City of Charleston Carnegie Public Library Board of Trustees met April 4.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
1. Call to Order
2. Roll call
Banks _x_ Cunningham___ Elser _x_ Ferguson _x_ Looby _x_
Meadows _x_ Monahan _x_ Ricciardi _x_ Smallhorn_x_
3. Public Comment: none
4. Board President’s Comments: Angelique shared a thank you note from Katie Livingston about her raise.
5. Omnibus Agenda
A. Approval of the March 7, 2022 Board Meeting Minutes
B. Acceptance of Director’s Report
C. Acceptance of Stat Report
D. Acceptance of Grant & Donation Report
E. Acceptance of Financial Reports- provided at the meeting
F. Approval of the bills payable- provided at the meeting
Motion to approve: __MM__ Seconded: _JM___
Banks _x_ Cunningham___ Elser _x_ Ferguson _x_ Looby _x_
Meadows _x_ Monahan _x_ Ricciardi _x_ Smallhorn _x_
The budget went to the city council and will pass it at the meeting on April 19. The city is allocating the library $70,000 for the HVAC computer upgrade. The board will do a budget amendment at the May meeting. Chris will work with Heather on the bidding process.
DHM was here to review the repair list for the mechanical part of the HVAC system and will provide a full list with costs. The person was at the library for 5 hours.
Chris is getting quotes from three companies for the fire panel. Siemens is a proprietary system, which means everything would have to be replaced if we chose another company.
The library might qualify for a solar panel program through the government. Chris is doing more research.
The library is currently the only city building not on the city’s internet service, so it looks like the library will be added. We may have to buy out part of our contract with Consolidated, but we would still save money this year and in the future as we would no longer have an internet bill.
The new hire started this week and is doing well, so we are back up to full staff.
We received the audit and there were no findings. The rest of the financials were not available at the meeting, but it was a standard month for expenses.
The security cameras and system needs to be replaced. We may be eligible for a grant through the state library system to pay for the project. There will be a Zoom meeting to review grants and a decision will be made at that time.
6. Action Item 2022-4: Vote to approve the Fiscal Year 2023 Non-Resident Library Card Fee Motion to approve: __JS__ Seconded: _JL___
Banks _x_ Cunningham___ Elser _x_ Ferguson _x_ Looby _x_
Meadows _x_ Monahan _x_ Ricciardi _x_ Smallhorn _x_
The fee is based on population numbers, so the card will go from $100 to $125. It will go down in two years when the bond is paid off.
7. Action Item 2022-4: Vote to elect Board Officers for Fiscal Year 2023
Motion to approve: __JM__ Seconded: _AE___
Banks _x_ Cunningham___ Elser _x_ Ferguson _x_ Looby _x_
Meadows _x_ Monahan _x_ Ricciardi _x_ Smallhorn _x_
President: Elser
VP: Monahan
Treasurer: Looby
Secretary: Ricciadi
8. Discussion Item
A. Literature & Libations 2022
a. Brick House is still on for food and offered the same or a new menu. Jessica is securing the liquor contract. Now is the time to secure sponsors. Moondogs has agreed to play. B. Board Recruitment
C. Next Board Meeting – Monday, May 2, 2022 at 6:30PM.
D. Agenda Building
E. Other?
9. Adjournment 7:50