
East Central Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Charleston Community Unit School District No. 1 Board Education met Nov. 17

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Charleston Community Unit School District No. 1 Board Education met Nov. 17.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The Board of Education of Community Unit School District No. 1, Coles and Cumberland Counties, Illinois conducted their regular session meeting at the Administration Building – 410 West Polk Avenue, Charleston, Illinois 61920.

At 6:30 p.m., Vice President Scott Clarke serving as President Pro-Tem called the meeting to order and appointed Eva Ritchey as Secretary Pro-Tem. He asked Secretary Pro-Tem Ritchey for roll call.

The following board members were present:

Scott Clarke, Vice President

Charles Jarrell, Treasurer

Brian Gough

Eva Ritchey

Brandon Wright

The following staff members were absent:

Jason Coe, President

Susan Daniels, Secretary

The following staff members were present:

Todd Vilardo, Superintendent of Schools

Chad Burgett, Assistant Superintendent for Business Services

Kristen Holly, Assistant Superintendent for Student Services

Genia Lang, Recording Secretary

Visitors 42 and 0 Members of Press

Under Good News Reports, Recognition: Dr. Vilardo complimented the artwork display provided by the students in Ashmore and Mark Twain Elementary Schools in grades K – 4. Art teacher – Hannah Evans

2021 CMS Golf Team Members: CMS Principal Robert Lynn and Golf Coach Stan Adkins introduced the students and provided information on their accomplishments.

Alex Clayton (7th grade) finished 38th out of 75 girls that qualified for the Middle School State Golf Tournament played in Metamora, Illinois.

Hudson Meister (8th grade) won the IESA State Golf Championship by shooting 2 under par. Hudson competed against 74 boys that qualified for the IESA State tournament. The boys tournament was also played in Metamora, IL. Last year, Hudson finished in the top 10 in the Paris Sectional last year but there was not the opportunity to have a State Tournament due to the pandemic.

2021 CHS Girls’ Golf Team: CHS Principal Aaron Lock and Golf Coach Todd Keating introduced the students and provided information on their accomplishments and advancing to the state golf match. Team members: Stacey Zerbst, Taryn Pearson, Rileigh Babbs, Delaney Meister, Bailey Wolfe, Tessa Brown, and Madeline Sanders.

2021 CHS Girls’ Swim Team: CHS Principal Aaron Lock introduced members of the CHS Girls’ Swim team and provided information on their accomplishments for advancing to state. Team members: Lillian Zerbst, Alexis Gray, Jessica Hoh, Eva Zheng, Angela Coe, Liv Evely, Delaney Goddard, Taylor Ratliff, Anastasia Zerbst, Ava Zheng, Mackenzie Erixon, Katrina Hoferer, Molly Weber, Swim Coaches: Dwight and Kirsten Pentzien were also in attendance.

Swim team member, Angie Coe received a Certificate of Recognition for placing 3rd in the 100-yard butterfly and 3rd in the 200-yard individual medley. Mr. Lock recognized Coach Pentzien for receiving the Coach of the Year award at State.

National Education Support Professionals Day is today – November 17. Dr. Vilardo announced that Charleston CUSD #1 employs over 100 ESPs who are essential in providing our best for kids every day. He extended appreciation to the CUSD #1 support staff for their contributions and presented a Certificate of Recognition to CESPA President Marilyn Ferguson in recognition of National Education Support Professionals Day.

Charleston Board of Education: Dr. Vilardo announced that November 15 was designated as "School Board Members Day" in Illinois. This year's School Board Members Day theme is "Inspiration and Leadership”. A big THANK YOU to Jason Coe, Scott Clarke, Susan Daniels, Charles Jarrell, Brian Gough, Eva Ritchey, and Brandon Wright. Dr. Vilardo presented Certificates of Recognition to board members for their dedication and service to Charleston CUSD #1.

Dr. Vilardo reported that during the Board of Education Retreat held on July 28, facilitator Jim Burgett made the suggestion that was met favorably by our Board to address one standard or principle from the Code of Conduct at each regular Board meeting. President Pro-Tem Clarke read the third principle and definition from the Code of Conduct.

Under public comments, written communications: President Pro-Tem Clarke asked if there were any comments, questions or written communications. No requests were received.

