Shiloh Community Unit School District 1 Board of Education met Aug. 15.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
President Smith called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM in the Board Room.
Present: Tara Duzan, Renee Henry, Brian Rhode, Aaron Richardson, David Smith, Justin Wood
Absent: April Morris
Others Present: Superintendent Bill Myers, Principal Morgan Wilhoit, Principal Amy Jones, Linda Lane, Pam Evans, Dana R. Hales, Wade Hales, Jessica Armstrong, Teresa Hawkins
President Smith welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Morris entered the meeting at 7:05 PM.
Correspondence: None
Presentations: None
Audience to visitors: Wade Hales and Jessica Armstrong inquired about the Huddle program.
Morris moved to approve the following Consent Agenda items:
Regular Meeting Minutes of July 18, 2022
July 2022 Activity Account Report
July 2022 Treasurer Report
Wood seconded the motion
Aye: Henry, Morris, Rhode, Richardson, Smith, Wood, Duzan
Nay: None
Motion carried: Aye-7 Nay – 0
Principal PK-8 Report - Morgan Wilhoit
1. Discuss open house attendance - hot dogs, chips, and cookies will be provided for all families with the help of the Student Council. 6th grade will be back to the regular junior high schedule, so a full orientation will be provided to them going over locker information, switching classes, sports, etc.
2. We opened up a second kindergarten classroom with the large number of kindergarten students coming in and a Need for early intervention.
3. Teacher Institute days are packed full of information and positivity for our teachers. A few motivational speakers will be coming in to speak with teachers and the rest of the time will be spent going over data and planning for the school year.
4. Online training for all staff - mandated training sessions are now offered online. Several teachers have already completed them. They do not have to be completed until October. I am monitoring their progress and checking in regularly with teachers for this.
5. Updates on MTSS sessions - teachers are all on board for the implementation of a more rigorous Tier I (whole class) instruction. We had several teachers attend training sessions provided in July, then during institute days, we will really dive into how this process will work and how to collect data for student driven instruction.
6. Planning for grandparent's day (PK-5) - Friday, September 2 - for a lunch on the lawn. Grandparents can come with lawn chairs or blankets and sit in the front yard of the school with their grandchildren for a 30-minute picnic lunch.
7. A junior high study hall checklist was created to ensure students are working during study hall. If they have all items on the checklist completed by Friday, they will have games/movies in a classroom during that study hall time as an incentive. The student must have no behavior incidents and all work completed by that time on Friday to earn the incentive.
8. Parent advisory committee meeting will be held virtually on September 14th at 4:30.
9. The first round of MAP testing and data review will be held the first week of September schoolwide. 10. All drill (fire, bus evacuation, etc.) dates have been set and are on the calendar for teachers to see. The fire departments will be working with us on this as well as the local police department for the intruder drill.
Principal 9-12 Report – Amy Jones
1. Discuss open house attendance - we will have hot dogs, chips, and cookies for all families with the help of the Student Council. Freshman Orientation with Megan Pierce and I talked about HS expectations and brief overview of handboooks.
2. Online training for all staff - mandated training sessions are now offered online through GCN; due end of October.
3. Updates on MTSS sessions - teachers are all on board for the implementation of a more rigorous Tier I (whole class) instruction and using data to choose groups in class. SAEBRS will now be implemented school wide k-12.
4. Math schedules have been assigned for our 3 teachers. Classes will range in size roughly around 10 students. This will now allow 7th hr to have smaller study hall classes and opportunities for students to get extra help in math or english as needed. Sophomores will take geometry in order to have to take alg 2 to be better prepared for testing and exposed to advanced equations
5. The first round of MAP testing and data review will be held the first week of September schoolwide. Megan and I will be meeting with seniors during that week to make 5 year and/or 10 year plans with the possibility of having guest speakers coming in to talk about trade school and/or application to college process.
6. All drill (fire, bus evacuation, etc.) dates have been set and are on the calendar for teachers to see. Intruder Drill with Edgar Co Police dept will be Tuesday Sept 27.
7. We had about 10 teachers or so across the district complete TCI training last week. Therapeutic Crisis Intervention (TCI) helps residential child care organizations to:
• Create a trauma-sensitive environment where children and adults are safe and feel safe
• Pro-actively prevent and/or de-escalate potential crisis situations with children
• Manage a crisis situation in a therapeutic manner, and, if necessary, intervene physically in a manner that reduces the risk of harm to children and staff
• Process the crisis event with children to help improve their coping strategies
Superintendent Report – Bill Myers
A. Asphalting Track recommendations
Install asphalt for an 8-lane track.
Install new aggregate base. If your long-term goal is all-weather, providing a proper base now is required to ensure proper drainage in the future.
Install a drainage tile along the inside of the track. This will serve two purposes. It will serve as a "field tile" to drain water from the aggregate base and the subsurface. It will also serve as a storm sewer for the yard drains that will be installed at intervals around the track.
Install an outlet for the drainage tile, preferably a gravity system but a pump system may be required.
B. Relay devices continue to be set up and will be ready.
C. Punch List from Todd Hannah being completed (mostly clean up issues).
D. Opened another Kindergarten section, 6th graders will rotate like the rest of JH.
E. City water main broke on 8-3-22, sent everyone home with pay.
F. With help from Lonnie and Dana, we filled out the grant paperwork for 2 electric buses.
G. Brought a motivational speaker for day 1 with teachers.
H. Working on the sign on Rt. 36
Rhode moved to approve payment of the bills.
Henry seconded the motion.
Aye: Morris, Rhode, Richardson, Smith, Wood, Duzan, Henry
Nay: None
Motion carried: Aye-7 Nay - 0
Budget will be on display in the Superintendent's office until September 19, 2022
Richardson moved to approve resolutions of First Neighbor Bank for change of administration.
Morris seconded the motion.
Aye: Rhode, Richardson, Smith, Wood, Duzan, Henry, Morris
Nay: None
Motion carried: Aye-7 Nay - 0
Rhode moved to adjourn to Executive Session at 8:01 PM to discuss:
The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodges against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity;
Collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives, and deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees.
Student disciplinary cases.
Discussion of minutes of meetings lawfully closed under the Act, whether for purpose of approval by the body of the minutes or semi-annual review of the minutes.
Duzan seconded the motion.
Aye: Duzan, Henry, Morris, Rhode, Richardson, Smith, Wood
Nay: None
Motion carried: Aye-7 Nay – 0
Board returned to Open Session at 9:03 PM.
Smith moved to approve Executive Session minutes of July 18, 2022.
Duzan seconded the motion.
Aye: Richardson, Rhode, Smith, Wood, Duzan, Henry, Morris, Rhode
Nay: None
Motion carried: Aye-7 Nay - 0
Henry moved to approve employment of: L
Lauren Moses – Kindergarten Teacher
Pam Evans - Elementary Ecology Team
Beth Harbaugh - Grant Writer Consultant
Morris seconded the motion.
Aye: Wood, Duzan, Henry, Morris, Rhode, Richardson, Smith
Nay: None
Motion carried: Aye - 7
Rhode moved to adjourn at 9:05 PM.
Richardson seconded the motion.
Voice vote: Aye - 7 Nay-0
Motion carried.
The regular meeting of the Shiloh CUSD #1 Board of Education adjourned at 9:05 PM