
East Central Reporter

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

City of Olney Plan Commission met January 6

Webp meeting41

City of Olney Plan Commission met Jan. 6.

Here is the minutes provided by the commission:

AGENDA #1 “CALL TO ORDER” The meeting of the Plan Commission was called to order at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Olney City Hall, 300 S. Whittle Avenue, Olney, Illinois, with Steve Eichhorst presiding.

AGENDA #2 “ROLL CALL” The following Plan Commission members were present: Barb Roberts, David Abell, Vicki Lobacz, Brandy McKinney, and Steve Eichhorst. Elliot Brazil, Scott Jones, Wesley Tolliver, and Pat Everette were absent. Also present were Mayor Mark Lambird, Councilwoman Morgan Fehrenbacher, City Manager Allen Barker, Code Enforcement Officer Dallas Colwell, City Attorney Bart Zuber, and City Clerk Kelsie Sterchi.

AGENDA #3 “APPROVE MINUTES OF THE PLAN COMMISSION MEETING ON DECEMBER 2, 2019” Mrs. Lobacz moved to approve the minutes of the Plan Commission meeting on December 2, 2019, seconded by Mrs. Roberts. Mrs. Roberts, Mr. Abell, Mrs. Lobacz, Mrs. McKinney, and Mr. Eichhorst voted yes. There were no opposing votes. The motion carried.

AGENDA #4 “SWEARING IN” Mr. Eichhorst asked that anyone wishing to testify on behalf of the items being discussed to stand and be sworn in. City Clerk Sterchi asked those standing to raise their right hand and “swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help me God.” Mark Geier and Austin Zwilling were sworn in.

AGENDA #5 “REZONE: 622 N. FAIR STREET FROM R-2 (SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE DISTRICT) TO R-4 (MULTIPLE DWELLING DISTRICT)” Mark and Beverly Geier came before the Plan Commission to request rezoning of 622 N. Fair Street from R-2 (Single-Family Residence District) to R-4 (Multiple Dwelling District). The petitioners were requesting the rezoning in order to have residential rental units. No comments in support or opposition of the rezoning request had been received.

Mrs. Lobacz asked how many apartments would be in the building. Mr. Geier replied that there would be three. He and Beverly Geier had purchased the property and were not aware that it was not zoned for rental units.

Mr. Abell moved to approve a recommendation for rezoning 622 N. Fair Street from R-2 (Single-Family Residence District) to R-4 (Multiple Dwelling District), seconded by Mrs. Lobacz. Mrs. Roberts, Mr. Abell, Mrs. Lobacz, Mrs. McKinney, and Mr. Eichhorst voted yes. There were no opposing votes. The motion carried.

The recommendation for rezoning would be heard by the City Council on January 13, 2020, at 7:00 p.m. for a final decision.

AGENDA #6 “REZONE: 601 W. CHESTNUT STREET FROM R-3 (TWO-FAMILY RESIDENCE DISTRICT) TO C-2 (COMMERCIAL DISTRICT)” Austin Zwilling came before the Plan Commission to request rezoning of 601 W. Chestnut Street from R-3 (Two-Family Residence District) to C-2 (Commercial District). The petitioner was requesting the rezoning in order to have storage units.

Mr. Zwilling told the Plan Commission that he had purchased the lot a few months ago. At this time, the only structure on the lot was a garage, and he planned to remodel that garage for rental of storage space. Additionally, he planned to remove a few trees, add gravel, and place storage units on the property.

Mr. Eichhorst asked if Mr. Zwilling would be placing shipping container-style containers for storage units. Mr. Zwilling replied that such containers were possible, but he was getting cost estimates for various options.

A petition against the rezoning had been received, as well as two oral comments. Mr. Eichhorst read an oral comment that was received by the City Clerk. Larry Potts, 532 W. Elm Street, seemed to be under the assumption that the proposed storage units would be part of a built structure rather than shipping containers. Mr. Potts believes such containers would lower property values and would not be as attractive.

Mr. Zwilling stated that the type of storage container or unit was not yet determined. Code Enforcement Officer Dallas Colwell pointed out that if the property was rezoned, it would not matter which style Mr. Zwilling went with; it would be allowed.

Mr. Eichhorst then read a comment from Fred Harden, 527 W. Chestnut Street. Mr. Harden felt that there were plenty of other commercially zoned areas that would be better suited for storage units. Mr. Harden was also concerned with additional traffic.

Mr. Zwilling indicated that there were several other commercially zoned properties nearby, and that 601 W. Chestnut Street was also very close to Route 130. Even so, Mr. Eichhorst pointed out that only one parcel abutting 601 W. Chestnut Street was actually zoned as C-2 (Commercial District).

Mr. Abell wondered if Mr. Zwilling would consider only utilizing the garage for storage space, and/or if Mr. Zwilling would be interested in taking shipping containers off of the table. Mr. Zwilling replied that if the rezoning for additional storage units was not granted, he would still remodel the garage for rental storage space.

Mr. Eichhorst asked if rezoning was needed if Mr. Zwilling would only be using the garage. Mr. Colwell replied rezoning would not be needed in that scenario.

Mr. Zwilling told the Commission that if shipping containers were placed, he estimated that there would be enough room for about 10. He was not sure of any measurements or setback requirements for a built unit.

From the audience, Brook Dixon wished to speak, so he was sworn in by Mrs. Sterchi.

Mr. Dixon lived at 609 W. Chestnut Street. Mr. Dixon’s wife had been very upset to hear that the Walnut tree would be removed as it was greatly utilized by squirrels, and often white squirrels. The Dixons felt that shipping container-style units would be an eyesore.

Mr. Eichhorst stated his belief that if the request for rezoning was granted, it would create spot zoning.

Mr. Dixon also expressed concern with water retention. After heavy rainfall, the area by the alley would often flood. Mr. Dixon was also concern with any additional lighting that would be placed and creation of heavier traffic in the area.

Mr. Zwilling stated that he had no intentions of placing any floodlights next to a residential home. His intentions were to improve the lot. Additionally, he had planned to have a contractor come out to level out the property in order to improve water drainage.

Mrs. Lobacz moved to recommend denial of rezoning of 601 W. Chestnut Street from R- 3 (Two-Family Residence District) to C-2 (Commercial District), seconded by Mrs. Roberts. Mrs. Roberts, Mr. Abell, Mrs. Lobacz, Mrs. McKinney, and Mr. Eichhorst voted yes. There were no opposing votes. The motion carried.

The recommendation for rezoning would be heard by the City Council on January 13, 2020, at 7:00 p.m. for a final decision.

AGENDA #7 “PUBLIC COMMENTS/PRESENTATIONS” No one from the public wished to speak.

AGENDA #8 “ADJOURN” Mr. Abell moved to adjourn, seconded by Mrs. Roberts. Mrs. Roberts, Mr. Abell, Mrs. Lobacz, Mrs. McKinney, and Mr. Eichhorst voted yes. There were no opposing votes. The motion carried. The Plan Commission meeting adjourned at 7:49 p.m.
