City of Effingham City Council met July 16.
Here is the minutes provided by the council:
1.1 Mayor Calls Meeting to Order
Time: 5:00 PM
1.2 Roll Call
Present: Mayor Schutzbach and Commissioners Gillenwater, Stephens, and Micenheimer
1.3 Pledge of Allegiance
2.1 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes (07/02/2019) - City Clerk Nosbisch Resolution: Approve
2.2 Monthly Permit Summary (May and June 2019)- Building Official Wilkins Resolution: Receive and File
2.3 Ordinance No. 041-2019, An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 13-2012, An Ordinance Amending Chapter 4 of the Municipal Code of the City of Effingham, Illinois (Liquor Control) - Mayor Schutzbach
Resolution: Pass
2.4 Ordinance No. 042-2019, An Ordinance Authorizing the Sale and/or Disposal of Personal Property - Deputy City Administrator Lock
Resolution: Pass
2.5 Resolution No. 102-2019, A Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of Liquor License to DJ's Party Supply Inc. in Effingham d/b/a DJ's Party Supply - Mayor Schutzbach Resolution: Adopt
2.6 Certificate of Project Completion and Release of Bonding for 2018 Sidewalk Replacement Program - Public Works Director Heuerman
Resolution: Approve
2.7 2018 Resurfacing Project - Change Order 2 - Public Works Director Heuerman Resolution: Approve
2.8 Omnibus Vote Agenda Approval Resolution: Approve
Motion to approve by Commissioner Gillenwater, second by Commissioner Micenheimer. Final Resolution: Motion Carried. 4-0
Yea: Mayor Schutzbach and Commissioners Micenheimer, Gillenwater, and Stephens
3.1 Ordinance No. 044-2019, An Ordinance Authorizing Purchase of Real Property (1601 S. Banker Street) - City Administrator Miller
Motion to approve by Commissioner Gillenwater, second by Commissioner Micenheimer. Final Resolution: Motion Carried. 4-0
Yea: Mayor Schutzbach and Commissioners Micenheimer, Gillenwater, and Stephens
3.2 2019 Resurfacing Project - Change Order 1 - Public Works Director Heuerman
Motion to approve by Commissioner Gillenwater, second by Commissioner Micenheimer. Final Resolution: Motion Carried. 4-0
Yea: Mayor Schutzbach and Commissioners Micenheimer, Gillenwater, and Stephens
3.3 Police Station Contract - Change Order 13 - City Administrator Miller
Motion to approve by Commissioner Gillenwater, second by Commissioner Micenheimer. Final Resolution: Motion Carried. 4-0
Yea: Mayor Schutzbach and Commissioners Micenheimer, Gillenwater, and Stephens
4.1 Bills and Requisitions
A. Payroll Check Register dated 07/05/2019 $ 282,204.54
B. Check Register dated 07/16/2019 $ 968,444.32
Motion to approve by Commissioner Gillenwater, second by Commissioner Micenheimer. Final Resolution: Motion Carried. 4-0
Yea: Mayor Schutzbach and Commissioners Micenheimer, Gillenwater, and Stephens
5.1 2019 Ford Avenue Reconstruction Project - Change Order 1 - Public Works Director Heuerman
There were no objections to bring this item back for approval.
5.2 Bid Letting - 2019 Pavement Patching Program - Public Works Director Heuerman
6.1 Reports from Commissioners
6.2 Reports from Staff - City Administrator Miller; Deputy City Administrator Lock; Public Works Director Heuerman; Economic Development Director Hull; Fire Chief Tutko; Police Chief McFarland; Tourism Director Thoele; City Treasurer Phillips; City Clerk Nosbisch
Public Works Director Heuerman discussed the cost associated with angled parking on the southside of the Courthouse Lawn on Jefferson Avenue noting that it is looking like it may be more cost prohibitive.
Police Chief McFarland discussed recent police matters regarding a homicide and drug arrests using SWAT.
6.3 Special Events: Effingham Jam BBQ Cook-off 6.4 Public Participation
7.1 Recess into Executive Session For the purpose of consideration of the following subjects, pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2 (c); Personnel- Section 2 (c) (1); Collective Bargaining- Section 2 (c) (2); Purchase or Lease of Real Estate - Section 2 (c) (5); Sale or Lease of Property - Section 2 (c) (6); Litigation - Section 2 (c) (11); and Review of Executive Session Minutes - Section 2 (c) (21). (If the Council desires to recess into executive session, the Council shall specifically indicate the desired topic of discussion for public record.)
7.2 Roll Call
8.1 Adjournment Time: 5:30 PM
Motion to approve by Commissioner Gillenwater, second by Commissioner Micenheimer. Final Resolution: Motion Carried. 4-0
Yea: Mayor Schutzbach and Commissioners Micenheimer, Gillenwater, and Stephens$file/July%2016%2C%202019.pdf