Under Consent Agenda, Dr. Clarke asked if there were any items under the consent agenda that the Board of Education would like to remove for discussion. There were no requests from the Board of Education.

At that time, Dr. Vilardo reviewed the recommendations under the consent agenda. IV. Consent Agenda: Standard Items

• Approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of October 20, 2021.

• Approve the bills and payrolls for the month of October 2021.

• Approve the Activity Fund Reports for the CUSD #1 attendance centers, period ending October 2021.

• Approve the summary of revenues and expenditures year to date as presented by Assistant Superintendent Chad Burgett.

VI. Consent Agenda: New Business

2021 CHS Early Graduate

Contingent that all graduation requirements from the State of Illinois and CUSD #1 have been met, grant permission for student #81425 to graduate from Charleston High School, effective at the end of the first semester of the 2021-22 school year.

Declaration of Surplus Inventory – Charleston High School

Declare referenced inventory from the Charleston High School Athletic Department as surplus and available to donate to the Trojan Booster Club or for disposal by the District.

Contract for Special Education Transportation Services

Grant authority for the District to contract transportation service for student #81594, contingent that this service remains marked on the Individual Education Plan.

Establish/Activity Fund Account at Jefferson Elementary School

Establish an activity fund account entitled, “Leader in Me” at Jefferson Elementary School. This account will be subject to the state guidelines regarding the use of activity fund accounts.

Establish/Activity Fund Account at Mark Twain Elementary School

Establish an activity fund account entitled, “Leader in Me” at Mark Twain Elementary School. This account will be subject to the state guidelines regarding the use of activity fund accounts.

Request for Gifted Sick Leave Days

Grant 284 (two hundred eighty-four) gifted sick leave days to Stacey Hackett, an LBS1 teacher at Charleston High School.

VII. Consent Agenda: Employment

• Accept a letter of retirement from Stacey Hackett, an LBS1 teacher at Charleston High School, effective at the end of the 2025-2026 school year.

• Accept a letter of retirement from Edman Lang, a custodian (2nd shift) at Carl Sandburg Elementary School, effective January 28, 2022.

• Accept a letter of resignation from Laura Walsh as a School Social Worker for Charleston Middle School and Ashmore Elementary School, effective October 22, 2021.

• Accept a letter of resignation from Jordan Lucas as a 5th grade teacher at Jefferson Elementary School, effective December 17, 2021.

• Accept a letter of resignation from Bessie Noble as a special education paraprofessional at Carl Sandburg Elementary School, effective October 31, 2021.

• Accept a letter of resignation from Raegan Rakow as an Interventionist Paraprofessional at Ashmore Elementary School, effective November 8, 2021.

• Accept a letter of resignation from Daniel Bennett as the 8th grade Boys Track and Field coach at Charleston Middle School, effective October 21, 2021.

• Approve the employment of Bessie Noble as a full-time special education paraprofessional at Carl Sandburg Elementary School for the remainder of the 2021-22 school year. Note: For clarification, Mrs. Noble was employed under the authority to staff, effective October 25, 2021. Resignations are placed on the agenda before employments.

• Approve the employment of Talia Welch as a full-time special education paraprofessional at Carl Sandburg Elementary School, effective for the remainder of the 2021-22 school year. This employment was contingent upon the receipt of all information required for employment.

• Approve the employment of Robin Cowman in the temporary position as a supervisory paraprofessional to support the ongoing COVID-19 response efforts at Carl Sandburg Elementary School, effective for the remainder of the 2021-22 school year. This employment was contingent upon the receipt of all information required for employment and funding through ESSER III grant funds.

• Approve the employment of the following individuals in the extra-curricular assignments listed at Charleston Middle School during the 2021-22 school year: Doug Kanouse – 7th grade boys’ track coach and Bill Standerfer – 7th grade girls’ track coach.

• Approve the list of substitutes and volunteers, effective November 17, 2021.

Mr. Jarrell moved and Mr. Wright seconded the motion to approve items under IV through VII inclusive on the Consent Agenda.

On roll call vote:

AYE: Jarrell, Wright, Gough, Clarke, Ritchey

NAY: none Abstain: none

Motion carried

Under the Superintendent’s Report: Annual Report on Student Progress

Assistant Superintendent for Student Services Kristen Holly provided a power point presentation to update the Board of Education on the results of the Illinois State Board of Education School Report Cards. (Power point presentation located in official board book.)

