
East Central Reporter

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Arcola School District #306 Board of Education met December 9

Webp meeting808

Arcola School District #306 Board of Education met Dec. 9.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

A regular meeting of the Board of Education of Arcola Community Unit District #306 Arcola, Illinois was called to order in the Junior High Gym at 7:00 p.m., for the purpose of regular business.

President Strader called the meeting to order. The following members answered roll call: Crane, Stout, Shonkwiler, Wesch, Arrol, Conlin, and Strader.

Others present were: Tom Mulligan, Jennifer Frichtl, Angie Gentry, Cathy Brimner, Nick Lindsey, and David Porter.

President Strader opened the Truth in Taxation Hearing. There were no questions. President Strader closed the Truth in Taxation Hearing.

President Strader recognized the visitors and asked for public comment. There was none. There were no pending FOIA requests.

Motion by Shonkwiler, seconded by Wesch, to approve the regular meeting minutes from November 11, 2020. Roll call vote: Crane, aye; Stout, aye; Shonkwiler, aye; Wesch, aye; Arrol, aye; Conlin, aye; Strader, aye. 7 ayes. 0 nays. Motion carried.

Motion by Shonkwiler, seconded by Wesch, to approve the Treasurer’s Report as of November 30, 2020 as submitted. Roll call vote: Crane, aye; Stout, aye; Shonkwiler, aye; Wesch, aye; Arrol, aye; Conlin, aye; Strader, aye. 7 ayes. 0 nays. Motion carried.

Motion by Stout, seconded by Conlin, to approve the payment of bills as submitted in the amount of $105,811.96. Roll call vote: Crane, aye; Stout, aye; Shonkwiler, aye; Wesch, aye; Arrol, aye; Conlin, aye; Strader, aye. 7 ayes. 0 nays. Motion carried.

Motion by Stout, seconded by Crane, to approve the payment of payroll in the amount of $449,653.38. Roll call vote: Crane, aye; Stout, aye; Shonkwiler, aye; Wesch, aye; Arrol, aye; Conlin, aye; Strader, aye. 7 ayes. 0 nays. Motion carried.


Motion by Crane, seconded by Stout, to approve the 2020 tax levy. Roll call vote: Crane, aye; Stout, aye; Shonkwiler, aye; Wesch, aye; Arrol, aye; Conlin, aye; Strader, aye. 7 ayes. 0 nays. Motion carried.

Motion by Shonkwiler, seconded by Stout, to approve substantive changes to the back to school plan. The changes include a revision to the process for a student to switch from in-person to remote learning and vice versa and a revision to the health protocols (quarantine period). Roll call vote: Crane, aye; Stout, aye; Shonkwiler, aye; Wesch, aye; Arrol, aye; Conlin, aye; Strader, aye. 7 ayes. 0 nays. Motion carried.

Motion by Crane, seconded by Wesch, to approve the submission of the Waiver for Non-District Tuition to the Illinois State Board of Education for consideration, which would allow children of district employees to attend school in Arcola on a tuition-free basis. Roll call vote: Crane, aye; Stout, aye; Shonkwiler, aye; Wesch, aye; Arrol, aye; Conlin, aye; Strader, aye. 7 ayes. 0 nays. Motion carried.

Motion by Crane, seconded by Shonkwiler, to table approval for the resolution to sell working cash bonds for the purpose of having funds secured to purchase the next technology upgrades for the district one-to one program and other technology upgrades and innovations. Roll call vote: Crane, aye; Stout, aye; Shonkwiler, aye; Wesch, aye; Arrol, aye; Conlin, aye; Strader, aye. 7 ayes. 0 nays. Motion carried.

Administrative Team Reports

~~Mrs. Gentry, Principal, Arcola Elementary – Report submitted.

~~Mrs. Sigrist, Principal, and Mr. Lindsey, Assistant Principal, Arcola Jr/Sr High – Report submitted.

~~Mrs. Brimner, Director of Special Services – Mrs. Brimner noted that in her board report the state percentage under the heading special education should be 3.1%, not 3%.

~~Dr. Mulligan, Superintendent – Dr. Mulligan showed the Board a framed picture of the 2020 graduating class that was donated by Kris Bott.

Motion by Shonkwiler, seconded by Wesch, to approve the resignation of Justin Wilson as Head Baseball Coach. Roll call vote: Crane, aye; Stout, aye; Shonkwiler, aye; Wesch, aye; Arrol, aye; Conlin, aye; Strader, aye. 7 ayes. 0 nays. Motion carried.

Motion by Crane, seconded by Stout, to approve the employment of Nathan Crews as High School English Teacher. Roll call vote: Crane, aye; Stout, aye; Shonkwiler, aye; Wesch, aye; Arrol, aye; Conlin, aye; Strader, aye. 7 ayes. 0 nays. Motion carried.

Motion by Crane, seconded by Shonkwiler, to approve the Memorandum of Understanding Between the Arcola School District and Arcola Education Association regarding teacher evaluation. Roll call vote: Crane, aye; Stout, aye; Shonkwiler, aye; Wesch, aye; Arrol, aye; Conlin, aye; Strader, aye. 7 ayes. 0 nays. Motion carried.

Announcements: None

Motion by Stout, seconded by Shonkwiler, to adjourn at 7:29 p.m. Roll call vote: Crane, aye; Stout, aye; Shonkwiler, aye; Wesch, aye; Arrol, aye; Conlin, aye; Strader, aye. 7 ayes. 0 nays. Motion carried.
