City of Chrisman City Council met June 6.
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
The City Of Chrisman Met For A Regular Meeting At 7:00 P.M. With The Following Members Present: Commissioner Cory Chaney, Commissioner Brian Haddix, Commissioner Thad Crispin, Commissioner Brice Stratton, And Mayor Daniel Owen. Also, Present Was City Clerk Autumn Perryman, And City Treasure Kaylen Hoskins.
Chaney Moved And Crispin Seconded That Council Approves Minutes From May 16th, 2022. Voting Aye On The Matter Were 4 Members. Voting Nay None. Motion Carried.
Crispin Moved And Haddix Seconded That Council Approves Special Meeting Minutes Fom May 31st. Voting Aye On The Mattat Were 3 Members. Voting Nay Nome. Motion Carried.
Stratton Moved And Chaney Seconded That The Council Approves The Claims In The Amount Of $62,970.74 Voting Aye On The Matter Were All Members Present. Voting Nay None. Motion Carried.
Stratton Moved And Haddix Seconded That Council Approves The Building Permit At 605 S Illinois. Voting Aye On The Matter Were All Members Present. Voting Nay None. Motion Carried.
Chaney Moved And Stratton Seconded That Council Approves The City’s Participation In The Neighborhood Watch Program. Voting Aye On The Matter Were All Members Present. Voting Nay None. Motion Carried.
Haddix Moved And Chaney Seconded That Council Approves The Interim Loan For The Wwtp. Voting Aye On The Matter Were All Members Present. Voting Nay None. Motion Carried.
Chaney Moved And Crispin Seconded That Council Approves The Ordinance Suppliment. Voting Aye On The Matter Were All Members Present. Voting Nay None. Motion Carried.
Haddix Moved And Chaney Seconded That Council Approves The Bid Opening Dat For The Poperty At 221 S Illinois For The 5th Of July. Voting Aye On The Matter Were All Members Present. Voting Nay None. Motion Carried.
Chaney Moved And Stratton Seconded That Council Approves The Fireworks Ordinance. Voting Aye On The Matter Were All Members Present. Voting Nay None. Motion Carried.
Crispin Moved And Stratton Seconded That Council Approves The Sink Hole Bid Of $24,875 From Gore For A 200ft Section Of 30in Pipe. Voting Aye On The Matter Were All Members Present. Voting Nay None. Motion Carried.
Crispin Moved And Haddix Seconded That Council Approves The Posting Of Job Openings For Summer Help Position. Voting Aye On The Matter Were All Members Present. Voting Nay None. Motion Carried.
Stratton Moved And Chaney Seconded That Council Approves The Bid For $7,300 To Get Auto Meters Installed By Schulty. Voting Aye On The Matter Were All Members Present. Voting Nay None. Motion Carried.
Crispin Moved And Haddix Seconded That Council Approves Entering Into The Executive Session Meeting At 7:43pm. Voting Aye On The Matter Were All Members Present. Voting Nay None. Motion Carried.
Crispin Moved And Stratton Seconded That Council Approves Exiting The Executive Session Meeting At 7:56pm. Voting Aye On The Matter Were All Members Present. Voting Nay None. Motion Carried.
Cody Lewis:
I’ve been working on the storm drains and getting ready to start on curbs tomorrow.
Dan Moore:
I talked to IDOT and we cannot put banners across the high way. Mayor Owen- Really? Moore- In case it blows down in front of a truck or car and causes an accident. I’ve got other options I am working on. Will there be any electricity and water on at Centennial Park during the celebration? Crispin- Should be. Moore- The community club and myself are willing to help, you just have to ask. Is there any way we can get water on up at the square? Right now, I am hauling water from home. It would be much easier if there was a hose up there. Bohle- I can put a water meter in there next week. Moore- We also did change the Fireworks from Saturday night to Friday night so it won’t affect anything with the tractor pull. Haddix- Thank you
The sidewalk hasn’t gotten any better. After watching two people almost fall in 15 minutes. It still needs attention, but we painted yellow across it. Haddix- As bad as I hate to say it, that is not the worse sidewalk intown. I know Thad and I have talked about that. Crispin- The engineer is still waiting on the final approval for the budget.
Police Department:
Erik Bohle:
I got stopped by two different people about the lights at the ball diamond. One was just asking what we were going to do with them. Crispin- I’m trying to get them taken down for safety concerns. I talked to 3 phase last week, and I am waiting to hear back from our electrician on options to get it taken care of.
