Arcola City Council met Aug. 5.
Here is the minutes provided by the council:
Mayor Ferguson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Members present were Alderpersons Foran, Huckstep, Smith, Hensley, Ferguson and Budd. City Administrator Wagoner, Treasurer Anderson and Attorney Bequette were also present.
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Alderman Foran led the council and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.
PUBLIC COMMENT There was none.
APPROVAL OF JULY 15, 2019 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Alderman Foran moved to approve the July 15, 2019 council meeting minutes as presented and was seconded by Alderman Smith. Roll call vote, Foran, aye; Huckstep, abstain; Smith, aye; Hensley, aye; Ferguson, aye; Budd, aye. Motion carried.
APPROVAL OF JULY 13, 2019 – AUGUST 02, 2019 BILLS Alderwoman Huckstep moved to approve the July 13, 2019 – August 02, 2019 bills as presented and was seconded by Alderman Foran. Roll call vote, all ayes. Motion carried.
APPROVAL OF THE TREASURER’S REPORT FOR JULY Alderman Smith moved to approve the Treasurer’s report for July and was seconded by Alderman Budd. Roll call vote, all ayes. Motion carried.
APPROVAL OF THE JULY ZONING OFFICER’S REPORT The Zoning Officer reported no permits issued in the month of July.
CONSIDER AND APPROVE ORDINANCE NO. 19-S-8, TIF REDEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT – 20% REBATE – DAN AND AUDREY KREIDER – 130 E MAIN Alderman Foran moved to approve Ordinance No. 19-S-8 and was seconded by Alderwoman Ferguson. Roll call vote, all ayes. Motion carried.
CONSIDER AND APPROVE ORDINANCE NO. 19-S-9, TIF REDEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT – STOREFRONT – DAN AND AUDREY KREIDER – 130 E MAIN Alderman Budd moved to approve Ordinance No. 19-S-9 and was seconded by Alderman Foran. Roll call vote, all ayes. Motion carried.
CONSIDER AND APPROVE ORDINANCE NO. 19-S-10, AMENDMENT TO TIF REDEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT FOR TODD AND JOANNE SITZ Alderman Foran moved to approve Ordinance 19-S-10 and was seconded by Alderman Hensley. Roll call vote, all ayes. Motion carried.
CONSIDER AND APPROVE ORDINANCE NO. 19-S-11, REDEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT WITH AF HOLDING CO./BEST WESTERN PLUS Alderman Smith moved to table this at this time and was seconded by Alderman Foran. Roll call vote, all ayes. Motion carried.
CONSIDER AND APPROVE RESOLUTION NO. 19-R-10, A RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT AND COMMITMENT OF FUNDS FOR OSLAD GRANT Alderman Foran moved to approve Resolution No. 19-R-10 and was seconded by Alderman Budd. Roll call vote, all ayes. Motion carried.
CONSIDER AND APPROVE PAY REQUEST #10 – TRUCK ROUTE – HALVERSON CONSTRUCTION -- $62,159.61 Alderman Foran moved to approve Pay Request #10 – Truck Route – Halverson Construction in amount of $62,159.61. Alderman Hensley seconded the motion. Roll call vote, all ayes. Motion carried.
Alderman Smith moved to approve a salary increase for Tad Freezeland in amount of 2.5% beginning August 06, 2019. Alderwoman Ferguson seconded the motion. Roll call vote, all ayes. Motion carried.
Reported the Park, Street & Alley Committee met prior to this meeting and discussed the OSLAD Grant, Hendrix Group seeding the soccer fields and other maintenance.
Alderwoman Huckstep Had nothing at this time.
Alderman Smith Had nothing at this time.
Alderman Hensley Had nothing at this time.
Alderwoman Ferguson Had nothing at this time.
Alderman Budd Had nothing at this time.
As this concluded the business of the meeting, Alderwoman Huckstep moved to adjourn and was seconded by Alderman Hensley. Roll call vote, all ayes. Motion carried.
Adjourned at 7:14 p.m.