Marshall City Council met July 8.
Here is the minutes provided by the council:
The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 6:30 P.M., with Mayor John Trefz presiding. Upon roll call, all council members were present except Green. Green was absent.
LeFever made a motion, seconded by Smitley, to approve the minutes of the previous meeting as written. Upon roll call, all council members present voted for. Motion carried.
Public Comment: Dustin Bishop thanked the City Employees for their work repairing a water line from the previous weekend. Warren LeFever read a letter from Jarod Green concerning the combined sewer problem at 11th Street and Vine Street.
New Business: NONE
Wallace made a motion, seconded by Pearce, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 2019-R-06, a Resolution Approving Amendment to Service Agreement Between the Marshall Area Chamber of Commerce and the City of Marshall, Dated May 22, 2017. Upon roll call, all members present voted for except LeFever, LeFever voted against. Motion carried.
Smitley made a motion, seconded by Hasten to pay the bills in the amount of $172,692.29. Upon roll call, all members present voted for. Motion carried.
LeFever made a motion, seconded by Smitley to adjourn. Upon roll call, all council members present voted for. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 6:45 P.M.