Water and Sewer Adjustment:
Haddix- It’s for the leaks and pools. Since we are not pumping water out of the ground and we are running at such a deficit in the water department, I don’t think we should be giving adjustments on filling pools. Mayor Owen- I agree and on leaks they get one adjustment. We have had several here recently. Haddix- One a year or Lifetime? Mayor- I think we need to go one and a lifetime. We are running at a great deficit.
Neighborhood Watch:
Mayor Owen- I think we need to push on with it. Chaney- I agree. Mayor Owen- Tom is going to be the Liaison, I’m sure it will give him a lot of extra work, I’m sure. Chaney- I have talked to Scott Foster down in Paris quite a bit lately. They have been able to apprehend some folks doing things. People can register their ring doorbell with the city and find out where the people doing the breaking in and vandalizing. Mayor Owen- Everyone knows that whoever is on duty, if they are on the east end, they’re in the west end causing problems.
Meter Install:
Stratton- We have a quote from Schulte to put in the rest of the meters that we have, which is 103, I think. We think they are the main reason for the leaks, on the older meters not the newer ones. I think that would be beneficial to get them done quickly, within 2 days. Chaney- That includes the programing and everything? Stratton- Yes. Crispin- That includes the nursing home and the schools? Erik- The schools are in; I’m just waiting for the antenna. He has the meter for the nursing home, and just hasn’t replaced it. Crispin- Should we talk to the nursing home, since they are coming, and try to get them on it. If they aren’t going to do it, why not get it taken care of. Mayor Owen- So it’s $7300? Stratton Yes. Mayor Owen- I’m not saying it’s a good or bad idea, but isn’t this why we pay city employees. You are running at a $12000 deficit right now almost $27000 in the last 4 months. I would hate the spend another $7300. Crispin- doesn’t that include what we buy also? Chaney-This is all in cost, labor, material, and everything. Crispin- So that’s not strictly water leaks, ok. Chaney- We were planning on using a company to do a survey weren’t you? Perryman- Yes, I have turned all the paper work in to Illinois Rural Water. Erik- They are going to do a water audit for us for free, since we are member of Illinois Rural Water Association. He needed her to fill out those questions. Perryman- He said there was a pile of studies he had to do before he got to us. Haddix- How do they perform this audit. Erik- To be honest with you, it’s off of the questions Autumn had to fill out, she had to provide them with detailed numbers of gallons of water and other numbers. Haddix- My fear is that the auto meters that have been in the ground for 3 years, some of those have not been opened since they have been put in. Just like that one that we found today, there could be a dozen more of those in town. Chaney- Didn’t we talk about doing that like once a quarter. Crispin- Yes, we did. Perryman- The last time Erik did the manual meter’s they put a start by the reads that had a leaky meter, there were probably about 10 of them. Mayor Owen- How many of those 10 have been fixed? Haddix- None yet, we have only had one guy. Chaney- So if it takes these guys 2 days, how long is it going to take you to do 103 days. Stratton- 28 days is what we figured. Erik- That’s doing them 8 hours a day. Chaney- We know that is not possible. Haddix- Another thing I mentioned to Erik, those vent valves, on the main line. We should go out, mark, weed eat, and spray so that way they are easily accessible. If that wouldn’t have been in a barn lot, I don’t know anybody would have seen it.
WWTP Loan:
Hosking- That is for the Interim loan that you have already approved for us to get in December 2021. Mayor Owen- Se we are approving this interest rate increase? Hoskin- Correct. Chaney- If I understand at that time, we were told that at that time in December, that we had to get this loan in order to do the project. Hoskins- There was still other things that they were waiting on that took longer than they anticipated. Crispin- So we need this loan? Chaney- We need it to fund his project, but we didn’t need to do it as soon as we did. We could have waited. Mayor Owen- How much has it gone up? Chaney- It went from 2.8% to 3.15% interest. Haddix- Interest rates are going up. Hoskins- Sheri with the USDA said we can do our interest payments when we draw on that loan. So, it technically won’t be our money that we are spending on it. It’s been figured into the project. Crispin- Do we know if we are getting the USDA Loan? Hoskin- This loan is an interim loan through the local bank in the meantime. Crispin- So we are still waiting to hear back? Chaney- Yes. Hoskins- Sheri for the USDA is the one walking us through this and pulling all the strings. Crispin- So we know that we are getting that loan. Hoskins- From my understanding yes. Mayor Owen- Last I knew it was all said and done; this is just going to be money that we will need to operate until the other loan comes through. Haddix- We aren’t spending it right now.
