
East Central Reporter

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Villa Grove Community Unit School District #302 Board of Education met Aug. 16

Webp meeting372

Villa Grove Community Unit School District #302 Board of Education met Aug. 16.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

A regular meeting of the Board of Education of the Villa Grove Community School District #302 of Douglas and Champaign Counties, Illinois was called and held Monday August 16, 2021 at the Villa Grove Community Unit School District Building within the boundaries of said district. Upon being called the following member were found to be present: Bill Fulk, Carisa Jones, Megan Quigley, Charlie Mitsdarfer, Jarod Zimmerman and Kristen White.

Time: 6:01 pm

Administrators present: Mrs. Munson, Mrs. Jones and Mr. Beck

VGEA Representatives present: Ms. Parr

Visitors Present: Kendra Hennis – The Journal, Terri Jones, Amanda McClain, Pam Rutledge, Jonathan Clark, Kayla Burrell, Mel Rauckman, Racheal Prosser, Caleb Prosser, Sarintha Nelson, Jamie Giannetti, David Carlson, Michelle Drew, Paige Bertrand, Anna Maestas, Benjie Maestas, Kenny Cordes, Mindia and Sean Clodfelder, Casey Pellum, Salina Ulrich, Sheila Johnson, Corey Kappes and Will Carroll.

Caleb Prosser was the first to address the board in regards to the mask mandate. The board was asked to reconsider their stance on required masking for students during the school year stating that they were ineffective, unsafe, caused anxiety and could cause long term effects in children. Many stated that it should be parents’ choice to make the decision for their kids and they the school should fight in justice. Concern was stated that the students may not be following the same mandate after school hours. It was also brought forward that other schools in the area are choosing to not follow the mandate such as Shelbyville. It was brought forward to hire a different lawyer for the school and seek out other options. The parent group supports the school board fighting against the state.

Mrs. Parr responded to a few questions on behalf of the teachers. She stated that no student will be punished for needing a minute for a mask break or to adjust their mask. As long as people are willing to work together that they were going to get through this time.

Fulk moved and Quigley seconded a motion to approve the consent agenda for closed session minutes, bills paid and treasure’s report. All members present voted in favor.

Quigley moved and White seconded the approval of the tentative display budget for fiscal year ending 6/30/2022. All members preset voted in favor.

Fulk moved and Jones seconded the approval of the COVID Mitigation Plan. 4 members voted in favor – Fulk, Jones, Zimmerman and White. 2 members opposed the motion – Quigley and Mitsdarfer. Motion passed with a 4 to 2 vote.

Superintendent’s Report:

Audit Completion – July 28th

PRESS Plus #107 – final reading and approval at September meeting

Principal’s Report:


Elementary enrollment was consistent with last year.

EC – 27

K – 52

1st – 39

2nd – 40

3rd – 28

4th – 39

5th – 49

6th – 50

7th – 58

8th- 41

Kindergarten added a third class – filled with a sub currently, but looking to hire for a January start. Thank you to the office staff and custodial staff for getting the school ready for a great year. Online Registration went well.

Mrs. Jones and Mr. Beck are planning an in person introduction for new students to the district next year.

152 students were helped with the back to school supply program – Thank you to our local churches 28 classrooms were all provided extra supplies.

Monday August 8th – DCHD provided COVID vaccines

New website and App are live – they can be found through Google Play and Apple Store Teachers Institute – Aug. 17

First Day – Aug. 18

Stadium Seat Install – Aug. 21

Open House – Sept. 1

No School – Sept. 6

Picture Day – Sept. 14


Back to School prep has begun.

Mrs. Jones and Mr. Beck met with the new teachers and their mentors.

JH/HS coaches met with AD Mrs. Acton.

Still looking for a Spanish teacher, but there is still a plan to be able to offer Spanish to our students.

Math classes have moved around but with the teachers help we did not have to lose any classes. Landscaping around the new gym is complete.

Fall sports have started.

Chrome books are being handed out to JH and HS students.

New program called Xello will begin for career development through a grant from Parkland College. Blue and Gold night is this Friday.

Stadium Seat install is on Sunday.

Completed training on recertification for evaluations.

Upcoming Dates:

September 1st – open house

September 9th – New Teacher Night at Rotary

September 10th – Youth dance at FB game

September 24th – Homecoming Parade

September 25th – Homecoming Coronation and Dance

Fulk moved and Quigley seconded a motion to move to closed session. All members present voted in favor.

7:17 pm

Zimmerman moved and Quigley seconded a motion to re-convene to open session. All members present voted in favor.

7:39 pm

Jones moved and White seconded a motion to accept the resignation of Cullen Porter, Teacher Aide. All members present voted in favor.

Jones moved and Quigley seconded a motion to accept the resignation of Angela Coady, Elementary Education. All members present voted in favor.

Jones moved and Zimmerman seconded a motion to accept the resignation of Matthew Hoskins, Bus Aide. All members present voted in favor.

Jones moved and Fulk seconded a motion to approve the hire of Cameron Knell, Teacher Aide, pending successful required federal and Illinois background checks. All members present voted in favor.

Jones moved and White seconded a motion to approve the hire of Regan Hildreth, Teacher Aide, pending successful required background check. All members present voted in favor.

Jones moved and Quigley seconded a motion to approve the hire of Ciara Jackson, Teacher Aide, pending successful required federal and Illinois background checks. All members present voted in favor.

Jones moved and Quigley seconded a motion to approve the hire of Kristina Prater, Bus/Transportation Aide, pending successful required federal and Illinois background checks. All members present voted in favor.

Discussion/Update related to Aides union negotiations.

Jones moved and Quigley seconded a motion to adjourn. All members present voted AYE. Meeting adjourned: 7:45 pm
