Neoga Community Unit School District 3 Board of Education met Aug. 11.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
The regular meeting of the Board of Education of Neoga Community Unit School District #3 was held at 7:00 p.m., in the Neoga Unit Office.
ROLL CALL: Present: Gerald Hanfland, Michelle Sheehan, Don Strohl
Brian Titus, Angie Worman, Chuck Campbell
Absent: Shawn Finney
Shawn Finney arrived at 7:07 pm
PAYMENT OF BILLS: Motion by Strohl, seconded by Sheehan to approve payment of bills in the amount of $174,806.62.
VOTE: Yea: Hanfland, Sheehan, Strohl, Worman, Campbell
Abstain: Titus
Absent: Finney
CONSENT AGENDA: Motion by Strohl, seconded by Hanfland to:
approve July payroll – Education Fund $43,202.14, Building Fund $21,265.54, Transportation Fund $3,811.60 for a total of $68,279.28
approve July 22, 2022 Regular Meeting Minutes, July 22, 2022 closed session minutes
approve NES and NJSHS Activity Report
approve Neoga CUSD#3 Threat Assessment Plan
approve entering into an agreement with Illinois Educators Risk Management Program Association (IERMP)
approve Neoga CUSD#3 Re-Opening Plan FY23
approve milk price for FY23
VOTE: Yea: Sheehan, Strohl, Titus, Worman, Hanfland, Campbell
Absent: Finney
PRESENTATION AND APPROVAL OF TENTATIVE BUDGET FOR FY23: Mr. Haarman reviewed tentative budget with board. Motion by Finney, seconded by Worman to approve tentative budget for review. Motion carried
CONSIDER A MOTION TO SCHEDULE A SPECIAL MEETING OR MOVE THE SEPTEMBER REGULAR MEETING: Motion by Titus, seconded by Sheehan to schedule Special Meeting for budget September 22, 2022 at 6:50 pm and the September Regular Meeting to September 22, 2022 at 7:00 pm. Motion carried.
Mr. Haarman, Superintendent reported on the following:
Base of bell finished
Parking lot striped
Thanks to Jerry Hanfland for painting the Quonset
Bus lease – can not enter 3 year agreement until October and November. Troy will be checking with Bluebird
Tim King will negotiate with banks
Mr. Bear, Elementary Principal reported on the following:
Summer school had 30 students. Teachers reported that they progress in students. Attended ROE Bar B Q – good day connecting with other administrators
Mrs. Bridges, Jr./Sr. High School Principal reported on the following:
New teacher orientation went well
August 15th is pack your locker night. Student Council will have a cookout and FFA will serve ice cream at the elementary.
Will be implementing community service hours
ALICE 2.0 training
AD Report:
JH Softball has 27 girls
JH Baseball has 18 boys
REVIEW MONTHLY CASH FLOW REPORT: Nothing to present at this time.
CLOSED SESSION FOR EXCEPTION 1, THE EMPLOYMENT, COMPENSATION, DISCIPLINE, PERFORMANCE, OR DISMISSAL OF SPECIFIC EMPLOYEES OF THE PUBLIC BODY; EXCEPTION 2, COLLECTIVE BARGAINING MATTERS BETWEEN THE SCHOOL BOARD AND ITS EMPLOYEES OR THEIR REPRESENTATIVES, OR DELIBERATION CONCERNING SALARY SCHEDULES FOR ONE OR MORE CLASSES OF EMPLOYEES: Motion by Sheehan, seconded by Worman to go into closed session at 7:41 p.m. for closed session for exception 1, the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body; exception 2, collective bargaining matters between the school board and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees
VOTE: Yea: Worman, Finney, Hanfland, Sheehan, Strohl, Titus, Campbell
The Board returned from closed session at 7:55 p.m.
APPROVE RESIGNATIONS: Motion by Titus, seconded by Hanfland to approve the resignations of Alexis Morton as paraprofessional. Motion carried.
APPROVE EMPLOYMENT: Motion by Strohl, seconded by Sheehan to employ the following for NCUSD#3
Brian Moore – Custodian – Second Shift
Jill Shaw – Jr. High Interventionist
VOTE: Yea: Hanfland, Sheehan, Strohl, Titus, Worman, Finney, Campbell
NEXT MEETING: Special Meeting – Budget September 22, 2022 at 6:50 pm and Regular meeting September 22, 2022 at 7:00 pm at the Board of Education Office.
ADJOURNMENT: Motion by Strohl, seconded by Worman to adjourn the meeting at 8:01 pm. Motion carried.