Villages of Moweaqua Village Trustees met Tuesday, April 23.
Here is the minutes provided by the trustees:
The Year End Annual Meeting of the Moweaqua Village Council was called to order by Mayor Neece leading in the Pledge to the Flag. Roll Call was answered by Tatum Plain, Dana Shuster, Marcia Maynard, J.D. Malone, Michael Reschke and Shawn Conlin. Employees present were Louis Jordan, Ramiro Estrada, Beth Hawn, Chief Maki, Officer Jones, Sandi Callison and Mischelle Davis. Others present included Danny Hawn, Amy Malone, Kenny Long, Brad Sams, Sean Hayes, Josh Whitney, Jill Jordan, Hal Burgener and Tyler McLain.
Conlin made the motion to approve the Year End Bills to be Paid with corrections and additions, Reschke seconded. Council voting Yes: 6, No: 0.
Tatum Plain reported for the Golf Committee that 130 season passes have been sold already this year. Last year the total number of passes was 134. Plain stated that gaming revenue has increased this month and golf leagues will begin soon. Plain also informed Council that the Mayor’s Open will be held on June 22nd.
Marcia Maynard reported a complaint regarding drainage behind property located on Pinkston Drive. A drainage ditch runs behind the properties on Pinkston Drive and is full of water much of the time. Maynard recommended that drainage and culvert work be a priority this season. All the rain we have experienced this spring has created a challenge in keeping run off flowing. Many culverts are in need of cleaning out or repair. Council was in agreement.
Michael Reschke turned the budget over to the newly elected Trustees and stated that there are still a few items that need to be updated before it is finished.
Police Committee Chairman Shawn Conlin informed Council that the State Police Induction for Constable Martin will be held May 2nd in Springfield. Chief Maki will be attending that ceremony. For further information contact Chief Maki.
Finance Committee Chairman Michael Reschke presented a spreadsheet showing TIF and Business District related expenses that can be reimbursed back to the General Fund and Golf Course Operations Accounts. After reviewing accounts as specified by TIF Consultant Keith Moran, Reschke stated that from 2015 to date $48,295.02 of eligible costs can be reimbursed to the General Fund from TIF funds, shown as “Option 1”. Reschke stated that the 2nd option would be to reimburse the General Fund $24,147.51 from TIF funds and $24,147.51 from Business District funds. After discussion, Maynard made the motion to reimburse General Fund $24,147.51 from TIF funds and $24,147.51 from Business District funds, “Option 2”, Plain seconded. Council voting Yes: 6, No: 0.
Reschke reported that because the Golf Course is in the Business District there are many eligible expenses that can be reimbursed to the Golf Course Operations Account as well, according to Keith Moran. Reschke presented a spreadsheet showing the Business District related expenses from 2015 to date which amounts to $28,760.88. After discussion Malone made the motion to reimburse the Golf Course Operations Account $28,760.88 from Business District funds, Conlin seconded. Council voting Yes: 6, No: 0.
Reschke explained that before the end of each fiscal year the treasurer requests approval to reimburse General Fund from the Telephone Tax Account for leaf expenses, new trees, stump removal, signs, sidewalk expenses, tiling and property maintenance wages. This year the reimbursable amount is approximately $30,000.00. After discussion Reschke made the motion to reimburse General Fund for leaf expenses, new trees, stump removal, signs, sidewalk expenses, tiling and property maintenance wages from the Telephone Tax Account, not to exceed $30,000.00, Shuster seconded. Council voting Yes: 6, No: 0.
Mayor Neece requested approval to amend Ordinance #95-105 to reflect the correct meeting time. Shuster made the motion to approve amending Ordinance #95-105 to specify that the Village Council Meetings are to be held on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6:30 P.M., Malone seconded. Council voting Yes: 6, No: 0.
Mayor Neece requested approval to reappoint Attorney Ed Flynn as legal counsel for fiscal year 2019-2020. Malone made the motion to approve the reappointment of Ed Flynn as legal counsel for fiscal year 2019-2020, Shuster seconded. Council voting Yes: 6, No: 0.
Personnel Committee Chairman J.D. Malone stated that the Committee met and agreed that the following employees should receive either a 2% or 3% wage increase beginning fiscal year 2019-2020: Roy Maki, Adam Jones, Ramiro Estrada, Anderson Himes, Zeb Addison, Louis Jordan, Sandra Callison, Mischelle Davis, Beth Hawn, Lola Allen, Brad Burcham, Mike Jenkins and Mark Oesch. After discussion Malone made the motion to approve a 3% wage increase for said employees effective May 2, 2019, Long seconded. Council voting Yes: 6, No: 0.
Mayor Neece presented a Façade Grant application submitted by Haldon Burgener. Burgener will make improvements to his building located at 123 N. Main. Proposed improvements include painting, new exterior doors, new windows, shutters and awning. Maynard made the motion to approve the Façade Grant application submitted by Haldon Burgener for property located at 123 N. Main, up to the maximum reimbursement allowed, $2,000.00, Whitney seconded. Council voting Yes: 6, No: 0.
Mayor Neece presented TIF requests from the Moweaqua Township Park District and Central A & M Community Unit District 21. Park Board Commissioner Mark Jostes submitted repair and resurface quotes. The quotes ranged in price from $39,480.00 to $148,400.00. Council agreed that these projects are more extensive than what the Village would like to donate for due to the fact that TIF funds are to be made accessible to everyone in the TIF area. TIF Consultant Keith Moran recommended that Council keep in mind how much tax revenue is generated by applicants and then donate accordingly. The Park District will be asked to submit for another project.
Central A & M is requesting $28,900.00 for an internally illuminated sign with graphics. The sign and message center will be installed on a six-foot steel structure with a painted aluminum pole covering. The school district will pay for the installation to electrical and wiring of approximately $7,000.00 and also the computer dedicated for sign information at $500.00. After discussion Maynard made the motion to approve donating $28,900.00 of TIF funds to Central A & M School District for an illuminated sign with graphics, Shuster seconded. Council voting Yes: 6, No: 0.
Mayor Neece requested a motion to adjourn if there was no further business to come before Council. Malone made the motion to adjourn, Whitney seconded. Council voting Yes: 6, No: 0.