
East Central Reporter

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Arcola School District #306 Board of Education met May 13

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Arcola School District #306 Board of Education met May 13.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

A regular meeting of the Board of Education of Arcola Community Unit District #306 Arcola, Illinois was called to order in the Media Center and via Zoom meeting at 7:03 p.m. for the purpose of regular business. The meeting was also streamed live on Facebook to allow for public access.

President Strader called the meeting to order. The following members answered roll call: Crane, Stout, Shonkwiler, Thieman, Wesch, Arrol and Strader.

Others present were: Tom Mulligan, Jennifer Frichtl, Lisa Sigrist, Angie Gentry, Cathy Brimner, David Porter, and Ben Evelsizer.

President Strader recognized the visitors and asked for public comment. There was none.

There were no pending FOIA requests.

Ben Evelsizer from Poettker Construction was present to give the Board an update on the elementary addition/renovation. Construction is still ahead of schedule and moving along nicely. Currently, there are no budget concerns. More samples will be collected for the moisture mitigation. Dr. Mulligan said there are a few concerns with the wall and floor color choices. He recommended the committee meet again to discuss the options. Ben said that any changes made in the next week or so shouldn’t negatively impact the schedule.

Motion by Stout, seconded by Wesch, to approve the regular meeting minutes and closed session minutes from April 8, 2020 and the Special meeting minutes from April 19, 2020. Roll call vote: Crane, aye; Stout, aye; Shonkwiler, aye; Thieman, aye; Wesch, aye; Arrol, aye; Strader, aye. 7 ayes. 0 nays. Motion carried.

Motion by Thieman, seconded by Shonkwiler, to approve the Treasurer’s Report as of April 30, 2020 as submitted. Roll call vote: Crane, aye; Stout, aye; Shonkwiler, aye; Thieman, aye; Wesch, aye; Arrol, aye; Strader, aye. 7 ayes. 0 nays. Motion carried.

Motion by Shonkwiler, seconded by Stout, to approve the payment of bills as submitted in the amount of $381,472.90. Roll call vote: Crane, aye; Stout, aye; Shonkwiler, aye; Thieman, aye; Wesch, aye; Arrol, aye; Strader, aye. 7 ayes. 0 nays. Motion carried.

Motion by Crane, seconded by Wesch, to approve the payment of payroll in the amount of $472,773.63. Roll call vote: Crane, aye; Stout, aye; Shonkwiler, aye; Thieman, aye; Wesch, aye; Arrol, aye; Strader, aye. 7 ayes. 0 nays. Motion carried.


Motion by Thieman, seconded by Shonkwiler, to approve the tentative amended budget changes for the 2019-2020 school year and set the amended budget hearing for June 10, 2020 at 7 pm. Roll call vote: Crane, aye; Stout, aye; Shonkwiler, aye; Thieman, aye; Wesch, aye; Arrol, aye; Strader, aye. 7 ayes. 0 nays. Motion carried.

Motion by Stout, seconded by Shonkwiler, to approve the first reading for school board policies from the PRESS Packet from March 2020. Roll call vote: Crane, aye; Stout, aye; Shonkwiler, aye; Thieman, aye; Wesch, aye; Arrol, aye; Strader, aye. 7 ayes. 0 nays. Motion carried.

Motion by Thieman, seconded by Stout, to approve the FY20 amended calendar, which removes the emergency days that were not used and add the remote learning days. Roll call vote: Crane, aye; Stout, aye; Shonkwiler, aye; Thieman, aye; Wesch, aye; Arrol, aye; Strader, aye. 7 ayes. 0 nays. Motion carried.

Motion by Crane, seconded by Stout, to approve eliminating all student fees for the 2020-2021 school year, except the technology insurance fee. Roll call vote: Crane, aye; Stout, aye; Shonkwiler, aye; Thieman, aye; Wesch, aye; Arrol, aye; Strader, aye. 7 ayes. 0 nays. Motion carried.

Motion by Shonkwiler, seconded by Wesch, to approve establishing an activity fund account for the Class of 2024 and approve closing the activity account for the Class of 2020. Roll call vote: Crane, aye; Stout, aye; Shonkwiler, aye; Thieman, aye; Wesch, aye; Arrol, aye; Strader, aye. 7 ayes. 0 nays. Motion carried.

Motion by Wesch, seconded by Stout, to approve the one-year agreement with eSpark at a cost of $20,660. Roll call vote: Crane, aye; Stout, aye; Shonkwiler, aye; Thieman, aye; Wesch, aye; Arrol, aye; Strader, aye. 7 ayes. 0 nays. Motion carried.

