
East Central Reporter

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Village of Louisville Village Board met Feb. 11

Webp meeting 04

Village of Louisville Village Board met Feb. 11

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

The Village Board of Trustee’s met in Regular Session, those in attendance were President Kim Adair, Trustee Joshua Yates, Trustee Steve Miller, Trustee Craig Clifton, Trustee Steve Stortzum and Trustee Nancy Byers. Also in attendance was Clerk Angela Stanfield, Treasurer Stephanie Bailey, Superintendent Troy Elwood, Engineer Mike Bridges, Beth Fancher of Clay County Republican, Pat Garrett of WNOI and Tim Davis. Attorney Darrin Rice attended by phone. Trustee Gina Rinehart absent.

Roll Call taken at 6:00 PM and the following Village authorities announced present at the beginning of the Regular Meeting; President Kim Adair, Trustee Joshua Yates, Trustee Nancy Byers, Trustee Steve Miller, Trustee Craig Clifton and Trustee Steve Stortzum. Trustee Gina Rinehart absent.

Pledge of Allegiance.


Citizens Request to Address the Board:

A motion made by Trustee Miller and seconded by Trustee Clifton to approve the agenda. Trustee Rinehart absent.

Roll Call

5 Ayes – Nays – 1 Absent - Motion Carried

A motion made by Trustee Byers and seconded by Trustee Yates to approve the Consent Agenda; Amended Minutes for January 14, 2021 Regular Meeting. Trustee Rinehart absent.

Roll Call

5 Ayes – Nays – 1 Absent – Motion Carried

Village board reviewed the Monthly Police Report.

A motion made by Trustee Yates and seconded by Trustee Clifton to approve monthly bills. Trustee Rinehart absent.

Roll Call

5 Ayes – Nays – 1 Absent - Motion Carried

Engineer Mike Bridges presented Rebuild Illinois Cost Estimate project options for pavement repair, sidewalk and culvert repair. Village board reviewed proposed cost estimate project options, and village board agreed to utilize the Rebuild Illinois MFT Funds to repair and resurface Broadway Street.

Village board discussed sidewalk and driveway on Boaz Street. Village board agreed to continue to refill rock only along the sidewalk, by the funeral home driveway on Boaz Street.

Village board discussed variance on 135 Green Street. A motion made by Trustee Miller and seconded by Trustee Clifton to approve variance at 340 Broadway Street. Trustee Rinehart absent.

Roll Call

5 Ayes – Nays – 1 Absent - Motion Carried

A motion made by Trustee Byers and seconded by Trustee Yates to approve MFT Audit for 2017-2019. Trustee Rinehart absent.

Roll Call

5 Ayes – Nays – 1 Absent - Motion Carried

Village board discussed maintenance position. Village board agreed to advertise to accept bids for cleaning services. Attorney Darrin Rice will prepare list of variety of issues that should be considered before entering into any agreement to hire someone to provide cleaning services for the village.

Village board discussed mobile home permit at 710 Hayes Street. Attorney Darrin Rice informed the village board of the municipal code for the sale real estate. Village board asked Attorney Darrin Rice to proceed with the sale of village owned property at 710 Hayes Street.

During open time village board discussed; golf cart signs, bricks on the square, village entrance signs, message board with pavilion, billing software, nuisance property on vine street, old jail, old restaurant on chestnut street, genealogical society repairs, cemetery fence, mosquito spraying, employee pay raises and housing.

A motion to adjourn made by Trustee Miller and seconded by Trustee Clifton at 7:51 PM. Trustee Rinehart absent.

Roll Call

5 Ayes – Nays – 1 Absent – Motion Carried