Ordinance Supplements:
Perryman- It’s the quote from American Legal Publishing, for all of the ordinance that we have passed in the last year and a half. Chaney- It ranges from $600 -$1100, its based-on rates per page plus shipping and handling.
Fireworks Ordinance:
Mayor Owen- As many of you know we had a lot of people making complaints about their neighbors shooting fireworks at their house to the police. We also needed an ordinance so we can have a public display for our 150th celebration. We are already getting complaints. In the past we have been very lenient and a lot of people have had displays in their yard, this year we won’t be. When people go over board and we start getting complaints.
Purchase of Real Estate:
Haddix- We were trying to file a lien on that property of Jackson St. that we have been mowing. Evidently, we can’t file a lien and foreclose on it if we want it. To tear it down we have to buy it in the tax sale. Mayor Owen- How Much? Haddix I belief the minimum is $819 it was $606 when they offered it to us before. Mayor Owen- So we are not able to acquire it by foreclosing on the mowing lien? Haddix- Evidently not according to the attorney. Mayor Owen- So if we buy this property, is it ours, or do we have to wait for the 2 or 3 years. Haddix- We should own it. I need to see if he will sell it to use for the minimum. Crispin- Can we just buy it, or is it going up for bid? Normally those are sealed bids, aren’t they? Mayor Owen- For taxes I think so. Crispin- It looks like it’s another 60 or 90 days after bids is when it would be all done. Chaney- It says that your encouraged to contact the 1st week in July. Haddix- Last time, Don told me that he would give the city first Dibs with a minimum bid. Crispin- But is that before it when public, since it had a sign on it does that mean it’s up for bid.
Sink Hole Bid:
Crispin- We have a bid for behind the Nazarene Church, I was told by the engineers we can go ahead and take care of it. From Gore for 200 feet of a 30-inch pipe it will be $24,875 and that is the only one we have. Mayor Owen- If that whole 200 ft section bad or is it hit and miss? Bohle- Between the whole in the drive way and where it was fixed previously, there are 3 holes. Haddix- Erik and I went and poked around in the driveway, took some of the rock out that he previously put in, and its deep. Mayor Owen- Is that motor fuel? Crispin- Yes. Bohle- I did call two other places and they
JUNE 6TH, 2022
both said they weren’t interested in doing it. Crispin- Did he say when he could get to this? Bohle- He told me he had plenty of work and didn’t know.
War Memorial:
Crispin- It was brought to my attention that some people are not happy that there are names that are not on the memorial. Do we have a list of names, and can we go ahead to get them on there?
Summer Help:
Haddix- Are we going to get summer help? Crispin- Well we have Chloe. Haddix- She told me she was only going to be here another 2 months. Crispin- I’ll talk with the school. I’ll see if they have anyone interested in do the co-op. Haddix That’s during the school year what about summer help? Crispin- The problem is minimum wage is too high, that’s the problem we ran into last year. We can’t hire like we used to. Haddix- I will kick in. Crispin- Well start looking. Perryman- I
have had a couple boys come in with applications.
Commissioner Crispin
Waiting on final approval from IDOT for my MFT to get approved. I’m sending him a list of some streets to get tar and chipped. Waiting on stuff at the park.
Commissioner Haddix
We had a pump go down, the temp band aid pump that Matt Johnson put in the weir, that quite on us last week. I have Erik take it out of the hole, and clean it up and couldn’t get it to run. We had a spare because they were going to put two in, but couldn’t fit them both in the hole. So far it is working. Mayor Owen- So if this one goes south? Haddix- They are already shipping us a new one. The pump supplier didn’t know we had the second pump here. If it’s feasible to rebuild it then we will have 2 on the shelf. Matt Johnson was waiting on paperwork from B & T that has to be filed and go through all their legal steps. They should be breaking ground on the lift station in 30-45 days. Chaney- Will they have someone to stop by and check on the progress? Haddix- Fehr Graham will have.
Commissioner Stratton:
The only thing that got brought up to me was the drainage by Coe’s house. Crispin- He had never gotten back to me about it, he said he decided to try something else. I’ve had the maps out studying I don’t know. According to them that’s a 30-inch tile also. It’s fed by a 24-inch tile.
Commissioner Chaney:
Have you heard anything on the street light? Perryman- They don’t respond when I fax them the sheet.
Haddix Moved And Chaney Seconded For Adjournment At 8:00 P.M. Voting Aye On The Matter Were All Members Present. Voting Nay None. Motion Carried.