
East Central Reporter

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Village of Dieterich Board of Trustees met Sept. 6

Village of Dieterich Board of Trustees met Sept. 6.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The Dieterich Village Board met in regular session at 6:30 p.m. at Dieterich Village Hall located at 103 W. Section Street.

The meeting was called to order by President Brad Hardiek and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

The following Trustees were present: Chad White; Pam Hartke; Bill Lane; Sean Pankau and Derick Stumeier. Trustee Carrie Galbraith was present via speakerphone. With six Trustees and President Brad Hardiek present, a quorum was declared to be present. Also at the meeting were: Village Clerk Brittny Gipson and Village Engineer Lee Beckman.

A motion was made by Trustee P. Hartke; seconded by Trustee S. Pankau to approve the omnibus agenda: approve minutes of the August 15, 2022 regular meeting, approve the Treasurer’s Report and approve Expenditures. Roll call was 6 yes and 0 no.

Village Engineer Lee Beckman reported the final walkthrough items noted by IDOT for the Dieterich Industrial Park East streets and storm sewer project were repaired by Feutz and the project is officially complete.

Engineer Beckman reported the Wright Family Center SWPP permit is still in process and it is now 60 days, instead of 30 days, to get that permit before dirt can be moved. The permit should be received by mid-October.

Lee reported the NOSAF for the DCEO E. Section Street storm sewer project had been received from the State. Now we are waiting for the NOSA to be received. No work can begin until both documents are received from the State. It will most likely be first quarter 2023 before all signoffs are received.

Engineer Beckman reported the Safe Routes to School (SRTS) coordination meeting with IDOT is planned for next week to go over details of the grant project. They are planning to construct all the sidewalks 6” off the right-of-way, so no additional right of-way signoffs should be needed. Lee anticipates the project should begin sometime in 2023.

Lee discussed with the Board the best way to repair the wash out on the south side of W. Section Street edge of pavement, east of Liberty Drive. Lee recommended a concrete gutter to connect and extend from the end of the gutter coming from the intersection at Liberty Drive. Lee was going to work on a price estimate to show the Board.

The Board reviewed Lee’s information on the extra ditch checks for North Pointe ditch. New ditch checks would be the most cost-effective way to slow down the flow of water and decrease the erosion in the ditch. Different ways to repair the erosion were discussed and whether to abandon or seal the 8” pvc drain line running under the bottom of the ditch was also discussed. The ability to abandon or seal the ditch pipe was dependent on what lines were connected. More research was needed on that.

Engineer Beckman reported the USACE had more questions on the hydraulic study that IDNR completed on the Dieterich Creek. Lee had forwarded the questions to IDNR, but no response had been given yet.

Maintenance Supervisor Mike Campbell was on vacation and not present at the meeting.

A motion was made by Trustee B. Lane; seconded by Trustee C. White to approve Resolution 521-2022: Maintenance Under the Illinois Highway Code (Motor Fuel Tax Fund Expenditures for 2022). Roll call was 6 yes and 0 no.

A motion was made by Trustee P. Hartke; seconded by Trustee B. Lane to receive and acknowledge the 2021 Motor Fuel Tax Funds Compliance Review report as prepared by IDOT. Roll call was 6 yes and 0 no.

The Board reviewed a quote to replace the Village Hall roof submitted by Gordon Roofing. The Board needs to decide which product they want to use, TPO or EPDM. Both products have different prices and benefits. The Board requested the warranty information and would like to see more than one quote to compare.

At 8:37 p.m. a motion was made by Trustee B. Lane; seconded by Trustee P. Hartke to adjourn the meeting. Roll call was 6 yes and 0 no.
