
East Central Reporter

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Village of Westfield Village Board Met August 3

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Village of Westfield Village Board met Aug. 3.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

Members Present: Mayor Pro Tem Scott Adams, Quincy Blanchard, Jim Dollahan, Aaron Hacker, Nate Evans

Members Absent: Mayor Bill Fouty, Seth Edwards

Others Present: Chief Hanley, Treasurer Sherry Robison, Supt. Blake Coartney, Julie Evans

Call to Order: Meeting called to order by Mayor Pro Tem Adams at 7:00 p.m.

Roll Call: Fouty, absent, Adams, present, Edwards, absent, Evans, present, Hacker, present, Dollahan, present, Blanchard, present

Pledge of Allegiance: Given

Approve July Minutes: Evans made motion to accept the minutes. Dollahan seconded the motion. Motion carried. Approved

Approve Payment of Bills: Motion to accept payment of bills was made by Evans seconded by Dollahan. Adams, aye, Edwards, absent, Evans, aye, Hacker, aye, Dollahan, aye, Blanchard, aye. Motion carried. Approved.

Approve Financial Statement: Hacker made motion to accept the financial statement. Blanchard seconded the motion. Motion carried. Approved.

Approve Transfer of Funds: Evans made the motion to accept the transfers of Gym to General Fund for $1600.00, Disaster Fund to General Fund for $2500, Water Tower Reserve to Water $2000. Blanchard seconded the motion. Motion carried. Approved.

Citizens Comments: None

Discuss and Approve Committee Reports: None

Discuss and Approve Police Report: Report was reviewed. Hacker made the motion to accept the police report. Dollahan seconded the motion. Motion carried. Approved.

Discuss and Approve Hiring a Part-Time Police Officer: Evans made the motion to table this. Blanchard seconded the motion. Motion carried. Approved.

Discuss and Approve Utility Superintendent’s Report: Report was reviewed. Dollahan made the motion to accept the police report. Blanchard seconded the motion. Motion carried. Approved.

Discuss Levy Calculations: Discussed. Board agreed to raise the Audit Levy to $7600.00.

Approve an Ordinance Concerning Remote Meeting Participation During A Disaster Declaration: Hacker made the motion to accept the ordinance. Dollahan seconded the motion. Adams, aye, Edwards, aye, Evans, absent, Hacker, aye, Dollahan, aye, Blanchard, aye. Motion carried. Approved.

Approve an Ordinance Concerning Signatures and Bonds: Julie Evans was present from the library board and requested that the board table this until they have their meeting. Hacker made the motion to table the ordinance. Blanchard seconded the motion. Motion carried. Approved.

Other Business: Nate Evans told the board that the Lion’s Club is probably shutting down and they would need to think about the insurance for the Homecoming.

Adjourn Meeting: Evans made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:00 p.m. Dollahan seconded the motion. Motion carried. Approved.
