
East Central Reporter

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Flora Community Unit School District #35 Board met Nov. 17

Webp meeting 02

Flora Community Unit School District #35 Board met Nov. 17.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

Members Present: McCoy, Leib, Porter, Cook, Brooks, Wiley, Dunahee Administration Present: Hackney, T. Pearce, Pearce, Carder, McNeely

Guests: Rachel Walker, Scott Harris

Media: Mary Maxwell

Call to Order: 5:30 p.m.

1. Motion Dunahee seconded by Porter to approve the Consent Agenda: Minutes of the previous meeting, October 18, 2021, Bills, Activity Account Statements, Treasurer’s Report, District Risk Management Plan. Roll Call: Unanimous

RECOGNITION OF COMMENTS BY EMPLOYEES AND FROM THE PUBLIC Recognized junior high baseball team that made it to state during the 2021 season, recognized Girls tennis team State Qualifiers/Sectional Champs, Isaac Stanford for Cross Country State Qualifier. Rachel Walker addressed Board about revisiting the mask mandate.



1. Motion Leib, seconded by Wiley to approve the Annual Financial Statements and the Annual Financial Reports for Fiscal Year 21 as presented. Roll call: McCoy, yes; Porter, yes; Wiley, yes; Brooks, yes; Cook, yes; Dunahee, yes; Leib yes.

2. Motion Cook, seconded by Brooks, to approve the tentative tax levy as presented. Roll call: Wiley, yes; Porter, yes; Brooks, yes; Dunahee, yes; Leib, yes; McCoy, yes; Cook, yes.

3. Committee Reports: Superintendent Hackney reported that the CAC met on November 3rd, the Security Committee met on November 4th, and the Athletic Committee met on October 20th.

4. Administrator Reports:

Mrs. Pearce: Christmas Programs coming up in December, AimsWeb testing will be in January. Kindergarten attended pumpkin patch went well and in December Christmas dress up days.

Mrs. Carder: Christmas Program in December, planning Christmas fun day and working on Benchmark testing seeing good gains.

Mr. Pearce: Christmas Concert on Dec 12th and Exams are 12/17, 20, 21.

Mr. McNeely: Basketball is underway Hosting Boys Sectional basketball. Lighting meeting for baseball field on Monday.

Hackney: Highlighted the Radiothon sponsored by FAF on November 4th and the Veterans’ Day breakfast on November 10th. Thanks were expressed to everyone that made these events a huge success.

5. Motion Wiley, seconded by Cook, to accept the resignation as Sophomore class sponsor effective the end of the 2021-2022 school year submitted by Brooke O’Donnell. Roll Call: McCoy, yes; Wiley, yes; Porter, yes; Brooks, yes; Leib, yes; Dunahee, yes; Cook, yes.

6. Motion Leib, seconded by Porter, to approve Brooke Bayles as a volunteer assistant high school girls’ basketball coach for the 2021-2022 season. Roll Call: Brooks, yes; Wiley, yes; McCoy, yes; Leib, yes; Cook, yes; Porter, yes; Dunahee, yes.

7. Motion Leib, seconded by Cook, to approve the intent to retire on August 21, 2026 submitted by Carol Todd. Roll Call: Porter, yes; McCoy, yes; Dunahee, yes; Cook, yes; Brooks, yes; Leib, yes; Wiley, yes.

8. Motion Wiley, seconded by McCoy, to approve the resignation effective November 23, 2021 submitted by Ryan Spicer. Roll Call: Brooks, yes; Porter, yes; Dunahee, yes; Wiley, yes; Cooks, yes; McCoy, yes; Leib, yes.

9. Motion Leib, seconded by Porter, to adjourn the meeting at (7:01 p.m.). All ayes. Motion carried.
