declared the motion carried by the following vote: YEA Commissioner Closson, YEA Commissioner Cox, YEA Commissioner Graven, YEA Commissioner Phipps, YEA Mayor Hall.

Commissioner Closson seconded by Commissioner Phipps moved to approve Council Decision Request 2023-2356, approving the cost proposal in the amount of $35,000 from The Upchurch Group for Preliminary Engineering, Survey and Design services for the Bike Trail/Hotel Connection Project; and authorizing the mayor to sign the Local Public Agency Engineering Services Agreement.

Mayor Hall opened the floor for comments. Mayor Hall noted two parts.

Mayor Hall declared the motion carried by the following vote: YEA Commissioner Closson, YEA Commissioner Cox, YEA Commissioner Graven, YEA Commissioner Phipps, YEA Mayor Hall.

Commissioner Closson seconded by Commissioner Phipps moved to adopt Resolution No. 2023- 3246, approving the Motor Fuel Tax expenditures in the amount of $35,000 for Preliminary Engineering, Survey and Design services for a pedestrian/bicycle path from the north end of McFall Road to the Mattoon/Charleston Bike Trail; and authorizing the city clerk to sign the resolution. 23-00277-03-BT


RESOLUTION NO. 2023-3246Resolution for Improvement

Under the Illinois Highway Code

Is this project a bondable capital improvement? Resolution Type Resolution Number Section Number

Original 2023- 3246 23-00277-03-BT

BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City

Governing Body Type Local Public Agency Type of Mattoon Illinois that the following described street(s)/road(s)/structure be improved under Name of Local Public Agency the Illinois Highway Code. Work shall be done by Contract .

Contract or Day Labor

For Roadway/Street Improvements:

Name of Street(s)/Road(s) Length

(miles) Route From To

Bike Trail / Hotel Connection 0.29 Sta 84+77 Sta 100+00

For Structures:

Name of Street(s)/Road(s) Existing

Structure No. Route Location Feature Crossed


1. That the proposed improvement shall consist of Preliminary Engineering, Survey, & Design Services for a pedestrian/bicycle path from the north end of McFall Road to the Mattoon/Charleston Bike Trail

2. That there is hereby appropriated the sum of Thirty-Five Thousand and no/100 Dollars ( $35,000.00 ) for the improvement of said section from the Local Public Agency's allotment of Motor Fuel Tax funds.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Clerk is hereby directed to transmit four (4) certified originals of this resolution to the district office of the Department of Transportation.

I, Susan J. O'Brien City Clerk in and for said City Name of Clerk Local Public Agency Type Local Public Agency Type of Mattoon in the State aforesaid, and keeper of the records and files thereof, as provided by Name of Local Public Agency statute, do hereby certify the foregoing to be a true, perfect and complete original of a resolution adopted by Council of Mattoon at a meeting held on May 02, 2023 . Governing Body Type Name of Local Public Agency Date

IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 2nd Day day of May, 2023 . Month, Year

(SEAL, if required by the LPA) Clerk Signature & Date


Regional Engineer Signature & Date

Department of Transportation


Mayor Hall opened the floor for comments. Director Barber noted this was the same $35,000, the first for contractual design work and the second was for the IDOT form using MFT funds.

Mayor Hall declared the motion carried by the following vote: YEA Commissioner Closson, YEA Commissioner Cox, YEA Commissioner Graven, YEA Commissioner Phipps, YEA Mayor Hall.

Commissioner Graven seconded by Commissioner Cox moved to approve Council Decision Request 2023-2357, approving the water and sewer billing adjustment in the amount of $1,413.96 on behalf of Gabriel Arroyo located at 112 N. 24th Street.

Mayor Hall opened the floor for comments with no response.

Mayor Hall declared the motion carried by the following vote: YEA Commissioner Closson, YEA Commissioner Cox, YEA Commissioner Graven, YEA Commissioner Phipps, YEA Mayor Hall.

Commissioner Graven seconded by Commissioner Cox moved to adopt Resolution No. 2023- 3247, providing for a feasibility study on the designation of a portion of the City as a redevelopment project area located in the Remington Road/-I-57 area; and inducing development interest within the area.


RESOLUTION NO. 2023-3247


WHEREAS, the City of Mattoon (the “City”) is authorized under the provisions of the Tax Increment Allocation Redevelopment Act, 65 ILCS 11-74.4-1, et seq. (the “Act”), to finance redevelopment project costs in connection with redevelopment project areas established in accordance with the conditions and requirements set forth in the Act; and

WHEREAS, pursuant to the Act, to implement tax increment financing (TIF), it is necessary for the City to adopt redevelopment plan(s), redevelopment project(s), designate redevelopment project area(s) on the basis of finding that the area(s) qualify pursuant to statutory requirements, and make a finding that the redevelopment project area(s) on the whole have not been subjected to growth and development through private enterprise and would not reasonably be anticipated to be developed without the adoption of a redevelopment plan, which plan contains a commitment to use public funds; and

WHEREAS, the City desires to undertake a feasibility study to determine whether findings may be made with respect to an area of the City, generally described herein, which may be designated as a redevelopment project area, to qualify the area as a “blighted area” as defined in the Act and, applicable to vacant land, and other research necessary to document the lack of growth and development through private enterprise; and