Mrs. Holly reported that across the state all districts were affected by COVID-19 which is revealed in the attendance and graduation rates, and student performance and growth. She reviewed the items on the report cards that were impacted by COVID-19 – no data available. However, she stressed that instead of looking at the grim side, the administrative team will be focusing on what we can do to improve. Mrs. Holly reviewed next steps aimed to recover learning loss and to re-engage students. The administration with staff members will continue to assess the mental health status of the student body and identify strategies to support students’ various needs. She stated that the district will offer summer school and predicted that the program will have more students that will attend. The district is also working to establish new community partnerships to engage in the district’s commitment to student learning, health and wellness.

Plan for Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services

Dr. Vilardo announced that members of our Board of Education have expressed interest in receiving updates about school operations under the district’s Plan for Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services and shared what was new since last month.

Dr. Vilardo provided a response from a question received last meeting regarding what percentage of school personnel vaccinated. He reported that our district’s school personnel vaccination rate was at 74.2%. As of November 12, the IDPH reported that 40.46% of the Coles County population was vaccinated. The district had a ½% or less COVID-19 case rate. This was the 7th week of 100% compliance of weekly negative testing requirement. The district also is working with the Coles County Health Department and has set up a vaccination clinic on November 18 and December 9 at Carl Sandburg Elementary School for students ages 5 -11. He said that as of this date, 15 students have been signed up to receive the vaccine.

Dr. Vilardo reported that student misbehaviors are higher in comparison with past years and reported this is the trend nationwide. Among other factors, he attributed the rise to increased anxiety and depression from pandemic-related isolation, trauma, and disruptions. Another factor is the disrespect toward educators and authority figures. He stated that the district is committed to continuing to find ways to partner with parents to support kids and keep our schools safe to learn. Dr. Vilardo reported that in discussions with the administration team, they have collaborated on best uses for ESSER revenues to include:

- posting two additional school counselor positions;

- contacting city officials to revisit shared interests in establishing a School Resource Officer program;

- exploring the idea of establishing a district-wide parent engagement coordinator;

- revisiting ideas with our administrative team to increase volunteers and implement proactive discipline approaches;

- inviting leadership from among our district’s parent and booster organizations to process additional ideas to support children through these times.

Under discussion, the Board shared additional thoughts and input to help support students as well as staff members.

Mr. Burgett provided an update regarding on-site testing. He reported that staff have been hired and are in process of completing training videos. The district received scanners/equipment for testing. He stated that training should be completed by December 3 and implementation for on-site testing should begin the week of December 7.

2021-2022 Delayed Start Schedule/Snow Routes for Bus Riders

As with past practice, Dr. Vilardo reported that our school district may operate a 2-hour delayed start schedule on severe weather days to allow time for roads to be cleared and temperatures to rise and avoid the need to close schools for an entire day. Board members were provided a copy of the 2-hour delayed start schedule that will be sent to staff members and posted on the district website. In addition, parents of students who ride buses and live in rural areas outside city limits will receive the snow route pick up/drop off points and times, which will also be posted on the district’s website.

District Facilities Update

Assistant Superintendent for Business Services Chad Burgett provided an update on Fund 60 revenues and expenditures, along with an update on some of the facilities projects that have been completed throughout the district this past summer and upcoming planned projects. He stated that award of bids for the CHS Ag Building, CHS/CMS parking lots and tennis courts will be provided at the December 15 board meeting.

2022-2023 CUSD #1 Budget Calendar

Assistant Superintendent for Business Services Chad Burgett provided a copy of the Budget Calendar for the 2022-2023 school year. The Budget Calendar is used as a guide for the District to remain in compliance.

Mr. Gough moved and Mr. Jarrell seconded a motion to accept the Superintendent’s Report.

On roll call vote:

AYE: Gough, Jarrell, Wright, Clarke, Ritchey

NAY: none Abstain: none

Motion carried

Under New Business: Adoption/2021 Certificate of Tax Levy

At the October 20, 2021 meeting, the Board of Education reviewed information regarding the assessed valuation projection and the proposal for the 2021 tax levy. Mr. Burgett reported that based upon that review, the levy for 2021 was based on an estimated equalized assessed valuation of $347,693,983, which resulted in a total levy of $15,096,000 (including Bond and Interest). It was the recommendation of the Assistant Superintendent that the Board of Education adopt the Resolution and 2021 Certificate of Tax Levy as presented. Mr. Wright moved and Mr. Gough seconded the motion.

