Shiloh Community Unit School District 1 Board met June 17.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
President Smith called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM in the Board of Education room.
Present: Tara Duzan, Renee Henry, April Morris, David Smith, Justin Wood
Absent: Brian Rhode, Aaron Richardson,
Others Present: Superintendent Dr. Allen Hall, Principal Beth Harbaugh, Nancy Zeman, Terence Sullivan, Teresa Hawkins, Barb Board
Duzan moved to amend the under V. Business – Consent Agenda as follows:
D. Approval Renewal of School Treasurer’s Bond
G. Authorize payment of Shiloh CUSD #1 FY19 FY20 payroll expenses, utilities, and interest charging account
Morris seconded the motion.
Aye: Duzan, Henry, Morris, Smith, Wood
Nay: None
Motion carried: Aye – 5 Nay – 0
At 7:02 PM the Board left the Board Room as the Superintendent conducted a brief tour of the summer work in progress.
Board returned at 7:12 PM
Henry moved to approve the following Consent Agenda items:
Regular Meeting Minutes of May 20, 2019
May 2019 Activity Fund Report
May 2019 Treasurer’s Report
Approval of School Treasurer Bond
2019-2020 Prevailing Wages Rates of Edgar County
Continuation of all current policies, procedures, and accounting practices of Shiloh CUSD #1
Continuation of all current contracts and obligations of Shiloh CUSD #1
Authorize the payment of Shiloh CUSD #1 FY20 payroll expenses, utilities, and interest charging accounts as they come due
Application of Federal Grants: Title I and Title IIA
Application for carry-over funds: Title IID
Permanent transfer of FY19 Interest from the Working Cash Fund to the Education Fund Authorize the Superintendent to prepare the FY20 Budget
Wood seconded the motion.
Aye: Henry, Morris, Smith, Wood, Duzan
Nay: None
Motion carried: Aye – 5 Nay – 0
Principal’s Report – Beth Harbaugh
Office staff and administration participated in the Teacher Ease training this month. Aly Barry and Jennifer Weber-Hall have been working on getting on-line registration ready.
District handbooks will be completed this month and copies will be submitted to the Board for review before the July board meeting.
Spring sports banquet was held June 10 in the Kansas gym. Shiloh athletes represented well with the majority of those present in all three sports recognized.
Intermediate staff met on May 28th to begin the evaluation process of the math curriculum. Their goal is to recognize strengths but more important, to isolate areas of weakness and strategize how to better serve the students mastery of math. They will meet again on June 24th.
Superintendent’s Report – Dr. Allen Hall Has begun researching installation of solar panels which could save considerably on energy costs. There are options for units placed on the roof, on adjoining land, or off site.
Gym boards are available at $6.50 per board with bundles available at a reduced rate.
F.E. Moran inspected the fire alarm system and due to the age of the system there is difficulty getting replacement parts. Will look into a new system.
Morris moved to approve Payment of Bills. Duzan seconded the motion.
Aye: Morris, Smith, Wood, Duzan, Henry
Nay: None
Motion carried: Aye – 5 Nay – 0
IASB/IASA/IASBO Joint Annual Conference –Henry requested reservations.
Building Security – have interviewed some School Resource Officer applicants but there is little interest due to the rate of pay and it being a nine month position.
Henry moved to set the FY20 Budget Public Hearing date and time of August 19, 2019 at 6:50 PM.
Wood seconded the motion.
Aye: Smith, Wood, Duzan, Henry, Morris
Nay: None
Motion carried: Aye – 5 Nay – 0
Morris moved to approve the resignations of Barbara Board, District Treasurer and Board Recording Secretary and Stacy Luth, Junior High Volleyball Assistant Coach.
Henry seconded the motion.
Aye: Smith, Wood, Duzan, Henry, Morris
Nay: None
Motion carried: Aye – 5 Nay – 0
Wood moved to adjourn to Executive Session at 7:38 PM to discuss:
The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodges against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity, and
Collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives, and deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees, and
Student disciplinary cases, and
Discussion of minutes of meetings lawfully closed under the Act, whether for purpose of approval by the body of the minutes or semi-annual review of the minutes.
Duzan seconded the motion.
Aye: Duzan, Henry, Morris, Smith, Wood
Nay: None
Motion carried: Aye – 5 Nay – 0
Board returned to Open Session at 8:23PM.
Morris moved to approve the Executive Session Minutes of May 20, 2019. Duzan seconded the motion.
Aye: Smith, Wood, Duzan, Henry, Morris
Nay: None
Motion carried: Aye – 5 Nay – 0
Duzan moved to authorize the Board President to destroy the audio recordings of Shiloh CUSD #1 Board of Education Executive Sessions of December 2016 and prior.
Henry seconded the motion.
Aye: Wood, Duzan, Henry, Morris, Smith
Nay: None
Motion carried: Aye – 5 Nay – 0
Smith moved to approve employment of:
Mary Greifenkamp, Elementary Teacher
Phyllis Stone, Junior High Social Studies Teacher Teresa Hawkins, School Board Recording Secretary Aly Barry, District Treasurer
Brandon Richards, Bus Driver
Henry seconded the motion.
Aye: Duzan, Henry, Morris, Smith, Wood
Nay: None
Motion carried: Aye – 5 Nay – 0
Duzan moved to adjourn at 8:03 PM.
Morris seconded the motion.
Voice vote: Aye – 5 Nay – 0 Motion carried
The June 17, 2019, regular meeting of the Shiloh CUSD #1 Board of Education adjourned at 8:03 PM.