WHEREAS, the exact extent and boundaries of the redevelopment project area are not precisely defined at this time but the general area being considered is delineated on Exhibit A attached hereto, and that the actual redevelopment project area to be established may contain more or less land than that shown on Exhibit A; and

WHEREAS, the City has retained PGAV Planners, LLC of 200 North Broadway, Suite 1000, St. Louis, Missouri 63102, to undertake such feasibility study to determine if all or a portion of the proposed TIF area qualifies under the Act and assist with the process of review and approval of said redevelopment plan; and

WHEREAS, the City will be expending certain funds to determine eligibility of the proposed redevelopment project area and to prepare the required redevelopment plan if the City decides to implement tax increment financing for all or a portion of the proposed TIF area; and

WHEREAS, the City may expend other funds in furtherance of the objectives of the anticipated redevelopment plan; and

WHEREAS, it is the intent of the City to recover these expenditures from proceeds of the TIF program, if established; and

WHEREAS, the City wishes to encourage developers and property owners to pursue plans for the redevelopment of the area and make such expenditures as are reasonably necessary in that regard with confidence that said expenditures may be allowable redevelopment project costs under the plan once adopted and subject to a redevelopment agreement between the City and the developer and/or property owner; and

WHEREAS, the purpose of the proposed redevelopment plan and project is to generate private investment in the targeted area, thereby eliminating or reducing blighted conditions or conditions that may lead to blight and provides for the long-term sound growth of the community; and

WHEREAS, tax increment allocation financing utilizes the increase in real estate taxes (“tax increment”) resulting from the increase in value of properties located in a redevelopment project area to pay for certain redevelopment projects costs as provided for in the Act; and

WHEREAS, given that none of purposes of the proposed redevelopment plan or proposed redevelopment project area is not reasonably expected to result in the displacement of residents from ten (10) or more inhabited residential units within the area, the feasibility study is not required to include the preparation of any housing impact study as described in Section 11-74.4-4.1 (b) of the Act.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mattoon, Illinois as follows:

1. That the City Council hereby finds that all of the recitals contained in the preamble to this Resolution are true, correct, and complete, and said recitals are hereby incorporated by reference hereto and made part hereof.

2. That the City Council has examined the proposed area and circumstances and at this time believes that it is reasonable to believe that a tax increment financing plan can be adopted for said area and expenditures of development costs in furtherance of the plan and potential development should be allowable project costs under the plan, provided that this resolution is not a guarantee that any such plan will be adopted, but rather an expression of the sense of the City at this time.

3. The person to contact for additional information about the proposed redevelopment project area and who should receive all comments and suggestions regarding the redevelopment of the area shall be:

Mr. Kyle Gill

City Administrator

City of Mattoon

208 N. 19th Street

Mattoon, IL 61938

(217) 235-5511

Upon motion by Commissioner Graven , seconded by Commissioner Cox , adopted this 2nd day of May , 2023, by a roll call vote, as follows:

AYES (Names): Commissioner Closson, Commissioner Cox, Commissioner Graven, Commissioner Phipps, Mayor Hall

NAYS (Names): None

ABSENT (Names): None

Approved this 2nd day of May , 2023.

/s/Rick Hall______________________

Rick Hall, Mayor

City of Mattoon, Coles County, Illinois


/s/Susan J. O'Brien________

Susan J. O’Brien, City Clerk

/s/Dan C. Jones__________

Dan C. Jones, City Attorney

Recorded in the Municipality’s Records on 05-02, 2023. Attachment: Exhibit A – Proposed TIF Redevelopment Project Area

Mayor Hall opened the floor for comments. Administrator Gill noted the start of developing a TIF district with meetings and public notices, and have approval by early August.

Mayor Hall declared the motion carried by the following vote: YEA Commissioner Closson, YEA Commissioner Cox, YEA Commissioner Graven, YEA Commissioner Phipps, YEA Mayor Hall.

Commissioner Closson seconded by Commissioner Phipps moved to adopt Resolution No. 2023- 3248, approving a Boat Access Area Development (BAAD) Program application through the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) with a 10% match from the City for the purpose of installing an ADA accessible Kayak Launch at Lake Mattoon; and authorizing the mayor to sign all documents necessary to complete the application.


RESOLUTION NO. 2023-3248


WHEREAS, Lake Mattoon is a valuable recreational resource for the City of Mattoon (“City”) and its residents; and

WHEREAS, the City desires to increase access to Lake Mattoon for all residents, including those with disabilities; and

WHEREAS, the IDNR's Boat Access Area Development (BAAD) program provides funding for the development and improvement of boating facilities, including the installation of ADA accessible kayak launches; and

WHEREAS, the City plans to apply for this reimbursement grant in the amount of $80,000; and,

WHEREAS, the City is offering to match 10% of the grant from video gaming funds; and

WHEREAS, the City wishes to apply for the BAAD program to install an ADA accessible kayak launch at Lake Mattoon; and

WHEREAS, the City has identified multiple vendors capable of furnishing an ADA accessible kayak launch.