Motion by Thieman, seconded by Shonkwiler, to approve authorization for the superintendent to go out to bid for a food service provider for the district. Roll call vote: Crane, aye; Stout, aye; Shonkwiler, aye; Thieman, aye; Wesch, aye; Arrol, aye; Strader, aye. 7 ayes. 0 nays. Motion carried.

Motion by Shonkwiler, seconded by Crane, to approve changes in graduation requirements for the Class of 2020 as allowed by law. Roll call vote: Crane, aye; Stout, aye; Shonkwiler, aye; Thieman, aye; Wesch, aye; Arrol, aye; Strader, aye. 7 ayes. 0 nays. Motion carried.

Administrative Team Reports

~~Mrs. Gentry, Principal, Arcola Elementary – Mrs. Gentry gave an update on how remote learning was going. She said that it has been more difficult to reach the hard to reach kids, commenting that some students who are struggling might be afraid to reach out. The elementary staff are utilizing all forms of communication to try to reach those kids. Mrs. Gentry also commended Adriana Herrera, the district translator, for working above and beyond to help facilitate communication with students and parents.

~~Mrs. Sigrist, Principal, Arcola Jr/Sr High – Reiterating what Mrs. Gentry said, Mrs. Sigrist reported that remote learning has been more difficult for some students. Students who currently have an incomplete for the fourth quarter still have time to finish the required coursework before the end of the year, or they might have to attend summer school to receive credit.

~~Mrs. Brimner, Director of Special Services – Mrs. Brimner lost connection to the meeting.

~~Dr. Mulligan, Superintendent – Dr. Mulligan is very happy with how staff and students have all responded to the challenges presented by remote learning. He also asked if the Board would be okay with a $2,500 donation to the community marketing campaign. The hope is that the campaign will attract more families to the area and increase enrollment.

Motion by Stout, seconded by Shonkwiler, to enter executive session at 7:58 p.m. to discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees, specific individuals who serve as independent contractors in an educational setting, or specific volunteers of the public body; and collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedule for one or more classes of employees. Illinois Open Meetings Act, 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1). Roll call vote: Crane, aye; Stout, aye; Shonkwiler, aye; Thieman, aye; Wesch, aye; Arrol, aye; Strader, aye. 7 ayes. 0 nays. Motion carried.

Motion by Stout, seconded by Shonkwiler, to return to regular session at 8:35 p.m. Roll call vote: Crane, aye; Stout, aye; Shonkwiler, aye; Thieman, aye; Wesch, aye; Arrol, aye; Strader, aye. 7 ayes. 0 nays. Motion carried.

Motion by Thieman, seconded by Shonkwiler, to approve the resignation of Riley Fore as JH/HS Instructional Coach. Roll call vote: Crane, aye; Stout, aye; Shonkwiler, aye; Thieman, aye; Wesch, aye; Arrol, aye; Strader, aye. 7 ayes. 0 nays. Motion carried.

Motion by Thieman, seconded by Crane, to approve the employment of the coaches and sponsors as presented for the 2020-2021 school year. Roll call vote: Crane, aye; Stout, aye; Shonkwiler, aye; Thieman, aye; Wesch, aye; Arrol, aye; Strader, aye. 7 ayes. 0 nays. Motion carried.

Motion by Thieman, seconded by Stout, to approve the Memorandum of Understanding between the Board of Education of Arcola Community Unit School District No. 306 and the Arcola Education Association, IEA-NEA on Act of God and Remote Learning. Roll call vote: Crane, aye; Stout, aye; Shonkwiler, aye; Thieman, aye; Wesch, aye; Arrol, aye; Strader, aye. 7 ayes. 0 nays. Motion carried.

Motion by Stout, seconded by Wesch, to approve the letter of intent to retire from Janis Typer at the end of the FY22-23 school year. Roll call vote: Crane, aye; Stout, aye; Shonkwiler, aye; Thieman, aye; Wesch, aye; Arrol, aye; Strader, aye. 7 ayes. 0 nays. Motion carried.

Announcements: None

Motion by Shonkwiler, seconded by Stout, to adjourn at 8:45 p.m. Roll call vote: Crane, aye; Stout, aye; Shonkwiler, aye; Thieman, aye; Wesch, aye; Arrol, aye; Strader, aye. 7 ayes. 0 nays. Motion carried.