On roll call vote:

AYE: Wright, Gough, Jarrell, Clarke, Ritchey

NAY: none Abstain: none

Motion carried

Revised Board Policy 5:170 (first reading)

It was the recommendation of the superintendent that the Board of Education adopt, in tentative form, revised school board policy 5:170, Copyright, on first reading. The revised policy will be placed for public review until final adoption at the December 15, 2021 board meeting. Mr. Gough moved and Mr. Jarrell seconded the motion.

On roll call vote:

AYE: Gough, Jarrell, Wright, Clarke, Ritchey

NAY: none Abstain: none

Motion carried

Competency-Based Education Application Petition for Waiver or Modification

Charleston School District was accepted into the Illinois State Board of Education Competency Based Education Pilot Program in 2018. Pursuant to Public Act 99-674, CBE Pilot Districts can request waivers or modifications to the Illinoi rules and/or School Code mandates which could inhibit a district’s implementation of a true competency-based system. Assistant Superintendent Kristen Holly provided information regarding application process and a recommendation to move forward in requesting these waivers permissible for CBE pilot districts in the application.

It was the recommendation of the superintendent that the Board of Education grant the authority to request waivers or modifications to Illinois rules/and/or School Code mandates for the Competency Based Education Pilot Program. Mr. Jarrell moved and Mr. Wright seconded the motion.

On roll call vote:

AYE: Jarrell, Wright, Gough, Clarke, Ritchey

NAY: none Abstain: none

Motion carried

School Culture Consultant Contract Agreement

It was the recommendation of the superintendent that the Board of Education approve a School Culture Consultant Contract with Diane Hutchins to provide support of the Carl Sandburg Elementary School’s collaborative plan for a period not to exceed twenty-three (23) days during the period commencing November 4, 2021 and ending December 17, 2021, with out further notice. Mr. Wright moved and Mr. Jarrell seconded the motion.

On roll call vote:

AYE: Wright, Jarrell, Gough, Clarke, Ritchey

NAY: none Abstain: none

Motion carried

At 8:34pm, President Pro-Tem Clarke recommended that the Board of Education adjourn into closed session to consider information regarding appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the District or legal counsel for the District, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee or against legal counsel for the District to determine its validity. 5 ILCS 120/2/(c)(1)

Collective negotiating matters between the District and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees. 5 ILCS120/2/(c)(2)

The purchase or lease of real property for the use of the District, including meetings held for the purpose of discussion whether a particular parcel should be acquired. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(5)

President Pro-Tem Clarke stated that during closed session, the Board of Education would conduct a hearing in closed session to consider termination of employment for an Educational Support Professional employee.

Mr. Gough moved and Mr. Wright seconded the motion.

On roll call vote:

AYE Gough, Wright, Jarrell, Clarke, Ritchey

NAY: none Abstain: none

Motion carried

At 9:58pm, Mr. Jarrell made a motion to reconvene from closed session. Mr. Gough seconded the motion.

On roll call vote:

AYE: Jarrell, Gough, Wright, Clarke, Ritchey

NAY: none Abstain: none

Motion carried

Dr. Vilardo reported that at the September 15, 2021 meeting, the Board of Education approved the employment of Megan Stults as a custodian (3rd shift) at Charleston High School. Ms. Stults began her assignment on September 15, 2021. Ms. Stults has not reported to work since October 19, 2021. Ms. Stults was notified by regular mail and certified mail that a hearing would take place in closed session during the Board of Education’s regular meeting scheduled for Wednesday, November 17, 2021.

It was the recommendation of the superintendent that the Board of Education adopt a Resolution Authorizing Notice of Termination of Employment to Megan Stults, as a custodian at Charleston High School, effective immediately. Mr. Jarrell moved and Mr. Gough seconded the motion.

On roll call vote:

AYE: Jarrell, Gough, Wright, Clarke, Ritchey

NAY: none Abstain: none

Motion carried

At 9:59pm, Mr. Gough moved to adjourn from the board meeting. Mr. Jarrell seconded the motion.

On roll call vote:

AYE: Gough, Jarrell, Wright, Clarke, Ritchey

NAY: none


Motion carried