Section 1. The City Council supports the city's application to apply for the Boat Access Area Development (BAAD) program operated by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) to install an Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accessible kayak launch at Lake Mattoon.

Section 2. The City authorizes the City Administrator or designee to prepare and to submit an application for the BAAD program to the IDNR.

Section 3. The City of Mattoon acknowledges that the installation of an ADA accessible kayak launch at Lake Mattoon will increase access to the lake for all residents, including those with disabilities, and will enhance the recreational opportunities available in the City.

Section 4. This resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption.

Upon motion by Commissioner Closson , seconded by Commissioner Phipps, adopted this 2nd day of May , 2023, by a roll call vote, as follows:

AYES (Names): Commissioner Closson, Commissioner Cox, Commissioner Graven, Commissioner Phipps, Mayor Hall

NAYS (Names): None

ABSENT (Names): None

Approved this 2nd day of May , 2023.

/s/Rick Hall______________________

Rick Hall, Mayor

City of Mattoon, Coles County, Illinois


/s/Susan J. O'Brien________

Susan J. O’Brien, City Clerk

/s/Dan C. Jones__________

Dan C. Jones, City Attorney

Recorded in the Municipality’s Records on 05-02, 2023. Mayor Hall opened the floor for comments with no response.

Mayor Hall declared the motion carried by the following vote: YEA Commissioner Closson, YEA Commissioner Cox, YEA Commissioner Graven, YEA Commissioner Phipps, YEA Mayor Hall.

Commissioner Phipps seconded by Commissioner Closson moved to approve Council Decision Request 2023-2358, approving the plans and specifications for the Lafayette Sidewalk Project for sidewalk improvements from Logan Street to Crestview Subdivision.

Mayor Hall opened the floor for questions/comments with no response.

Mayor Hall declared the motion carried by the following vote: YEA Commissioner Closson, YEA Commissioner Cox, YEA Commissioner Graven, YEA Commissioner Phipps, YEA Mayor Hall.


CITY ADMINISTRATOR noted preparation of arbitration decision, ordinance changes, sports complex out for bonding, assisting Alex with TIF preparations, and calls about garbage trucks collecting curbside due to larger trucks. Commissioner Cox noted the new garbage trucks were too large for the alley. Administrator Gill added the arm for retrieving the trash bins were posing the problem. Commissioner Cox noted the mandate for curbside pickup was a concern for citizens. Administrator Gill may need to review ordinances. Mayor Hall noted Dunkin Donuts started construction.

CITY ATTORNEY announced Robb Perry was appealing but the mayor had not been served yet. Commissioner Graven questioned no new evidence. Attorney Jones noted Mr. Perry could not add new evidence and the Board’s tough standards. Mayor Hall inquired as to the former Brown Shoe Factory with Attorney Jones noting the owner had been served. Mayor Hall opened the floor for further questions with no response.

CITY CLERK noted the processing of new hires/summer help, HR and insurance issues, property and casualty claims. Mayor Hall opened the floor for questions with no response.

FINANCE discussed a call with Moody’s which rated the City at a BAA1 with a stable outlook; and reviewed the Revenue Tracking report including the FY24 gaming revenues, unrestricted cash in General Fund and a new Illinois Funds account earning 4.871% interest. Mayor Hall opened the floor for comments/questions with no response.

PUBLIC WORKS announced the plans for the sidewalk project was out to bidders, Todd Fuller’s work on replacing Charleston Avenue fire hydrants and then work on the bike trail. Mayor Hall noted the reason for a one-lane traffic on the south side of Charleston Avenue. Mayor Hall opened the floor for questions with no response.

FIRE reported on calls for service, inspections and follow-ups, training, Saturday’s entry-level exam had six applicants, and firefighters have their Advance Firefighting which will help with our ISO rating. Mayor Hall opened the floor for questions with no response.

POLICE reported on calls for service, 55 arrests, two nuisance properties cleaned and liened, which were two of the biggest properties cleaned. Council with Chief Gaines discussed the cleanups. Chief Gaines gave Deputy Chief Hurst credit for getting volunteers and cleaning the properties.

ARTS AND TOURISM Commissioner Cox reiterated Bagel Bites on Friday with a Jane Doe concert at Heritage Park. Mayor Hall opened the floor for questions with no response.

COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT reviewed permits, groundbreaking plans of sports complex, IHDA housing-based planning, office forms to go digital, and hiring of new electrical inspector. Mayor Hall opened the floor for questions with no response.


Commissioner Closson updated Council on the Parks and Cemetery. Commissioner Cox noted attendance at the Coles County Community Breakfast, LIFT – Class E program; and recognized Director Benishek as 20under40 honoree. Commissioners Graven and Phipps congratulated Alex. Mayor Hall announced the ending of the multiple years of local state of emergency after May 11th. Mayor Hall opened the floor for questions with no response.

Commissioner Cox seconded by Commissioner Phipps moved to Adjourn at 7:11 p.m.

Mayor Hall declared the motion carried by the following vote: YEA Commissioner Closson, YEA Commissioner Cox, NAY Commissioner Graven, YEA Commissioner Phipps, YEA Mayor Hall.



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