
East Central Reporter

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Westfield Village Board met April 1

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Westfield Village Board met April 1.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

Members Present: Bill Fouty, Nate Evans, Seth Edwards, Aaron Hacker, Julia Gladu, Dave Cutright

Members Absent: Scott Adams

Others Present: Supt. Blake Coartney, Sherry Robison, Rob Robison, Jim Dollahan, Jeremy Hacker, Reporter Gary Strohm, Jim Roberts, Ervin Schultz, Charles Burke, David Davis, Trent Mason, Justin Goble, Mary & Charles Buchanan

Call to Order: Meeting called to order by Mayor Fouty at 7:00 p.m.

Roll Call: Fouty, present, Cutright, present, Adams, absent, Edwards, present, Evans, present, Hacker, present, Gladu, present

Pledge of Allegiance: Given

Approve March Regular Minutes: Evans made motion to accept the minutes of the regular meeting. Edwards seconded the motion. Motion carried. Approved

Approve March Special Meeting Minutes: Hacker made the motion to accept the minutes of the special meeting. Evans seconded the motion. Motion carried. Approved.

Approve Payment of Bills: Motion to accept payment of bills was made by Edwards seconded by Gladu. Cutright, aye, Adams, absent, Edwards, aye, Evans, aye, Hacker, aye, Gladu, aye. Motion carried. Approved.

Approve Financial Statement: Cutright made motion to accept the financial statement. Evans seconded the motion. Motion carried. Approved.

Approve Transfer of Funds: None

Citizens Comments: Ervin Schultz asked if Westfield would be interested in having Casey Co-ed Softball for +30. Discussion took place about what would need to be done to get the ball diamond ready. David Davis asked about an ordinance prohibiting horses in town. Trent Mason stated that the horses have damaged his property.

Discuss and Approve Committee Reports: Gladu made the motion to accept the gym committee meeting minutes. Edwards seconded the motion. Motion carried. Approved

Discuss and Approve Police Report: Report reviewed. Hacker made the motion to approve the police report, Edwards seconded the motion. Motion carried. Approved.

Discuss and Approve A Policy Concerning Officer-Involved Shootings: Hacker made the motion to approve the policy concerning office involved shootings. Evans seconded the motion. Motion carried. Approved.

Discuss and Approve Utility Superintendent’s Report: Report discussed. Gladu made the motion to accept the utility superintendent report. Evans seconded the motion. Motion carried. Approved.

Discuss and Approve a Supplemental Resolution for 2013 Motor Fuel Appropriations in the Amount of $2,000: Hacker made the motion to approve a supplemental resolution for 2013 Motor Fuel Appropriations in the amount of $2,000. Cutright seconded the motion. Motion carried. Approved.

Discuss and Approve 2019 Motor Fuel Appropriations for $27,000: Hacker made the motion to approve 2019 Motor Fuel Appropriation for $27,000. Gladu seconded the motion. Motion carried. Approved.

Discuss An Ordinance Creating Chapter 3 Article V of the Village Code Regarding the Keeping of Farm Animals: Discussed.

Other Business: Gladu asked about what was happening with the old police car. Mayor Fouty stated that it was sold and they were waiting to receive the tittle. Gladu also asked about the Spring clean-up day. Discussion took place on properties that need cleaned up. Hacker asked about the buildings downtown and Markwell’s building. Gladu informed the board that WIL was having community pot luck and would like feedback on community projects. The lack of an answering machine at the police station was discussed. Hacker reminded everyone that election day is April 2.

Adjourn Meeting: Evans made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:17 p.m. Edwards seconded the motion. Motion carried. Approved.
